Substratum DEV Updates Week 9–2019 , Community Testnet, Show and Tell, Monetisation, GUI

The Coingineer
4 min readMar 5, 2019


Hey guys. At first- I’m not a member oft he Substratum team. I wanted to share my information that the DEV Team is tweeting through the week with those who do not have twitter. And for anyone interested anyway.

At first a short coverage of what substratum is:

  • Substratum is developing an open-source foundation for the decentralized web, providing free, unrestricted, and uncensored access to content for a new Web 3.0
  • The Substratum Network is a worldwide collection of nodes that uses industry-leading cryptography to deliver secure content anywhere, all without the need for VPNs or Tor.

The SUB- Dev-Team seems to deliver very fast. As you can see in the follwing text, the Substratum-Node release is getting closer. (currently between 5 and 19 Weeks). The Node will include security and monetasation. You will be able to earn cryptocurrency.

Now the hot DEV updates :-)

Week 9–2019 , Community Testnet, Show and Tell, Monetisation, GUI

Feb. 24 707bwolf

Currently 69 SubNodes connected to the @SubstratumNet community testnet.


Feb. 24 Christian Pope

Friday’s ‘Show & Tell’ is now available! This weekly summary is an inside look into the development progress on #SubstratumNode; specifically, our Roadmap, Scope of Work & Capacity Utilization. @SubstratumNet

Show and Tell download: 2019–22–22:


Feb. 25 Microoo

Bam, two mega #SubstratumNode commits occurred on Monday morning. Development team apparently has lots of goodies in house waiting to be pushed out.

Feb. 25 Dan Wiebe

‏ There’s a moderate-sized redesign of the Proxy Client that we’ve known was necessary for sometime (it’s SC-338, whereas our last card was SC-735) to support Monetization. Jason and I are engaging it now. Looks like it will clean up the structure quite a bit. Woot!

Feb. 25 B.J. Allmon

Happy Monday! The $SUB dev team just got some work done that enables Node to associate an incoming Client Response Payload with the return route so that it can be used to populate Accounts Payable.


Feb. 26 B.J. Allmon

Happy Tuesday! The $SUB dev team just performed some tech debt that allows for more dev efficiencies by introducing the builder pattern for peer actors. Anyway, this is a team velocity multiplier so that we can deliver more faster!


Feb. 26 Dan Wiebe

We had a pretty good design session today. Identified a vulnerability and started considering defenses; made some progress toward getting auto-configuration going; figured out some specifics about determining when to pay bills and when to punish delinquents. Good stuff.


Feb. 27 B.J. Allmon

Happy Wed! $SUB dev team has worked in a couple more things into the open source repo so far today. We changed the data type of payload sizes for accounting purposes and also added a new feature to Hodl a used route by ID for accounts payable purposes.


Feb. 27 B.J. Allmon

$SUB devs just slipped in a bug fix for how we handle return routes for the ProxyClient StreamReader CORES packages. Shew! Let’s just say, we are making it better. :)

Source :

Feb. 27 Dan Wiebe

I lost @DarthStrom today (Pair Switch Day, dontcha know), but in his name I nevertheless managed to push that redesign of the Proxy Client. No more low-level StreamReader packed full of high-level information it shouldn’t know. Cooler than the other side of the pillow


Feb. 27 B.J. Allmon

$SUB dev team just knocked out some open source documentation for Rust formatting. This subsequently closes one of our first open source issues too!

Source :

Feb. 28 Dan Wiebe

Long have I bemoaned the fact that we have serialization, encryption, decryption, and deserialization as separate operations. Serialized but cleartext data is of no use to anyone. Finally it looks like we’re going to pair them together. Cool beans. Much easier.


Feb. 27 B.J. Allmon

The $SUB dev team just updated the TLS library used so that Node compiles on newer versions of linux distros. Enjoy!


March 1 B.J. Allmon

Happy Friday! The $SUB dev team completed some GUI work to allow the Node UI to take the necessary user input to be a fully decentralized Node on the Network. I would expect a minor release for this milestone after some testing and minor tweeks. Yay!



March 1 Microoo

Join the #Substratum neighborhood via #SubstratumNode graphical interface! Forget the command line! The magic already happened in the latest source code! #SUB@SubstratumNet


March 1 B.J. Allmon

Highlights from the 3/1/2019 $SUB show and tell.


- We are currently between 5 and 19 Weeks out for V1.:-)

March 1 Dan Wiebe

So now TNT sets a proper home directory for each Node and uses a separate earning-wallet address for each Node as well, and also installs the sqlite3 command-line client in each case. Bunch of testing to do on Monday, but looks good so far!

That’s it for this week. Thanks for reading. I will upload the latest developement every sunday.

