Body Language | Avoid 6 Body Posture builds Negative Impact

Cejum India
2 min readJun 28, 2023


Negative body language can have a significant impact on the feedback we receive from others. Negative body language can create barriers to effective communication, hinder relationship-building, and lead to misunderstandings.

It can affect how others perceive our attitude, engagement, and trustworthiness, influencing the feedback we receive. By being mindful of our body language and actively working on positive nonverbal cues, we can enhance communication, foster positive relationships, and receive more constructive feedback from others.

Here’s how negative body language builds negative feedback:

  1. Closed Posture: Crossing arms, slouching, or turning away from others can convey disinterest, defensiveness, or lack of engagement. Such closed postures can discourage open communication and make others perceive us as unapproachable or uninterested, leading to negative feedback or limited interaction.
  2. Lack of Eye Contact: Avoiding eye contact can signal discomfort, disengagement, or dishonesty. It may give the impression that we are not attentive or trustworthy, which can result in negative feedback and hinder effective communication.
  3. Facial Expressions: Negative facial expressions such as frowning, scowling, or eye-rolling can create a negative perception of our attitude or mood. Others may interpret these expressions as hostility, annoyance, or disrespect, leading to negative feedback or strained relationships.
  4. Inappropriate Gestures: Using aggressive or dismissive gestures, such as pointing fingers, crossed arms, or excessive hand movements, can convey hostility or a lack of respect. These gestures can evoke negative reactions and result in unfavorable feedback from others.
  5. Lack of Active Listening: Displaying signs of impatience, interrupting others, or appearing distracted while someone is speaking indicates a lack of active listening. It can make others feel undervalued, disrespected, or unheard, leading to negative feedback regarding our communication skills and interpersonal interactions.
  6. Inconsistent Nonverbal Cues: When our verbal and nonverbal cues do not align, it can create confusion or distrust. Mixed signals can generate negative feedback as others struggle to understand our intentions or interpret our messages accurately.

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