Stardust Memories

In the vast expanse of the cosmos deep,
Where celestial wonders forever keep,
Lie the remnants of stars, long since gone,
Their legacy, a stardust memory, living on.

From the ashes of their fiery demise,
The stardust drifts, through the endless skies.
A shimmering veil, of cosmic light,
Painting the universe, with its ethereal sight.

Each speck of stardust, a story untold,
Of a star that burned, so bright and bold.
A testament to the power, of the stellar forge,
Where elements were born, in the cosmic gorge.

The stardust travels, on the solar winds,
A journey of eons, that never ends.
Through nebulae and galaxies, it weaves its way,
A celestial wanderer, forever at play.

And as it dances, through the void of space,
It carries with it, a cosmic grace.
A reminder of the beauty, that once shone,
In the hearts of stars, now long gone.

For in the stardust, lies the memory,
Of the universe’s, grand tapestry.
A record of the cosmos, and its endless dance,
Of creation and destruction, in a cosmic trance.

And when the stardust, falls to Earth,
It brings with it, a celestial birth.
A touch of the heavens, in every grain,
A stardust memory, forever ingrained.

In the rocks and soil, the stardust lies,
A cosmic treasure, hidden from our eyes.
But in the quiet moments, when we look up high,
We can feel its presence, in the starlit sky.

For we are all, made of stardust too,
The remnants of stars, forever true.
In every atom, of our earthly frame,
Burns the memory, of a stellar flame.

And as we journey, through this life on Earth,
We carry with us, the stardust’s worth.
A cosmic legacy, that forever shines,
In the depths of our souls, and the depths of our minds.

So let us cherish, the stardust memories,
And hold them close, like precious reveries.
For in their shimmering light, we find,
A connection to the universe, and all of kind.

And when our time, on Earth is through,
And we return, to the cosmic brew,
Our stardust memories, will forever fly,
In the endless dance, of the starlit sky.

Stardust memories, a cosmic embrace,
A reminder of our place, in the infinite space.
In every speck, a story to tell,
Of the wonders that in, the universe dwell.

So let us live, like the stars above,
Burning bright, with passion and love.
And when we fade, into the cosmic night,
Our stardust memories, will forever light.



Ismael S Rodriguez Jr (The Bulletproof Poet)

I learn, create, and overcome. I write, paint, blog, and practice grey witchcraft. I served in the Navy and have schizophrenia and PTSD.