How I Do Affiliate Marketing Without a Website and Make Money

Affiliate marketing for beginners: Step-by-step guide (2024)

Greece Aberdeen
4 min readJun 10, 2024
Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

I started my affiliate marketing journey… not with Medium, even not with a blog (I had two before!). I started my affiliate marketing business with Instagram. I did it for almost 1 year when I decided to shift to blogs like Medium. Instagram worked for me very well but I preferred blogs more than reels or posts.

I always wanted to have my own blogs in different niches and this is what I am doing to ahcive it. If you are into Instagram Affiliate Marketing then do check this ebook. You’ll find it useful for your affiliate sales.

Now, I see many want to do affiliate marketing but they face one problem. No website. websites are not cheap. There is a domain, then hosting and after this, you need a few plugins (free ones don’t work well most of the time!) and then not to forget themes. Good light themes cost a minimum $100.

The ever-increasing cost led me to find ways that I can do affiliate marketing without a website. So from Instagram, I started doing affiliate marketing on Medium and have never looked it back.

Remember, you can choose any platform of your choice. But the steps will remain the same!

How does affiliate marketing work?

If you are absolutely new then let me tell you what exactly affiliate marketing is.

Affiliate marketing means you promote someone else’s product and they give a part of the revenue to you.

I say I am part of a program where the product cost if $100 and the commission is 50%. It means that whenever someone buys the product through my link, I’ll make $50 each time. Means $50 for each sale in my pocket!

Sometimes the revenue also consists of per sale or per lead. Some also have recurring commissions.

Is it possible to start affiliate marketing with no money?

I am doing it right now. I promote affiliate products mostly on Instagram and Medium. And also sometimes Pinterest. No website. Nothing.

Steps to start affiliate marketing with no money

If you want to become a successful affiliate marketer or even want to make your first $1000 then these steps will be quite useful to you. If I want to start one more blog on Medium, I’ll do the same.

  1. I always start with a niche — There are some niches I love a lot. That’s wealth, making money online, entrepreneurship, health, etc. I am sure you must have your fav. niche as well. Choose any one of your choices. Money can be made in every single niche out there.
  2. I choose the platform accordingly — There are so many platforms where you can do affiliate marketing — YouTube, Medium, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, or blogs. You can pick anyone of your choice. I stick mainly to Pinterest, Instagram, and Medium for now.
  3. One affiliate program at a time — Once due to excitement I joined more than 3 affiliate programs on Partnerstack and found it very difficult to promote them all. It happens to every new affiliate marketer out there. Not to worry. Just pick one or two. See what your competitors are selling. This will give you an idea of which programs to join.
  4. Use the right keyword — I mostly use the particular platform’s search bar to find the relevant keywords. There are paid tools as well in case you have a budget. Paid tools will give you faster results.
  5. Create relevant and engaging content — Creating content is one of the most tedious tasks. I use AI but that’s limited because unique content makes a big difference. If the product is too good then go with AI.
  6. Keep up with audience engagement — One of the toughest and time-consuming tasks of all. Engagement. If you can devote a small time each day then well and good! I prefer half an hour each day now.

Advantages of being an affiliate marketer

  1. want to work alone? Go ahead! want to work with a team? still no problem!
  2. I don’t have to make a call in order to make a sale!
  3. Along with this, I have developed many in-demand skills such as making reels and writing contents.
  4. It’s passive income!
  5. No entry barrier. Anyone can get started for free.
  6. No handling of customers … my fav. part.
  7. No inventory which I love a lot.
  8. I can work part-time and even full-time.

Disadvantages of being an affiliate marketer

  1. I hate reading terms and conditions.
  2. commissions can change. I recently experienced this. I signed up for a program because they were paying me 45% of the sales revenue. Now it’s only 20%.
  3. I have to depend on owners to do things right.
  4. Advertisements can be a big problem for affiliate marketers.

Enough for today :). Have to go back my Instagram account is waiting for me.

Affiliate marketing takes a little longer if you don’t optimize your platform. I will talk about this soon. Make sure you don’t create content and expect to happen things in one night. Keep working and you’ll make a full-time income from this business soon!

Interested in learning affiliate business? Grab my ebook — Affiliate Marketing Course

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