When To Update the Feng Shui of Your Home in 2024

Master Steven Chen
3 min readJan 4, 2024


Feng shui can help you attract good luck, health, wealth and happiness. To benefit from feng shui, you need to update the feng shui of your home according to the changes in the cosmic forces.

room with bad feng shui :)

The most important times to do this are between the Winter Solstice February 4th 2024.

Here’s why:

December 21st 2023 is the Winter Solstice, which marks the changing of the Tai Sui. The Tai Sui is the celestial deity that governs the direction of the year.

In 2024, the Tai Sui will be in the SE sector of your home. You need to avoid disturbing this area and place a Tai Sui plaque or amulet there to appease him and avoid misfortune.

The Winter Solstice is also when the Three Killings of 2024 begins to take effect.

The Three Killings are three types of negative energies that can cause accidents, losses and illnesses. In 2024, they will be in the south sector of your home.

You need to avoid renovating or moving anything in this area and place a Three Celestial Guardians cure there to protect yourself from harm.

- February 4th 2024 is Lap Chun, which is the first day of the solar year. It is also when the annual Flying Stars change their positions. The Flying Stars are nine types of energies that can bring good or bad luck depending on their location and interaction.

In 2024, they will be in different sectors of your home. You need to check which ones are in your bedroom, living room, kitchen and entrance and place appropriate cures or enhancers there to activate or suppress them.

If you have some old feng shui cures from previous years, you can clean them with a cloth dipped in cleansing water and use them again. BUT NEW CURES ARE ALWAYS PREFERABLE.

The enhancers can work for two years, but keep in mind that remedies neutralize bad energies from the previous year, so they need to be cleansed before reuse. After you have updated the feng shui of your home, you should perform the space cleansing ritual to clear any residual negativity and invite positive vibes.

If you still have feng shui items from past years, you can wipe them with a cloth soaked in purifying water and reuse them. However, it’s better to get new ones.

The enhancers can last for two years, but remember that the remedies block bad energies from the previous year, so they need to be cleaned before reuse.

Other Key Factors to Consider in Feng Shui and Astrology for 2024

According to the feng shui theory of the nine periods, 2024 marks the beginning of the ninth and final period, which will last until 2043. It begins on with Lichun [立春] , which falls on February 4th 2024 .

The element of fire dominates this period, which signifies transformation, passion and creativity.

The year 2024 is also the Year of the Wood dragon in the Chinese zodiac, which is a powerful and auspicious sign that brings luck, success and innovation.

The combination of fire and wood suggests that 2024 will be a year of dynamic change, growth and opportunity for those who are willing to embrace the new energy and adapt to the changing circumstances.

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Master Steven Chen

I'm Steven, passionate about Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, unlocking harmony within ourselves and the world. https://ko-fi.com/masterstevenchen