I Made Money Selling Simple Cliparts Online

this is how I do it

Greece Aberdeen
2 min readMar 23, 2024
Photo by Nikhil Dafare on Unsplash

Let’s see how I do it. Because I know you are in a hurry so short article for now :)

How I create and sell clipart online

  1. Pick a small … I mean very small category. Why? Because there are already big players doing this. You don’t have to compete with them. What we will do is to pick just a small niche. Any of your choice!
  2. Use Midjourney or any AI tool to create clipart. You can do it yourself if you are an artist. However, I have used Midjourney AI in this case. I used simple prompts first to test the water. Then I keep on adjusting my prompt to get the desired output. You can learn more about Midjourney Prompt here.
  3. Then pick a platform to sell your work. I picked Etsy in this case. Why? Because there were already tons of traffic for this niche. I wanted a store that sold only clipart. this way I made more money with less work.
  4. Promote my work on Instagram. You can pick any platform of your choice. Pinterest is another one which I like a lot but due to lack of time, I stayed with Instagram only.
  5. i used to follow sellers in my niche. Why? Simple. I want their audience!

I would suggest to try this out and see the results yourself. My niche wasn’t clipart as a whole but very small niche in that category.

screenshot by author

ChatGPT gave me tons of sub-niches to start from. I picked one of my choices. I will advise the same to you as well.

In case you are absolutely new to Midjourney AI then do check this out.

Ultimate Guide to Midjourney 2024: Master AI Art Creation

