The Bureau of Uncommonness

Zachary Alexander Rice: Blurring the Lines Between Reality and Fiction

Bryce Sander
4 min readMay 16, 2024


“…The Bureau of Uncommonness. I wanted to create something that not only entertains but also educates and provokes thought.”

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital influence and entertainment, is Zachary Alexander Rice. At just 19 years old, Zachary has not only carved out a name for himself as an accomplished actor and influencer but also as a futurist who resonates deeply with Generation Z. With over 3 million followers across various social media platforms, Zachary’s journey is a testament to his unique blend of talent, intellect, and relatability.

The Actor Who Investigates the Unseen

Zachary’s latest venture is a groundbreaking television series that promises to blur the lines between reality and fiction. The show, based on his real-life investigative business, The Bureau of Uncommonness, delves into the world of the supernatural. From paranormal phenomena to cryptids, UFOs, and the mysteries of consciousness, Zachary takes a scientific approach to his investigations. His team comprises consultants who are leaders in their respective fields, ensuring that each investigation is as credible as it is intriguing.

Bryce: Zachary, your new series has generated a lot of buzz. How did the concept come about?

Zach: The idea for the series stemmed from my work with The Bureau of Uncommonness. I wanted to create something that not only entertains but also educates and provokes thought. The supernatural has always fascinated me, and through my studies in phenomenology at The Supernatural University, I’ve developed a more scientific approach to these phenomena. The show is an extension of that passion, bringing real investigations to a broader audience.

Balancing Multiple Roles

Balancing his roles as an actor, influencer, and investigator is no small feat. Zachary’s ability to juggle these responsibilities is nothing short of impressive.

Bryce: You wear so many hats — actor, influencer, investigator. How do you manage it all?

Zach: It definitely requires a lot of discipline and time management. But I’m incredibly lucky to have mentors who guide me. People like Craig Clemens from Golden Hippo have been instrumental in my journey. Craig is a brilliant businessman, but he’s also a devoted family man. He’s a good man, and that’s something I want to emulate in my own life.

Zachary Alexander Rice aka @ZachRiceTV

Bryce: Speaking of support, how has your mother, McKenzie Van Dorne- Rice, influenced your journey?

Zach: My mom has been my rock. She’s currently executive producing a project with James Cameron, which is amazing. Her “never give up” attitude is something I’ve always admired and learned from. She’s always encouraged me to pursue my passions relentlessly, no matter the obstacles. Her guidance and support have been invaluable in shaping who I am today.

A Generation Z Icon

What sets Zachary apart is his deep connection with his generation. Generation Z looks up to him not just for his achievements but for his authenticity and relatability. He’s an influencer who understands the pressures and anxieties that come with the digital age.

Bryce: You have a strong connection with your contemporaries. What message do you hope to convey to your followers?

Zach: I want my followers to know that it’s okay to be curious and to seek out the unknown. Whether it’s exploring the supernatural or pursuing a passion, it’s important to stay true to yourself and not be afraid of what others might think. We live in a time where we have so many opportunities to learn and grow, and I hope to inspire others to take advantage of that.

The Road Ahead

With his new series set to premiere on one of the largest streaming service in America, Zachary Alexander Rice is poised to reach new heights. The show promises to be a unique blend of reality and fiction, pushing the boundaries of conventional television.

Bryce: What can viewers expect from your new series?

Zach: Viewers can expect a mix of real investigations and dramatized elements to enhance the storytelling. It’s designed to be both informative and entertaining. We want to engage the audience, provoke thought, and maybe even change the way people perceive the supernatural.

As Zachary continues to break new ground, his journey serves as an inspiration to many. With his feet firmly planted in both reality and the extraordinary, Zachary Alexander Rice is truly a trailblazer for his generation.

*This is the first of a three-part series on Actor, Influencer, and Futurist Zachary Alexander Rice, also known as ZachRiceTV.*

