How I Am Building An Army of Micro Affiliate Businesses

how to do affiliate business online

Greece Aberdeen
2 min readMay 2, 2024
Photo by Microsoft Edge on Unsplash

I love affiliate business. There are several reasons to this.

From all of them, one thing I love the most is that I can promote multiple products at the same time.

Up till now, I was STRICTLY promoting only 3 products. 3rd product was not much profiting me. I mean I didn’t make much money from it. Maybe wrong decision or something. But this isn’t going to stop me from making an army of affiliate businesses.

This is what I am going to do.

  1. Find a list of 3 micro-niches — This time I will pick small niches, mainly because they are really easy to manage. Some examples I am looking forward to is — woodworking, hair care, and so on.
  2. Deciding on the platform — I mostly promote my affiliate businesses on Medium, Instagram, and YouTube. I use Pinterest just to increase traffic to these accounts in case you wanna know. Some micro-niches work well on medium, while some on Instagram. The hair care niche will work best on Instagram while micro-tech-related topics will work well on Medium. So I will search for the perfect platform for all these 3 micro-niches.
  3. Finding authority accounts — On Instagram, this works so well. It’s easy to find an authority account. So I’ll find one for each (active ones only).
  4. Engage — I engage with these accounts on a daily basis. Not too much. 20–30 people per day is okay. I won’t overdo this. It’s tiring.
  5. Monetize — I will start monetizing once I have 200 followers. I usually used to wait for 500 followers before monetizing. For monetization, I’ll go for Digistore24, ClickBank, or direct. Of course products with more good reviews and more commission. No one wants to work for 5% to 10% anymore. I’ll see for 40% and higher.

This is going to take me the whole year.

one question you may ask why micro-niches?

  • easy to manage
  • don’t need to update regularly
  • make around $300 easily
  • dominating the niche becomes easy

Affiliate business, I consider to be the best one out there because I never have to worry about customers or product creation.

My whole focus goes into marketing stuff and thats what I’d like to do currently. This way I’ll have more income streams that don’t have to be updated regularly.

Interested in learning affiliate business? Grab my ebook — Affiliate Marketing Course

