Welcome to The Colony!

8 min readAug 16, 2023


Welcome friends, to The Colony. ❤

My name is Rob (scrawn) and I have been dreaming of and wanting to build a project of this nature ever since I was exposed to the idea of digital items back with Everquest and Diablo 2. But when NBA Top Shot came out I saw a unique opportunity to build a project of my own with people I love to be around. I personally love crypto, games, teaching, and social media marketing. With these skills, I (we) look to improve the landscape of the Web3 community one project at a time.

The ants have been building for over two years working together to grow the play to earn/own crypto gaming space. We strive to support projects with dedicated project teams that are pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the web3 gaming space.

We strive to live by our core principle of helping players of all shapes and sizes. We build content and resources to help our friends (the ants) to learn and thrive. We create content daily and we utilize NFTs to make our community fun and engaging. We strive to teach and empower new users with the tools they need to best utilize their time and investments as we embark on the amazing world of crypto gaming. We are a safe space for first-time players and also seasoned whales.

Our NFTs are distributed monthly to those that support projects we know and love. No ant is too small for the tasks at hand, we all work together to achieve our goals!

If you like getting right into the action, join our Discord HERE!

Short Video Walkthrough of this article HERE

What is The Colony Eco-system?

  • Start by enjoying our Discord and participating in our events
  • Earn Worker NFTs or Achievement NFTs and work your way into earning RANKS within our group for benefits within our eco-system.

What is a Worker NFT?

Taco and JonANThan

Worker NFTs are earned through various Colony events and are given to workers of the colony through exceptional work or maybe a little luck!

The workers are named specifically from my personal TikTok Channel (RobsAnts) We named ants together, played some games, and had a great time. It’s basically an ant Netflix special. Start at the beginning, it’s an ANTacularly good time https://www.tiktok.com/discover/robs-ants

Worker NFTs have a specific value to them within our ecosystem and will have the ability to be traded in for RANK NFTs at a future date.

*values to be announced at a later date (Early Q4, 2023)

What are Rank NFTs?

Arn’t they cute??

Rank NFTs are intended to be the most sought-after NFTs in our collection. Ranks can ONLY be obtained by trading in (blending) Worker NFTS and on rare occasions Achievement NFTs *values to be announced at a later date (Early Q4, 2023)

Achievements have 4 ranks at this time. Bronze, Silver, Gold and DIRT(hehe)

Benefits of a Ranked NFT?

The rarity of the Rank, the more benefits you will receive in our discord and through our antcommunity nesteg (wallet). From new Discord Ranks, exclusive giveaway access and access to the greatest minds of crypto including meeting with project leads and sharing a piece of the Colony crypto we earn as a group.

Expanded benefits to be explained in a future Article. Special Channels, Access, and rewards are yet to be unlocked and I CANNOT wait until this day comes!*values to be announced at a later date (Early Q4, 2023)

What is an Achievement NFT?

Achievement NFTs (WIP Art — finals to come)

Achievement NFTs are one of the rarest NFTs in our collection. They are given to individuals who performed an outstanding achievement within the projects we support. If you won a Realm season or won a Leaderboard challenge in NFT Panda, or you worked the most at our venue, we will reward you with an Achievement and an announcement of your feat.

Achievements are limited to a certain amount per season, per project. Only a certain amount will ever be minted to remain extremely rare.

*Note, we will verify as best we can that any achievement that is completed is done so within the rules of the ecosystem we are supporting and is not done with any misuse of the rules and regulations of said project. We reserve the right to award prizes based on our own discretion. Foul play will NOT be tolerated.

What happens if I win an Achievement NFT?

  • Milestone placed in our metaverse trophy room
  • Discord and weekly newsletter announcement
  • Various one-time prizes (Based on the achievement/project)

Achievement NFTs are purely aesthetic at this time. They may or may not be used for something in the future. *Full Article reviewing Achievements in Q1, 2024.

ANT Community Wallet

The antcommunity wallet is the center of our project. This is where we send a % of our workers' income to consistently grow and help projects. This wallet is the source of prizes and helps fund events for the future. The wallet profits will eventually provide a % of what we earn to certain NFT holders (more info in Q1/Q2, 2024)

How does the Antcommunity wallet grow?

