How I Do Affiliate Marketing Without a Website?

start with $0 investment

Greece Aberdeen
4 min readMay 9, 2024
Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

I love affiliate marketing. Its been a top earners for me right now. Other one is POD but that’s in the backburner right now.

One business at a time.

So, I see many people do want to start making money from affiliate marketing. So where the actual problem is?

You have a great niche.

You have signed up for an affiliate networking site.

You also have put in countless amounts of time to find the right product.

But again, how to promote it?

Nope, I won’t recommend you to jump into web hosting and buy doman name yet. Even if you don’t still you’ll make full-time income as I do.

I don’t have a self-hosted blog but still make a full-time income in case you wanna know.

So before I tell you the secret, the first thing is to see why I won’t advise you to have a self-hosted website for your affiliate marketing business.

Sometimes Websites Can Be a Pain In The Back

I had 2 websites 3 years back. I started it with the sole mission of doing affiliate marketing.

Do you know the feeling of starting a business that you can call your own? Everyone seems to be saying, “Start a blog so that you have total control over it!”

Yeah yeah. I did have the OVERALL control of my business but there were big drawbacks that no one seemed to care about. Or I think not many are talking nowadays.

It’s not what many think. Owning a blog is a difficult work. And if you give me 2 minutes I’ll explain to you all the pain I have to go through to have this “TOTAL CONTROL” over my businesses.

There were a lot of problems when I first started my own affiliate marketing blog. I am listing here only a few of them. It’s enough to give you goosebumps.

  • I spent countless time on searching for a good domain name and then a hosting provider. Have to watch numerous YouTube videos for hosting reviews.
  • Domain fees are less. But hosting fees? You know better!
  • Setting up my blogs was not an easy task!
  • I love installing themes. But the pretty ones are really expensive. And free ones were making my site SLOW.
  • When my website went live, I was so happy only to discover the other day that my comment section had been spammed.
  • Traffic. You won’t like this part. SEO is the real pain.
  • Even if you have traffic, good luck with leads. Make sure the emails you get are valid!

Don’t get me wrong here. I really love having my own blogs for doing affiliate marketing. But these are something that I cannot even ignore. Writing articles, doing SEO, and driving traffic from social media is already time-consuming.

I wanted to save my time. So I went straight with social media instead of my own blog.

Which Is The Best Way to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing without a Website?

Only one answer here.

Social media.

Driving traffic to my self-hosted blogs was not an easy task. Many people won’t even click the link to your self-hosted website.

From 100 people visiting your social media profile, only a few will even click on your website link. I said very few.

And if your hosting is not so great as it was mine then good luck! Because the website will take millions of years to load. The audience doesn’t like that. Mine took 16 seconds to load.

I didn’t have money that great. So I went with a cheaper solution and it turned out to be a complete nightmare for me.

Alternatives to self-hosted websites?

This will save your —

  • Time
  • Energy
  • Money

few social media that I really love and have made money —

  1. Medium — I will include this on the top of my list. because Medium is where I have many blogs and really love writing on them. There are certain rules when it comes to promoting on Medium. I will cover that in the next article.
  2. Instagram — This is my second favoyrite right now. All my POD businesses run entirely from Instagram. So thought to give it a try. Believe me, you won’t regret it.
  3. YouTube — I am not into creating videos much. Medium, Instagram, and Pinterest take most of my time. But YouTube is trendy right now. Everyone’s creation is on YouTube. So I have decided to give it a try.
  4. Pinterest — There are many tricks involved in selling on Pinterest. But above that, I get many organic traffic for free! I never ever paid for any ads.

I hope I have convinced you enough here!

I have wasted a lot of my time maintaining my website. I hope you will learn and use resources that are available to you at free of cost.

Interested in learning affiliate business? Grab my ebook — Affiliate Marketing Course

