Character NFT Staking Is Here!

Cosmic Universe
14 min readMay 9, 2022


Character Staking is here!

The moment has arrived to get your Wizards into play and start providing staking rewards! That’s why we’ve been working hard on developing the preliminary Character Professions system that will exist within our blockchain MMORPG Cosmic Universe.

What Are Professions?

Before we get into how to start earning Character NFT staking rewards, it’s a good idea to understand what Professions are in Cosmic Universe and how they will be relevant in the staking program.

A key system for the Cosmic Universe MMORPG will be the Professions system. The intention is to have a rich and rewarding profession structure to reward players for their increasing skill in different disciplines.

There will be 12 Professions falling under one of three different categories:

  • Gathering — these are the professions for players who wish to explore and harvest resources throughout Planet Crypton
  • Crafting — these are the professions for players who want to specialize in creating usable items that can be traded on our Marketplace
  • Common — all characters can learn these professions

These are likely to be the starting professions. As always, this list is in development and will likely be expanded at some point.

Gathering Professions

  • Woodcutting — harvest wood from a variety of trees throughout Crypton
  • Mining — source stone and metal from deposits scattered on and below Crypton
  • Crystal Extraction — use magic to extract crystals from a variety of deposits
  • Herbalism — Crypton is home to a wide range of plants and herbs that can be collected

Crafting Professions

  • Alchemy — use herbs and other ingredients to craft potions, elixirs, and other items.
  • Architect — while every character can build, the architect has a higher skill and can develop items used for Exterior Design of buildings, as well as other perks
  • Carpentry — proficient in more detailed woodwork, carpenters can create furniture and other Interior Design elements that can decorate your buildings
  • Gem Cutting — masters of cutting crystals, Gem Cutters can create Focus Gems for staves, as well as other items such as jewelry
  • Fashion Design — using a variety of materials that are gathered from different sources throughout Crypton, Fashion Designers can create different clothing items for characters (can be cosmetic or have beneficial stats, and can be decided later)

Common Professions

  • Farming — Farm all sorts of fruit and vegetables not found in the wild on Crypton (Note: need Land)
  • Fishing — Containing water sources teeming with life, Crypton’s fishing scene is simply glorious
  • Cooking — Using resources gathered from a variety of professions, cooking recipes that provide a variety of benefits is a great benefit to characters

For the preliminary Character Staking program, each character will be able to select a maximum of two professions in total out of the categories listed above.

How to Earn Character NFT Staking Rewards

Here’s a simple tutorial on how to start earning $MAGIC rewards from staking your Character NFTs like Wizards:

Characters will initially need to unlock staking before they will be adorned with their Profession attributes.

To unlock staking for a Wizard, you simply need to go to your Wizard’s details page on the Cosmic Universe Marketplace. Once there, you will see an “Unlock Staking” section.

Simply click on this button, at which point MetaMask will pop up with a request to make a transaction. Unlocking staking will take two transactions, as the first approves MAGIC to be transferred (cost for activating staking is 20 MAGIC — if you don’t have at least 20 MAGIC in your wallet to send to the Rewards Pool, the transaction will fail and give you an error message), and the second calls the unlock function. Once the transaction completes you will have to refresh the page.

Now that staking is unlocked for your wizard, you can stake and start earning MAGIC!

Note: To make things easy for everyone, claiming MAGIC rewards on any single Wizard you have staked will claim the rewards for ALL Wizards you currently have staked that have accrued MAGIC rewards.

If you want to earn more than just 1 MAGIC/day, you will have to start training in a Profession. To begin training your first Profession, click the “Start” button under the training status. You will be presented with a dropdown where you can choose one of twelve professions to start training.

Note: The Professions you choose will also be the Professions your chosen character will have once the game is out, so choose wisely!

Once a Profession has been selected, you cannot level another Profession until you have reached Skill Level 20. Additionally, only two Professions may initially be trained during the staking.

Each level has a training and activation cost of 90 MAGIC, and increases your MAGIC staking rewards. The further you progress through the levels, the longer it will take to complete. Once a level is completed, come back to the details panel and complete your training to start your next level.

Who is going to be the first level 20 profession holder? Only time will tell 🧙‍♂️

Also, you’ll now see a Bank icon in the lefthand sidebar menu on our marketplace. This is because we have a MAGIC bank coming very soon! We’ll have more details shortly.

Good luck, and happy leveling!


  • Click the Unlock Staking button
  • Refresh the page
  • Click the Stake button
  • Refresh the page
  • Click the Start Training button
  • Refresh the page

Step-by-Step Picture Tutorial

First, you’ll need some MAGIC. We have the most MAGIC liquidity here. on an exchange we currently manage as we await our new OneFi Exchange to get up and running. Defi Kingdoms also has some liquidity, as does Sushi as well, but only for swapping small amounts.

Note: you can now swap and add liquidity directly from the Cosmic Universe MAGIC farms! Simple log into our marketplace and go to this page.

MAGIC contract address: 0x9A8E0217cD870783c3f2317985C57Bf570969153

Once you have some MAGIC (you’ll need at least 20 MAGIC to get started), you can head over to the Cosmic Universe Marketplace to either get a Wizard NFT if you don’t have one already or connect with a wallet you own that already has a Wizard in it.

