Instagram Affiliate Marketing — Try My 90 Days Challenge

you won’t regret it

Greece Aberdeen
2 min readMay 14, 2024
Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

Everyone wants to make money online.

They want to make money fast and within less time frame. Alas, this is actually not possible. Some efforts are required from your side to achieve this goal.

One of my fav. online business is affiliate marketing. And above that Medium and Instagram are my best places to do it.

I have given here some short tips that I do myself. I have already tested out this and I am sure this will help you as well.

So if you want to get into Instagram affiliate marketing and don’t know how to achieve your goals then I am sure you’ll find this useful!

Instagram Affiliate Marketing — My 90 Days Challenge

  1. Choose a niche. Here I would recommend to go for a micro niche like woodworking, email marketing, AI art, AI voice, keto diet and so on. It has to be a micro-niche.
  2. Use the niche name in your username and also bio.
  3. Add a product link in the bio (don’t have to tell you this right :))
  4. Find an audience in this niche. Find only 10 people per day.
  5. Leave 1 useful comment on their latest post. If possible go for reeels for faster results. Only 10.

My final thoughts

It took me 100 days to get my first 100 followers because my niche wasn’t perfect. I kept changing it. Once you find one niche then stick to it. Posting reels every single day has helped me a lot.

This also works on TikTok. If you want, you can post the same reels on both platforms.

Finding affiliate products is a little tricky here. There are many products out there but not all will work for you. If you audience is small then I’ll recommend to go for a product that is under $50 with a 50% commission. You should be getting $25 for each sale. This is enough to keep you going. Once you have enough audience, just change the product link. Promote those products that are a bit expensive.

Make sure you don’t get greedy. I once promoted a product ($200 commission) that didn’t sell ever. You got this right? :)

Interested in learning affiliate business? Grab my ebook — Affiliate Marketing Course

