The Exodus Continues…..

The Chronicles Of Aurelius
7 min readJan 5, 2024

A frog isn’t just for Christmas………

The Plague X Header (@ThePlagueNFT)


Unless you have been living under a rock, it is unlikely that you are not aware of the recent announcements made by The Plague.

This has brought with it a few sceptics who are asking you the following question:

Why should we become new holders?

This question was posed by a few after the recent announcement of equity to those who made the snapshots, however the following will highlight that the overwhelming majority of announcements both during the holidays and to date, are beneficial to both those who are relatively new, those who have been frog holders for some time, and those who are yet to join in the future.

The Plague has recently taken a portion of the current attention economy due to several announcements over the holiday period, which they titled “12 Days of Christmas”, a recent sponsorship announcement, and also a tweet by the founder Pons, seeking market sentiment on the potential acquisition of a well-known project in the space.

Needless to say, out with the old year and in with the new……..let’s get into it!

12 Days of Christmas from Pons X Profile (@Pons_ETH)

12 Days of Christmas……

Now, there were 12 Days of Christmas planned (which you can check out for yourself in the Plague X link listed at the end of this article), which included giveaways of frogs, beer from the Swamp Water brand (Twitter handle at the end), a 1 of 1 creation of a frog (I still to this day do not understand why god couldn’t allow 6path to win), a free Degen mint and also an upcoming project on SOL.

Each of the above initiatives were pleasantly received by most, but the following announcements were the ones which really stood out amongst the rest.

Hen House X Header (@_HenHouseNFT)

Frog Tank Raises some Hens

On day 1 it was announced that Hen House would incorporate $FRG into their ecosystem. Hen House are one of several businesses which have applied and have been successfully selected to pursue through the Frog Tank process.

The Frog Tank is a mechanism within The Plagues ecosystem which allows individuals to put forward their prospective business ideas to a selected board of individuals. The process can take approximately 8 weeks from submission to decision, and one project that entered and was successful was Hen House.

Now, for those who are not aware Hen House is a project which is looking to combine agriculture and blockchain technology to produce holders with tokens for their real-world assets (RWA). They have also (as announced on day 1) incorporated The Plague eco currency $FRG into their ecosystem, through allowance of five hundred mints being conducted using $FRG in the future. This is a positive to frog holders as coupled with Pons need to burn the token, it reduces the circulated supply overall.

Making Coffee X Header (@Making_Coffee_)

The Frogs Can No Longer “Wen Coffee”

On day 6 The Pond, more specifically Wen holders were elated to receive the announcement that their coffee was ready to claim. Making coffee is one of if not the largest parts to The Plagues ecosystem and is looking to couple blockchain technology alongside RWA’s to produce a fully transparent end to end model that could be used by other businesses in years to come. The process of claiming allowed holders from several countries across the globe to claim their coffee, have a full transparent breakdown of operational costs, and also introduced an excellent feature that lets you tip the Making Coffee colleagues directly. Ultimately Pons and his team had delivered, but he was not to stop there.

Pons announces the 7th Day “Updated Traits”

Trait Swap = Goodbye Bubble-Gum Frog

On day 7 the updated traits feature was announced which is anticipated to be deployed before the end of January 2024 (26 days to go….), with the intention of increasing aesthetics and re-creating frogs that better fit the holder’s personality types. It will not be a requirement to change your traits, but as the focus is not entirely on rarity (although there are favoured traits) this will provide holders with an option to trait swap if they wish to do so.

9th Day of Christmas Pons post on X

No Blockchain Is Safe From The Plague

On day 9 it was announced that there will be an opportunity for frog holders to proliferate several other blockchains utilising Layer Zero Labs omnichannel protocol. The first 4 chains which have been selected for this are Avax, Sol, FTM and Polygon.

The initial blockchain that the proliferation will start on is yet to be selected, but this opens the opportunity for current and future holders to initially bridge their frog(s), and further down the line create a mini collection based on their frog(s) which have been bridged previously.

The frogs themselves will not be the only part of the ecosystem which will be omnichannel, as The Plague currency $FRG will also be following suit.

12 days of Christmas announcement on equity shares for those holding before the 25th December

A Frog Owned Company

On Day 12 an announcement that no one could have guessed or would have known about (literally, it would have been illegal), was that frog holders would receive shares in the company. Giving shares to an actual formed company was something yet to have been done in this space, but one which was met with frog wide appreciation.

The percentage of shares you would be awarded will be calculated based on various snapshots, frogs that have gone above and beyond, team member allocation and PFP usage. This announcement quite literally grabbed the attention economy within the NFT space, and people started to talk about legalities etc, which Pons quickly cleared up on several spaces.

@NFTBark Post on X about the Coffee with Captain Sponsorship

Frogs + Apes = Making Coffee Sponsorship

On a recent episode of Coffee W/ Captain (January 2nd 2024) on X, Steve and Chris had Pons on as a guest to discuss all of the above announcements and more. During the space Pons made the team aware that he intended to make WenSwap an “End-to-End white label solution” which was not only limited to the Making Coffee product, which came to fruition through an off the cuff comment from a community member to acquire a country (space link below, fast forward to 01:05:50 for the segment with Pons), but it was also announced that Pons would be sponsoring Coffee W/ Captain several times a month, which would include specific segments associated to the Making Coffee brand being built.

The Plague Logo


All of these initiates have one thing in common, they point to a bullish sentiment for Current and future holders of The Plague in 2024.

The Frog Tank is a mechanism which will assist in building out The Plague ecosystem and offers opportunities to both new and existing projects to collaborate with the team. This in my opinion helps to check the calibre of individuals coming through much more robustly than if they were to launch on their own, and where they integrate $FRG into their ecosystems this can only be a positive for all holders.

It is also bullish to see that the team are not only concentrating on real world assets from within The Plague, but they are actively helping other projects which offer a similar model the opportunity to shine through.

The Making Coffee operation could innovate and change the way that the end-to-end supply chain is viewed, especially when coupled with blockchain technology and transparency in all transactions. It is important to note however that once the model is complete there is no reason it cannot be used for further products, anyone selling bacon?

The Omnichannel protocol that the team are using from Layer Zero Labs has the potential to convert blockchain maxis to alternative chains, and market the project to a wider audience. It is also an opportunity for The Plague to join a select few communities in being truly omnichain.

Overall, all the announcements were bullish and even though the equity announcement was specific to holders on the 25th of December, every one of the above initiatives help to highlight the number of initiatives that are at work by Pons and his team.

So, you were asked a question at the beginning of this article “Why should we become new holders?” I think the question to really ask yourself is…….Why would you not?

X Tweet from Pons January 4th 2024

P.S Frogs + Lions = ?

Now, Frogs + Lions = Separate article



The Chronicles Of Aurelius

The Chronicles of Aurelius is a medium which provides entertainment and updates on current Web3 affairs