4 Ways Nature Can Help You Relieve Stress

Need to relieve stress? Mother Nature has your back.

Wendy Belessis
6 min readJun 29, 2020
River and path in a forest to show nature helps you relieve stress.
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

“In every walk with nature one receives more than he seeks.”

John Muir, Naturalist (1838–1914)

GGot to give it to the man — he was right.

And research is proving just how forward-thinking that quote actually is.

It’s true for most of us that when we get out to hike, play sports, walk the dogs or bask in the sun we’re not thinking about our health. We’re thinking it’s fun!

But a growing body of scientific research is proving nature is good for our health and wellness, too — including relieving stress.

Stress can be crafty and disguise itself in simple ways like sleeplessness or headaches. Or show itself more forcefully in mood shifts like anger, sadness, or irritability.

We’ve all felt it. We all know we don’t like it.

In fact, according to the annual poll on stress taken by the American Psychological Association, U.S. adults rated their general stress level for spring 2020 at a 5.4 on a 10-point scale — a significantly higher number than in the spring of 2019 which was at 4.9.



Wendy Belessis

Coffee lover. Nature addict. Health & wellness freelance writer formerly at The Content Barista. I write about things that make us happier, healthier humans.