Cosmic Universe 2022 Year-In-Review

Cosmic Universe
28 min readDec 31, 2022


2022 was an incredibly eventful year for Cosmic Universe. That’s why we’ve decided to highlight everything our blockchain gaming project has achieved this year. Let’s take a journey through everything we did in 2022!

January 2022

Game development kicks into high gear

Throughout the first half of 2022 we were developing Cosmic Island, the first map and environment to be released in our MMORPG. Since Unreal Engine 4 was the latest and greatest game development engine available to us at the time, that is what we used. As you may know if you follow our progress, we scrapped everything and started anew once Unreal Engine 5 was released, since this provides us with a number of incredible improvements that Epic Games added, such as Nanite and Lumen technologies.

We gave plenty of exciting alpha for our community to take in, which showed a taste and preview of the mesmerizing fantasy metaverse that can be experienced in our upcoming MMORPG. Structures ranging from simple homes to whimsical wizard towers were all modeled by our team and showed off to the community.

As you may know, there will be a wide array of buildable Structures, Pets, Companions, Resources, and Items. Here are some we shared with our community in January.

We also released what became an iconic flythrough teaser of the Mystic Alpines region of Cosmic Island. While this region will look slightly different after the transition to Unreal Engine 5, it’s still close enough which is why we have kept this flythrough up. Using UE5 as our game engine has also improved our game’s graphics from what you see in the screenshots above and the video below.

We also revealed what Cosmic Island could look like at night, so enjoy this feast for the eyes as well!

In January we also significantly expanded our gamedev team with more designers, riggers, and modelers for the herculean task of helping us develop a glorious blockchain MMORPG and fantasy-themed social metaverse.


January also saw $MAGIC see all-time highs and set a water mark for when what was possible even with little more than a single 2D 10K NFT collection being released. We are confident that once market conditions improve overall, all of the work we have put into Cosmic Universe and everything we have released (as well as numerous new use-cases for MAGIC) since last January will be reflected accordingly.

Community Fan Art

We saw some stunning community fan art being made in January as well, including this great piece drawn by Doji based off of our original 2D Wizard NFTs.

February 2022

Cosmic Island Land Sale

In February we held our very first land sale of 7,060 land plots, and subsequently sold out, with the Public Sale selling out in less than 2 minutes! Subsequent secondary sales on NFTKey resulted in $0.5M in sales occurring within the first week of Cosmic Island land plots being minted. This land sale also helped us break a new record for maximum number of people using our RPC on Harmony.

NFT Marketplace Launched

Besides the land sale, our native marketplace being released was the other massive piece of news to hit the CU world. You can see in the above screenshot that we had improved the marketplace throughout the year, and we didn’t airdrop 3D Wizards yet, but this was our very own marketplace which was a huge milestone for us.

Cosmic Universe RPC Launched

We also launched our very own Harmony RPC in February. Harmony’s Mainnet RPC was often prone to congestion, resulting in pending and failed transactions. Other RPCs had been established to help relieve the congestion. We joined the efforts to help Harmony transactions to occur smoothly and seamlessly.

Snapshot Community Governance

February is also home to smaller but important developments, such as setting up a Snapshot Community DAO style voting system. This is where the community is able to vote on proposals related to Cosmic Universe.

New Website

We created a new website from scratch that was a significant improvement over what we had previously, and at the time, along with our NFT marketplace and original 2D Wizards minting site, had the most advanced design out of any other game project on Harmony. We’re looking at doing a website redesign again, and have started working in a modular way, in order to give our website a fresh facelift later in 2023 to improve it even more.

More Game Development

We continued to develop Cosmic Island further as we did earlier in the year, expanding into Elysian Fields and adjusting the environment design style to be less low poly and more stylized.

Milestone: $1M in Land Sales

A new milestone we reached in February is that we saw $1M in Cosmic Island land plot sales occur. This was a momentous occasion for Cosmic Universe and showed how active and passionate our community was about land.

March 2022

Elf Island Map Released

While development and completion of Elf Island will come down the road when it makes more sense to do so, we’ve been planning ahead & in March shared a new land map to share for the exciting new addition to the realm!

