Top Reasons Your Zazzle Products Aren’t Selling

here is what I have learnt so far!

Greece Aberdeen
4 min readFeb 16, 2024
Photo by Clarissa Carbungco on Unsplash

If you are interested in my Zazzle business then do check out this list.

I know many of you are into the Zaazle business or maybe finding it difficult to make sales. worry not. because I have suffered from the same.

A few years back when I started my store I wasn’t sure of how to make this a scalable business. I already have three stores on Redbubble and Zazzle was really attracting me with its customization-based products.

I love personalized products myself if you ask!

Now if you are finding it difficult then worry not. I will try my best to share some of my insights on how you can increase your sales on Zazzle. Make sure you bookmark this page for future use!

How I made my first $1000 on Zazzle

12 Reasons Your Zazzle Products Aren’t Selling

There are a number of reasons that your products may not be selling, but the following is a list of the most common reasons.

  1. Keywords Are Important: I realize that without proper keywords, my products might be invisible to potential buyers. That’s why I always make sure that every product title, description, and tag is rich with relevant keywords that people are searching for. I use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Zazzle’s own keyword tool to find the right terms.
  2. Not Proper Keywords: I know the importance of using the right keywords. Using irrelevant or overly broad keywords can hurt my visibility. So, I’m careful to be specific and strategic with my keyword selection, focusing on terms directly related to my products and target audience.
  3. Low Quality Design: I have to be honest here — Quality matters. That’s why I invest time in creating visually appealing designs that resonate with my audience. I pay attention to factors like color scheme, typography, and overall aesthetics to ensure my products stand out in a crowded marketplace.
  4. Oversaturated Niche might be the problem: Competing in a highly saturated niche can be tough. That’s why I explore niche markets within my broader category where there’s less competition. This allows me to carve out a unique designs for my products.
  5. There is actually No Demand: I make sure to research well in the specific niche before investing time and effort. I look for trends, conduct surveys, or analyze competitors to gauge interest in my niche. By creating products that fulfill a need or cater to a specific audience, I increase my sales potential.
  6. Design Are Not Proper: I always double-check my designs for any mistakes before publishing. I also seek feedback from peers and use design software to ensure professional quality.
  7. No Option for Personalization: I know that personalized products often have higher appeal. That’s why I offer customization options such as adding names, dates, or custom messages to my designs. This attracts customers looking for unique, one-of-a-kind items.
  8. Niching Down is the key: I never liked general niche. I always preferred narrow/micro niches. By identifying a niche within my broader category and tailoring my products to cater to the preferences and interests of that audience, I increase my chances of success.
  9. Not Promoting your store enough: I know that simply listing products isn’t enough; I need to actively promote them. That’s why I utilize social media, email marketing, influencer collaborations, or paid advertising to increase visibility and drive traffic to my store.
  10. Less Products on your store: I realize that a limited product range can restrict my appeal to potential buyers. That’s why I constantly expand my product offerings to provide variety and cater to different tastes within my niche, increasing the likelihood of making a sale.
  11. Storefront should be complete: I know that a disorganized or incomplete storefront can deter visitors. That’s why I optimize my Zazzle store by organizing products into categories, adding clear navigation, and ensuring all necessary information, such as shipping details and return policies, is readily available.
  12. Low-quality Cover Photos: I understand that eye-catching cover photos are crucial for attracting attention. That’s why I avoid using generic or low-quality images and instead opt for high-resolution, visually engaging photos that accurately represent my products and brand aesthetic. I experiment with different layouts and styles to find what resonates best with my target audience.

My final Thoughts

Zazzle is not a get-rich-quick business. Like Redbubble, TeePublic, Etsy. Zazzle also requires time and effort. it took me 3–4 months to make my first sale. And there were so many mistakes I was doing with my Zazzle store.

If you want to learn more about the Zazzle business then do check out this.

How I made my first $1000 on Zazzle

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18 Pros and Cons of Selling on Zazzle

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