Click on the profile dashboard icon in the top-right of the marketplace screen.

Click on the Details for the Wizard you want to enter into the staking program.

Click on the Unlock Staking button.

You will see MetaMask pop up. Click Confirm.

A second MetaMask pop up will come up. Make sure you have 20 MAGIC in your connected wallet or the transaction will fail. After this transaction goes through, refresh the page.

You should now see a page that looks like the image above. You can now see you will be making 1 MAGIC/day since you activated Staking. To start training your Wizard in a specific Profession and earn even more daily MAGIC rewards, you will need to click on the Stake button.

Next, two more MetaMask transactions will pop up. Click Confirm for each one of them.

Refresh the page and click on the Start button under Training: Idle, like below:

Select the Profession from the dropdown menu you would like to start the Training in to receive a higher Skill Level.

Once selected, you will see how much additional MAGIC per day you will receive, as well as the total Training Time and cost for unlocking the new Skill Level. Click Start Training after you have reviewed everything.

A MetaMask pop up will appear. Click Confirm and then refresh the page after the transaction is complete.

You should now see your Training status switched to Active, and also see a countdown until the Training is complete when you click on Details button under Training: Active.

Additional Staking Info

To determine the Training Time, we used a prime number sequence. This ensures there is a proper balance between the time it takes to train in each level, the number of skill points received, and the amount of MAGIC received in relation to ROI. Cosmic Universe Character Staking should prove to be both rewarding and sustainable, and just a taste of what is to come!

Also, ROI can be viewed in this spreadsheet. By the time the game is released, there will be a transition into the rewards system used within the Cosmic Universe MMORPG.

Also, now when you buy and sell Character NFTs, you should take into account their Skill Level, as the higher their Skill Level, the more MAGIC rewards they provide and the more valuable they will be. Even Character NFTs that have just activated staking to earn 1 MAGIC/day are seeing their values increase.

We added an initial 1M MAGIC from the Yield Farms Deposit Treasury to the Rewards Pool within the staking contract, with the rest of the staking rewards coming from staking fees.

100% of all Staking unlocking fees get sent to the Staking contract and will be added to the initial rewards pool of 1M MAGIC funded for Staking Rewards. This means all Staking fees circulate back to people participating in the Staking program.

Character Staking Contract: 0x71e9e186DcFb6fd1BA018DF46d21e7aA10969aD1

Character Staking Phases 1–3

In mid October, currently expected to be October 17th, Character Staking will transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2. There will be 3 Phases in total for the Character Staking Program.

What this means is that starting October 17th, MAGIC rewards will be replaced by several other rewards that we will list below. This ensures the program can stay perpetually sustainable, while still providing valuable rewards.

Here’s what will happen:

A process called Deep Meditation will commence on October 17th. During Deep Meditation, MAGIC rewards cease being distributed and are replaced with Treasure Chests, similar to the ones that will be received in-game, except with some rare and unique items that will not be found within in-game Treasure Chests.

Upgrading Skill Level is still possible once the Deep Meditation progress in Phase 2 begins. This means if you have not reached Skill Level 20 within a Profession, you can continue upgrading in order to get the Treasure Chests and gain a competitive advantage with newer players by getting up to a Skill Level of 20 within 2 Professions before the game is fully released.

These chests are distributed after a player reaches a Skill Level of 20 within a maxed out Profession. You will receive 1 Standard Chest if you have 1 maxed out Profession and an additional chest (Epic Chest) if you have 2 maxed out Professions (1 Standard Chest and 1 Epic Chest). This means that even if you started upgrading Wizards late, you can still achieve Skill Level 20 in two Professions! Chests will begin to be distributed during Phase 2 for everyone who has gotten to a Skill Level of 20, even if you already got to that level now.

Treasure Chest Rewards

Rewards during Phase 2 found within Treasure Chests include:

  • Guaranteed VIP Pass that provides access to the VIP Lounge by maxing out 2 Professions and a chance of finding a VIP Pass in a chest after maxing out one Profession.
  • Profession Tools (Pickaxe & Axe with at least one in each chest, with 1 in a Standard Chest and 2 in Epic Chest in 4 categories of rarity (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Mythical which all have varying degrees of strength and durability)
  • Resources (3 from each Profession. For example: Pine, Birch, Willow for Woodcutting, Iron, Granite, Gold for Mining, Amethyst, Tourmaline, Labradorite for Crystal Extraction, etc.
  • Variable amount of COSMIC with more COSMIC found in an Epic Chest -Access to Exclusive Quests only playable via the VIP Lounge
  • Capybara pet that follows your player around CU, and can be dismissed and then summoned again upon your request (Variable chance reward)
  • Rune of Translocation (1% chance of it being in a Standard Chest and 5% chance of it being in an Epic Chest)

Note: Players can still upgrade their Skill Level for 90 MAGIC like now per level, all the way up to 20 during Deep Meditation in both Professions, but instead of MAGIC rewards there will be a transition to all of the rewards described above, which will be placed in special Treasure Chests.