As you can see, there will be 7 unique regions, each with different terrain, resources, and opportunities. There will also be completely new biomes that do not exist on Cosmic Island.

Additionally, there will be more land plots on Elf Island since the island will be larger (approximately 6x6 km aka 36 sq km vs Cosmic Island’s 5x5 km aka 25 sq km). After all is said and done, we should end up having the same amount of land plots as there are characters for both Wizards and Elves along with Cosmic Island and Elf Island so that there is a 1:1 ratio between land and playable characters.

Also, all land NFTs, for both Cosmic Island and Elf Island, will be 3D versions of what the land actually looks like, so this map is more for conceptual purposes, as we will continue upgrading and improving the quality of everything within our ecosystem.

GameDev Continues

In March we reworked the lighting so that it is more dynamic within the day/night cycle in the game’s environment, as you can see below, as well as within a video we put together for the occasion. Lightning/Post Processing has been adjusted within the environment. Saturation, etc have been adjusted. Check it out below:

We also revamped every single environmental asset, starting from scratch to match a new stylized aesthetic were going for, so trees started getting modeled and began looking like this.

We also revealed more buildable Structures to the community, such as this Regular Home. There are 3 classes of Structures: Simple, Regular, and Advanced. With have more recently upgraded to a modular system that provides significantly more customization and beautification options, plus new means for land holders to create new economic opportunities and good old-fashioned fun as well.

We also worked on expanding the Elysian Fields and the more tropical coastlines that were some of the most highly sought-after land plots after Forest of Whimsy during our Cosmic Island land sale.

Cosmic Universe Lore Released

Wrapping up March we saw plenty of new lore get produced and released. In fact, you can catch up on all of the existing Cosmic Universe lore here. We’ve got general lore, as well as lore for locations in the CU universe, Tree of Magic, root races, and Cosmic Parchments.

April 2022

Free Airdrop of 3D Wizards

One of the biggest events of March was the FREE airdrop of 3D Wizards to existing 2D Wizard holders. Even though it cost us six figures and a few months of developing 10,000 unique modeled, rigged, and animated playable characters, we wanted to gift 3D Wizards to those early supporters of Cosmic Universe who helped make our MMORPG’s development possible.

Holders of the original 2D Wizards received framed versions of them, which will be able to be displayed in your house or other buildings within the game, such as the Expo Center, art galleries, and more! No other race will have this item, only Wizards.

We’re proud to say that at the time, our 3D Wizards were the most advanced NFTs to ever be on Harmony. These weren’t yet another PFP NFT collection, or even a 3D collection made in Blender, but a collection of playable characters that were completely modeled, rigged, and animated within Unreal Engine.

This is why we hold our Wizards and Elves in such high esteem, because virtually no projects dedicate themselves to such a task. However, since we are always looking to be on the leading edge, we believe it is worth it because it it stands us apart from the crowded crypto field.

MMORPG GameDev Keeps Moving Forward

Work on the Cosmic Island environment also continued in April, as well with secret additions to the map like an oasis, streams, hemp fields, rock formations, etc. We continued to develop more completely custom assets, which takes time but allows us to have everything 100% unique. We also designed new custom textures, and continued with overall game development as well, including UI, game mechanics, and gameplay design.

We kept developing Elysian Fields and also provided additional info on the varying biomes on Cosmic Island.

Types of Biomes on Cosmic Island:

  • Temperate Deciduous
  • Magical Whimsical
  • Coniferous Alpine
  • Mixed Temperate
  • Savannah
  • Tropical

Migration & Upgrade to Unreal Engine 5

Speaking of gamedev, April was also the month when we officially went back to the drawing board and started fresh in Unreal Engine 5. Molding and sculpting of the terrain in accordance to the Cosmic Island map went first, followed by populating environmental assets, and then tweaking the lighting and other elements.

Character Professions, Staking & Training

A big development in April was the ability to train Wizards in Professions and participate in a sort of staking program. This turned out to be such a big hit with our community that we have since extended it to Elves but have updated the way it was done into a more gamified form via our Dawn of Crypton minigame. Within the first day of launching Wizard Staking, we saw over 2000 Wizards training and staked!

