Qigong & Technology
Wisdom Healing Qigong to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
We love technology at the chi center. It’s a useful tool that helps us bring Wisdom Healing Qigong to anyone, anywhere, anytime. But we also strive to be conscious of the challenges we all face, living in a high-tech world.
So, what are some of the main challenges of high-tech living?
1. It gets overwhelming. The abundance of digital information that comes at us daily is creating over stimulation. The promise of fast and easy access to information is hijacking our attention, distracting us away from true mindfulness. It can lead to short attention and looking for the “quick fix”.
2. It offers bits of information instead of the big picture of life. The digital world often simulates and even exaggerates life and can take the place of true life experiences.
3. It’s creating social isolation in the real world and provides a venue for social competition, consumerism, and emotional escape.
4. It disconnects us from our inner world. We react to external digital interactions. We feel the stress of a world full of people and infinite possibility OUT THERE in virtual space.
Have you been surprised when you realize hours have passed without your full awareness while SURFING the internet or checking facebook? Have you eaten lunch or dinner without tasting it while at your computer?
How do we solve the challenges?
It’s the way we interact with tech that determines the outcome. It’s our intention and the way we use the tool that’s important.
Life is changing very fast, both in the “real” world and the digital world. It is inevitable. Yet how do we keep up, keep ourselves in balance?
That’s where the ancient wisdom of Qigong comes in — it helps us adapt to the high tech world in a more healthy and balanced way. It offers us a way to reconnect with ourselves — our bodies, minds, hearts; helps us release stress, focus our attention, and it opens us up to connect with others in meaningful, supportive ways.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin
It can be challenging to embrace changes without getting lost in overwhelm and stress, or resisting change and creating even more stress.
The key is to reconnect with the inner resource and inner resilience.
Our conscious choice and mindfulness have to start with inner connection — true connection of mind, body and heart. Wisdom Healing Qigong offers a direct experience and practice to reconnect with ourselves and strengthen our inner awareness. Through Qigong movements, you can reconnect with an embodied feeling of aliveness and presence. You feel more emotionally centered and connected, mentally clear and energized when you learn to access the flow of energy within.
Master Gu says: “When the mind is in the body, you are at home. When you are at home, you feel the natural quality of being yourself: relaxed instead of stressed, internally connected instead of seeking for replacement, contented instead of externally driven, mindful of what is truly important for you instead of reacting to life — you feel a true sense of deep purposefulness and connectedness.”
Now the commercial part. Try Qi Gong