10 Habits to ignore to earn Respect in Organization

Cejum India
2 min readJun 15, 2023


To earn respect in an organization, it’s important to cultivate positive habits and avoid certain behaviors that can undermine your credibility and reputation. Here are ten habits to ignore in order to earn respect:

  1. Gossiping: Refrain from engaging in office gossip or spreading rumors about colleagues. Gossiping creates a negative environment and erodes trust among team members.
  2. Taking Credit for Others’ Work: Acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of your colleagues. Taking credit for someone else’s work diminishes trust and damages professional relationships.
  3. Disrespecting Boundaries: Respect personal boundaries and avoid intrusive behavior. Be mindful of others’ privacy and personal space, both in-person and online.
  4. Poor Communication: Strive for effective and respectful communication. Avoid interrupting others, speaking over them, or dismissing their ideas. Listen actively and respond thoughtfully.
  5. Negativity: Maintain a positive attitude and avoid constant complaining or negativity. Focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems.
  6. Lack of Accountability: Take ownership of your actions and accept responsibility for mistakes. Avoid blaming others or making excuses.
  7. Micromanaging: Trust your colleagues to do their work and avoid micromanaging. Provide guidance and support, but allow them the freedom to complete tasks in their own way.
  8. Arrogance: Practice humility and avoid being arrogant or dismissive of others’ opinions. Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their position or experience.
  9. Lack of Integrity: Uphold high ethical standards and be honest in your dealings. Avoid engaging in dishonest behavior or compromising your integrity for personal gain.
  10. Disregarding Professional Development: Invest in continuous learning and professional growth. Avoid complacency and embrace opportunities to enhance your skills and knowledge.

By cultivating positive habits, treating others with respect, and maintaining professionalism, you can earn respect within your organization and build strong working relationships.

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