What is Debugging? Tips to improve debugging skills

2 min readJan 15, 2023


Debugging is the process of identifying and resolving errors in software. It is an essential skill for software developers, as it allows them to find and fix bugs in their code, and ensure that the software is functioning as intended. Here are a few tips to help you improve your debugging skills:

  1. Understand the error message: The first step in debugging is understanding the error message. This will give you an idea of where the problem is located and what type of error it is.
  2. Use print statements: Print statements are a simple and effective way to debug code. They allow you to see the values of variables at different stages of the program, which can help you understand how the code is executing.
  3. Use a debugger: Debuggers are tools that allow you to step through code line by line, and inspect the values of variables. This can be very helpful in identifying the root cause of an error.
  4. Replicate the error: Try to replicate the error in a controlled environment. This can help you narrow down the problem and identify the specific circumstances that are causing the error.
  5. Check the documentation: Many programming languages have extensive documentation and community resources available. Checking these resources can help you find solutions to common problems.
  6. Divide and conquer: Break down the problem into smaller parts and solve them one by one. This can help you to focus on specific areas of the code and make the debugging process more manageable.
  7. Get another perspective: Sometimes, it can be difficult to see the problem when you are too close to the code. Getting another perspective, whether it’s from a colleague or a mentor, can help you see the problem from a different angle.
  8. Learn to think like a computer: Try to understand how the computer is interpreting your code and how it is executing the instructions. This can help you to anticipate and prevent errors.

By following these tips and learning from your mistakes, you can improve your debugging skills and become a more efficient and effective developer




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