Indian Pick-Up Artist: The Art of Seduction

5 min readNov 14, 2018

What does Seduction mean to an Indian Pick-Up Artist?

Seduction is a process of deliberately enticing or luring a person sexually towards yourself. An Indian Pick-Up Artist may want to seduce someone for different reasons like entering a relationship, trying to get a date or in most cases just a one night stand. Sex is the ultimate desire for men and seduction is the game which, if played right, helps you fulfill that desire.

Seduction is an art which can be learnt over a period of time and excelled with practice. It is an art of sexually arousing a woman with subtle physical moves and alluring conversations. It is also a science because it involves carefully designed combination of moves/ steps to help you in increasing your success rate with women.

The art of seduction is not new. In fact it has been there since the very existence of life on earth. Be it the era of “Adam and Eve” or “Casanova”. Seduction has been a very vital element for romance or one night stands.

If you, as an Indian Pick-Up Artist, play the game of seduction right, the success rate of achieving your desires is very high. Almost a hundred percent. Now this art is not something that can be learnt and excelled overnight. It takes a lot of practice and constant approaching to get it right. Also the right kind of guidance is very important to master the art of seduction and luckily for us, in today’s generation we have a community of Pick Up Artists who help us in speeding the learning process.

Who is a Indian Pick-Up Artist (PUA)?

A Pick-Up Artist (PUA) is a person who, with constant practice, excels the art of finding and seducing women for mostly casual sex or a one night stand. With constant practice and quantitative approaching, an Indian Pick-Up Artist carefully observes and designs a pattern or combination of moves, like the ones we here at theBROthing teach, that have been proven to succeed in attracting Indian women.

A Pick-Up Artist (PUA) works in a certain way and abides by certain patterns that he has developed over the time. He knows how to read body language and knows exactly what will work with different women. A pick up artist can convert any situation, be it good bad or ugly, to his advantage by working his way around it, without succumbing to any pressure. Basically an Indian Pick-Up Artist is someone who knows the right moves at the right time and has already mastered his GAME.

What is The Game?

The Game basically is the art of picking up, i.e. approaching, women. It is what a pick up artist excels at. There can be various motives to playing the game. Like to build a success rate with women, building confidence, or as many may say — enhancing their way of life.

Game not only teaches you to step out of your comfort zone but also helps you become more confident and add leadership qualities to your personality.

Remember the book by the same name — The Game. Well it talks about pick up artists and how they as a community helped train other men by the means of live boot camps to improve upon their skills to pick up women and to help them build a stronger game for themselves.

In India, too, we have such a community.

The Two Types of Game

In the Pick Up world, there are two types of game:

  1. Day Game
  2. Night Game

How an Indian Pick-Up Artist Plays the Day Game

Day Game is the art of picking up women during the daytime without actually having to go to a night club. To be honest, it is much better and easier than a night game wherein you approach women in clubs with hundred other men around who can be a hindrance or a “cock block”. Also women perceive men who approach during the day without being under the influence of alcohol (creepy drunk men is a fear of a lot of Indian women), and you’re perceived as more of a gentleman with genuine intents of actually pursuing her rather than just having a casual one night stand with her.

During a day game you can meet beautiful women anywhere in a mall, a coffee shop, a movie theater or bumping into her while walking down the street.

The trick is to approach them with confidence. For an opener you can be as direct as walking up to her confidently and saying a Hi, or finding an excuse like asking for time or direction. If you are confident enough you may just walk up to her and compliment her on her looks or her sense of style.

If you see a positive response, quickly seize the moment and, depending upon the situation, ask her for a coffee at a nearby coffee shop or at least try and get her number and ask her out later. The trick is to not give up or lose hope. If it does not work out with one keep on approaching others as it will definitely work with someone else. But keep on practicing your day game to get better results with time and experience and keep a note of what moves work best for you.

How an Indian Pick-Up Artist Plays the Night Game

In a night game you mostly approach women in clubs or in a party scene. It can be difficult with loud music and a tough competition from all the other men around. You need to have a much louder approach as compared to the day game and need to stand out from the rest. The one advantage you have is that women while partying at night under the influence of alcohol are mostly expecting to be approached or hit upon by men. You need to come across as confident and with a good opening line to start a conversation.

There are three steps to be followed during the night game:

1. Open: as the name suggest, it is the conversation starter. It can be anything from a hi to coming up with a random excuse to talk to her. Just be confident when you approach as that makes all the difference.

2. Hook: once you start a conversation you need to make sure that you build a rapport with her and get her interested in you, finally seducing her towards you leading up to a date or sex whatever it is you desire. A pick up artist with experience becomes an expert on catching the subtle hints that a woman gives out and accordingly makes the next move.

3. Close: closing is when a pick up artist gets what he wants- a date or casual sex. A pick up artist usually gets what he wants as he knows how to make his way around any given situation.

Since we here at theBROthing have made it our mission to help our brothers out there in enhancing and developing their lifestyle and achieve better outcomes in life and gain more confidence. Our trainers also provide services of live bootcamps to become more confident with women and build a stronger game and excel in picking up or approaching women. Check out our coaching services and contact us if you’re interested in taking your seduction skills to greater heights.

Get Your Game On Guys!!

