Tips for Rendering a Revit Walkthrough

3D Corporate Solutions
3 min readSep 19, 2016


The cheesy Animation Fectory

Whenever a walkthrough animation is considered, and rendering of any walkthrough becomes a vital area of designs then the first name that strikes of a Computer software program is — ‘Revit’. It has everything under one window that is capable of handling any kind of animation job. There is almost nothing in the field of architectural walkthrough that is not achieved with Revit.

Some important tips for rendering with Revit, especially a 3D walkthrough are enlisted:

If more quality is demanded, then the compromise of designing in lesser time comes as a result. But, if time is less, then only a single or few single digit percentage of quality decrement would not harm the quality. That is, an unnoticeable degradation happens. That’s the magic of Revit that other tools may not have.

Sweeping and Path Layout creation — is the foremost thing to be done with Revit. This allows a tween-motion effect to the walkthrough that eases the smoothness of the objects moving or having a translation from one to the other. This is more suitable if done with Hidden line or shaded renderings.

Frame splitting — is required on multiple computers. If a single computer does one batch of the job then other shall perform with the other batch of job of rendering multiple frames at the same time. This is due to the fully photorealistic rendered frames are obtained out of a walkthrough animation. Revit does this all just in a click. But the renderer shall be aware of that single click and timing to input that click.

File structures — The renderings shall be saved in multiple files, generally in .AVI format so as to be pretty sure that nothing gets lost or become out of focus. Even if something is lost, the files saved can cater this need.

Awareness of Exteriority and Interiority: — A walkthrough animation to be rendered with Revit may have exteriors as well as interiors. Therefore, different lighting, shading, texturing, and different approach of rendering is necessary to apply. Do not club the rendering technique for both of the issues.

Axonometric view and camera situations: — The Revit rendering also offers different views and camera settings. Male use of the dimensions and consider the photorealistic effect that is yet to be achieved with rendering. Artificial lights are quite usable and handy.

Dynamicity: — Any walkthrough, have multiple view-angles, and inputs from the users. While rendering the dynamic features like shadows and the reflections shall also act as per the input, henceforth.

Customization: — Revit has numerous and abundant customizable settings available. These can be used, and modified as per the needs. To do so, just go through the items that pops out when a menu is clicked. Preferences are better kept as they are, since most relevant and the real-view provision are achieved with them.

Background resolution and the outer state — all this have a higher value-addition in getting a photo realistic effect in a rendering. The more powerful setups they have, more reality is achieved. The higher resolution just increases the file size and the time of the rendering but the quality may remain same.

So, use that feature wisely.

Testing and editing the walkthrough rendering — is an advantageous job but quite a monotonous one just like doing so when creating it from a scratch. But this gives more chance of improvement and the quality can be optimized, post the production of the rendering. But the tip here is to just check for the rendering looks as if it was in real just as the walkthrough, or it just is giving a notion of workability.

This concludes the main agendas related to rendering a walkthrough with Revit. If followed the best output is obtained.



3D Corporate Solutions

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