Enter The Colony Community Worker program

In Projects where group effort is necessary to achieve a goal / gain crypto, The Colony can help drive users to your venue, land, gold mine, spaceship, etc etc…

For example, if you own an Alien Worlds LAND and you want to drive traffic to your land, we can incentivize players to work for you by utilizing The Colony Worker and Achievement NFT programs. Worker NFTs are distributed monthly based on the amount of effort/help in working for the venue/land. Worker NFTs are then used within The Colony Eco-system. We will also be speaking about these lands very frequently in our podcasts / weekly/monthly update videos

EXAMPLE: TACO Crypto’s Venue System

“The Colony HQ” — Taco Crypto Venue is our HOME. The venue needs workers to progress in the ecosystem. By helping, we have certain programs in place to reward this work every month.

  • Once a month, the Taco venue collects a percentage of the fees (10%-25%) and sends them to the “antcommunity” wallet for staking/liquidity or buying NFTs as prizes for its community
  • Fees are distributed in the following manner (fees are assigned on a case by case basis. This is just an example)

Players work at the venue for profit, profits are distributed as follows.

  • 100,000 total tokens accumlated
  • 10% (10,000) sent to “Antcommunity” wallet
  • 15% (15,000) used as a kickback program
  • 75% (75,000) kept by venue owner

EXAMPLE: Alien Worlds Land

  • Players mine at a specific location for TLM
  • 1,000 TLM mined
  • 10% (100) sent to “antcommunity wallet
  • 5 % (50) fee adjustable) by Land owner, but set by The Colony
  • 85% (850) distributed to Miners

Where is the Colony Digging in the days, months years to come? (ROADMAP!! — 11/21/2023- NEEDS TO BE UPDATED to reflect new goals for 2024 — scrawn)

Q3, 2023

Our Goals for Q3, 2023 are to establish our project, inform the community of what we are about and kickstart our NFT platform to reward players

August 2023

  • Completion of Achievement NFT collection ART (3 of 5 ranks)
  • Release of 2nd MAJOR Colony event with REALM NFT
  • Distribution of previous NFT Panda event rewards for leveling
  • Release of Realm Training Tutorials — First pass

September 2023

Release of Ant paper (v01) — Including

  • All aspects of our project documented in detail
  • Rank Details (Bronze and Silver)
  • Worker Details and blending values
  • Discord Roles assigned


  • The Colony Monthly Project Reviews (Youtube)
  • Start of Monthly project updates
  • Submission for Atomic Hub Whitelisting
  • Revitalize/ Re-organize the Youtube content plan
  • Release of first Monthly Email Newsletter (Subscribe here)

Q4, 2023

In Q4, 2023 our goal is to enhance the functionality and capabilities of our NFT platform and inform everyone of the plan that we have been creating and crafting for over 2 years.

Ant Paper (v02) — Including

  • Achievement Functionality
  • Updated Blends (Rank GOLD)
  • more TBD

Tasks / Events

  • Achievements handed out to original Colony Members for original colony tasks (First Gold Mine/Pan?) Anyone Remember LINKED HERE
  • The colony celebrates 2 years!

Q1, 2024

The Goals for Q1 of 2024 is to prepare our collection and tasks to ramp up the functionality of our NFTs and start the distribution of funds to holders starting Q2 or 2024.

Ant Paper (v03) — Including

  • Release of WORKER NFT Blending for RANKS — GOLD


  • Major Content push on major platforms ( TikTok, IG, Youtube, Twitter & Internal Discord)
  • Submit The Colony project to Pomelo for additional funding
  • The Colony Website

Launch of VIP Program

2nd pass release of Worker, Achievement, Rank functionality

Ant sale of NFTs

Profit-sharing plans with web3 projects/ consulting

Q2, 2024

Execution of profit sharing for Colony Holders


  • Launch of VIP Program
  • Token distribution and functionality
  • Profit sharing first pass

Q3/Q4, 2024- beyond

Cross Chain Expansion??? Expand our roots!

Profile Picture NFTS that actually means something.

T H A N K YOU! ❤

Thank you very much for making it this far. If you know me, this means a whole lot to me and I look to make this a lifelong project. I am so happy you could be here on this journey with us!

See you in Discord! https://discord.gg/dJvTgjmff3


If what we are looking to accomplish is jiving with you and you want to contribute to the cause with prizes, content creation, Artistic help, or anything at all. We want to grow this TOGETHER to be something fun and engaging you can be proud of. Please contact scrawn in our discord. Ping him in General Chat. https://discord.gg/dJvTgjmff3

Disclaimer: Any advice is not financial advice. We discuss, joke, and post our observations based on our past experiences. I,(We) are not financial advisors and you should do your own research before taking any action based on our words or content. We do not encourage or agree with any bots, un-fare play, and multi-accounting with the projects we work with. Ants help and protect Ants.

