Implementing a Clean Architecture in ASP.NET Core 6

The Code Wrapper
8 min readNov 3, 2021


This post is the first part in a series of posts which describe my personal take on implementing a Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 6, and hopefully give you some ideas on how to go about building your own clean architecture.

This part is merely an overview of the overall architecture. More details on the internals and implementation will follow in separate posts.

Also, this post will not describe the concepts of a clean architecture in detail, nor will be an introduction to Domain-Driven Design or best practices. If you need to learn more about clean architecture concepts in detail, you can follow one of the links on the bottom of this post.

The intention of this design is to act as a starting point for building ASP.NET Core solutions. It is loosely-coupled, relies heavily on Dependency Inversion principle, and promotes Domain-Driven Design for organizing your core (although this is not forced). The goal for which I set out to do this, was to build a bare-bone, maintainable and extendable architecture.

Abstraction is key

My secondary goal was to abstract away concepts like domain events, CQRS and event sourcing from dependencies on specific implementations — or even other abstractions brought by some well-known packages — such as MediatR, MassTransit, EventStore etc.



The Code Wrapper

Wrapping practical developer solutions in a beautiful box.