3 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires

Stack The Odds In Your Favor

Cameron Scott
5 min readJan 21, 2024
Photo by Raymond Lee on Unsplash

The adage that money doesn’t buy happiness is a lie.

If you have problems caused by a lack of money, and making money solves those problems — then money just made you happier.

People who are honest to themselves that money is something they’re striving towards — make more of it. You get what you focus on. So focus on what you want.

In this article, I’ll provide 3 no-BS insights that will help you make more money. The most powerful habits I picked up on a 5-year long journey as a business owner to my first million.

I wish somebody would have told me these things when I first got started in the game of entrepreneurship. They led me to become way more successful in business, which in turn, significantly increased my earning capacity.

The first one will pour rocket fuel on your biggest goal right now — let’s go.

Master Your Process

When I first started in business, I was purely focused on outcomes and goals.

This led to waves of motivation and huge action followed by waves of demotivation and not a whole lot of action.

Needless to say, this inconsistency meant I didn’t make much progress.



Cameron Scott

Entrepreneur, investor + self-improvement enthusiast. Scaling my businesses and documenting what I learn. Join The ROI Report > thecameronscott.substack.com