A Personal Guide to a Better Lifestyle

The Climate Crisis Movement
3 min readApr 22, 2023


We all know the much-too-famous expression: if others don’t want to, why should I do it? What impact do my actions have if millions of other people proceed differently?

The problem is that we all think that in such a big and developed world, our personal actions are insignificant. We need to remember that each one of us contributes to how our world is changing. Little drops make the mighty ocean, right? Only in the last few decades, humanity has already used up 1/3 of the total natural resources our planet has to offer. Let’s break down this number for a single person. Annually, one human being can consume at least 11 tons of natural resources (fuels, food, water, wood, minerals). Moreover, in a single day, around 1–2 kg of waste is produced by a person.
The answer to this issue is simple: sustainability. Being sustainable is not only a way to combat the endangering of the planet, but also a lifestyle. People who have changed their routines so they could adopt more sustainable practices have declared health and financial improvements (even the author of the article).
Curious already? Here is a short and comprehensive guide on how to have a better (and sustainable) life.

1. Tote bags- fashionable and saviours of the turtles

Comfortable, resistant, trendy, practical and aesthetic, these are the best go-to bags you could use when you go shopping. Instead of getting a new bag from each shop you’ve bought something from, it’s better to just shove these new things (even groceries) in your pretty tote bag. No one can guess what things you hide there, they would just appreciate your fashion style.
Say no to useless plastic and paper use! However, if you already have a few of them, do not just throw them away. Use these as long as you can and then recycle them. Nature will definitely thank you.

2. Thrift shopping- finding hidden treasures?

Nowadays, fast fashion monopolized the fashion industry. Despite the affordable prices they offer, many clothing manufacturers use unethical and non-ecofriendly ways to fabricate their products. Instead of encouraging such practices, we better offer a new chance to the forgotten clothes on the shelves of second-hand stores. It is true that thrift shopping is more time-consuming, but you can definitely find high-quality and low-priced goods.

3. Water usage- be water wise

There is a report that states that in the next 2–3 decades, the amount of available drinking water will decrease by at least 30%. What should we do? Here are a few ideas:
-reduce water pressure: some of the water flows down the sink without it being properly used
-wash the dishes as soon as you finish eating: it is less time-consuming and it requires less water
-do not turn your toilet in a trash can
-wash vegetables in a container, then you can water the plants
-you better shower than take a bath
-do not leave the tap open endlessly during washing.

Your bill will thank you!

4. Cleaning products

A cleaning product can thus contain on average around 62 toxic substances. We are exposed to them every day. Their presence in sewage water can prevent the water purification process. Often they are even thrown into lakes, rivers or seas and affect the living things there. Always pay attention to the labels on the bottles and try to find eco-friendly products!

5. Cars

Driving less, using public transport or greener means of travelling (walking, cycling) can definitely reduce your carbon footprint. You can keep yourself in shape, while keeping the world greener.

6. Sustainable home products

Always opt for energy-efficient products such as new LED light bulbs. Moreover, install thermal panels that ensure approximately constant temperature maintenance regardless of the season, avoiding the excessive use of cooling, respectively heating devices.

7. Recycling

No matter how cliche it sounds, it is important to educate ourselves about recycling. We have to look for special waste collection places and respect the recycling rules. For example, cans and bottles must be washed beforehand.

In the hope that this article will bring you more clarity and the desire to make the world we live a better place, I wish you a warm Happy Earth Day!