Phase 3 begins upon the release of the game, either the full release or Beta. This means that players will be able to, through skilled gameplay, upgrade their Skill Level up to 200 per Profession, within 3 Professions. In-game rewards are incomprehensibly vast and will require an entire Encyclopedia entry for them, which will come within the next couple of months.

Note that Skill Level is separate from a player’s overall Level.

Skill Level: 1–200 Character Level: 1–13 Land Level: 1–7 We have designed Phase 2 rewards to be very valuable, with tradable NFTs being placed within Treasure Chests that can be then traded on our marketplace.

Additional Professions Info

Once Cosmic Universe is released, players will get to take their Character Professions much farther than what they are going to be used for in the Character NFT Staking program.

For one thing, the Skill Level cap of 20 will no longer exist, and go up to a max Skill Level of 200. This is different from the overall Level of a character, which will max out at 13 initially within the game at Etherea Lumina. Additionally, a Player will be allowed to have 3 Professions than just the two currently allowable in our preliminary staking program.

Profession Buildings

Each Profession will have its own unique modular building that can be upgraded as the player gains skill in that profession. A woodcutter might have a lumber mill, whereas an Alchemist might have a Potions Laboratory. A farmer will have a Farm building with modular add-ons like a Tool Shed, Vegetable Patch, and so on. Each add-on will provide different benefits and help for the player to max out their chosen professions.


Each crafting profession will rely on two gathering professions as per the table below:

This is all to generate a thriving, circulatory ecosystem for the Marketplace where each Profession is desired and required for one thing or another.

Since building is the main objective of our game, deep and complex Professions are essentially a requirement for the facilitation of deep and meaningful gameplay experience.

Also, in the game, Professions will each reward in different ways. Take Alchemy for example. To create a high-level potion, you may need to have elements from other Professions, such as herbs or a certain type of fish. Everything that can be created by a Profession will not be able to be obtained in another way. This means a character with that Profession will be able to sell their wares in order to purchase from others who may have a different profession. More on this and more soon!

If you have any additional questions regarding the Character Staking program, head over to the Cosmic Universe Discord server and ask away!

Character Staking Update

In late September, currently expected to be September 25th, Character Staking will transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2. There will be 3 Phases in total for the Character Staking Program. What this means is that starting September 25th, MAGIC rewards will be replaced by several other rewards that we will list below. This ensures the program can stay perpetually sustainable, while still providing valuable rewards. Here’s what will happen: A process called Deep Meditation will commence on September 25th. During Deep Meditation, MAGIC rewards cease being distributed and are replaced with Treasure Chests, similar to the ones that will be received in-game, except with some rare and unique items that will not be found within in-game Treasure Chests. Upgrading Skill Level is still possible once the Deep Meditation progress in Phase 2 begins. This means if you have not reached Skill Level 20 within a Profession, you can continue upgrading in order to get the Treasure Chests and gain a competitive advantage with newer players by getting up to a Skill Level of 20 within 2 Professions before the game is fully released. These chests are distributed once a player reached a Skill Level of 20 within a maxed out Profession. You will receive 1 Standard Chest if you have 1 maxed out Profession and 2 Epic Chests if you have 2 maxed out Professions. This means that even if you started upgrading Wizards late, you can still achieve Skill Level 20 in two Professions! Chests will begin to be distributed during Phase 2 for everyone who has gotten to a Skill Level of 20, even if you already got to that level now. Treasure Chest Rewards Rewards during Phase 2 found within Treasure Chests include: -Guaranteed VIP Pass that provides access to the VIP Lounge by maxing out 2 Professions and a chance of finding a VIP Pass in a chest after maxing out one Profession. -Profession Tools (Pickaxe & Axe with at least one in each chest, with 1 in a Standard Chest and 2 in Epic Chest in 4 categories of rarity (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Mythical which all have varying degrees of strength and durability) -Resources (3 from each Profession. For example: Pine, Birch, Willow for Woodcutting, Iron, Granite, Gold for Mining, Amethyst, Tourmaline, Labradorite for Crystal Extraction, etc. -Variable amount of COSMIC with more COSMIC found in an Epic Chest -Access to Exclusive Quests only playable via the VIP Lounge -Capybara pet that follows your player around CU, and can be dismissed and then summoned again upon your request -Rune of Translocation (1% chance of it being in a Standard Chest and 5% chance of it being in an Epic Chest) Note: Players can still upgrade their Skill Level for 90 MAGIC like now per level, all the way up to 20 during Deep Meditation in both Professions, but instead of MAGIC rewards there will be a transition to all of the rewards described above, which will be placed in special Treasure Chests. Phase 3 begins upon the release of the game, either the full release or Beta. This means that players will be able to, through skilled gameplay, upgrade their Skill Level up to 200 per Profession, within 3 Professions. In-game rewards are incomprehensibly vast and will require an entire Encyclopedia entry for them, which will come within the next couple of months. Note that Skill Level is separate from a player’s overall Level. Skill Level: 1–200 Character Level: 1–13 Land Level: 1–7 We have designed Phase 2 rewards to be very valuable, with tradable NFTs being placed within Treasure Chests that can be then traded on our marketplace.