Building increasingly-advanced structures is the primary Quest and way of gaining XP and leveling-up in Cosmic Universe, which is a bit of a fusion between worldbuilder, MMORPG, and social metaverse, and to compliment this we are developing a variety of comprehensive professions for players to select and gain skills in.

The intention is to have a rich and satisfying Profession structure to reward players for their increasing skill in different disciplines. Cosmic Island is rich with resources and open land for players to take advantage of. Whether you want to harvest wood and stone to build structures or plants and herbs to concoct potions and elixirs, or extract crystals to create magic-infused jewelry you will be able to do so.

You can learn more about Professions here.

May 2022

Gameplay Demo Trailer Released

Our first playable release related to our MMORPG, a single player game demo, was completed in May and with it came a trailer for it to get everyone excited, which it did! Here’s the original trailer when we were still on Harmony.

Seen by thousands of people, this trailer is just a taste of what players can expect to see and experience within the playable gameplay demo we was released in June.

If you’d like to support us getting our view count up on our new Avalanche-themed trailer, you can view it below:

We’re committed to redefining blockchain gaming. All too often gamers point out that virtually all blockchain games are not actually fun. We want to demonstrate that there is value and benefit in games integrating blockchain technology, and are passionate about helping shift the paradigm to make blockchain gaming an engaging, entertaining, visually appealing, and rewarding experience.

MMORPG GameDev Keeps Moving Forward

We saw more development and progress on the MMORPG, including this preliminary showcasing of what land plot boundaries (that can be toggled on and off by players) could potentially look like. This also helps players visually get a better understanding of how large a 50x50m land plot is and how much they can develop a single land plot if, let’s say, a Regular Home was built on it. Combine that with some a nice Zen Garden and other beautification features that increase a land plot’s Beautification Score you you can ascertain how many land plots you would need for your goals and worldbuilding vision.

In May it was immediately apparent just how gloriously good the upgrade to Unreal Engine 5 was for the aesthetics of the environment in Cosmic Universe.

We continued to optimize and improve the environment in Cosmic Universe to capture the magical and whimsical vibe we are after. Lighting is a key element that needs to be perfect, so our devs have continued to tweak it. In the above image, you can see how things were looking back in May, while we have since then continued to improve the lighting and other important elements. Unreal Engine 5’s new additional of Lumen allows for some remarkable lighting that just wasn’t possible in Unreal Engine.

Tree of Magic Concept Revealed

In May we revealed the concept of what the Tree of Magic region within the central Cosmic Enchanters area (wherein the main City of Enchanteria will be) would more or less be like. Special quests will take players to the ToM, and there will be exclusive locations that will have VIP access.

Profession Buildings

Speaking of Professions, each Profession will have its own unique modular building that can be upgraded as the player gains skill in that profession. A woodcutter might have a lumber mill, whereas an Alchemist might have a Potions Laboratory. A farmer will have a Farm building with modular add-ons like a Tool Shed, Vegetable Patch, and so on. Each add-on will provide different benefits and help for the player to max out their chosen professions.

June 2022

Playable Game Demo Released

The playable game demo giving a taste of our upcoming MMORPG was released in June! This is a single-player offline playable demo within a sandboxed area by Ambrosia Lake and the Cosmic Enchanters region.

This demo is just a preview of the MMORPG we are developing with a few mini quests involving exploring, harvesting, and teleporting mechanics. We will continue to roll out releases, with multiplayer and Boba Avax blockchain integration being our next major milestone via the Pre-Alpha release in 2023.

The game demo also hinted at certain items that will become important in the main game once released, including Resource Nodes and the teleporting Rune of Translocation.

Modeling of Buildable Structures Continues

June saw further work done on buildable Structures, like the Whimsical Home class of Structures.

The Whimsical Tower class was also developed more, as seen below.

CU Gameplay Design: Vitals

In June we also released details on the 3 key vitals within our MMORPG.

❤️ Energy
🧪 Mana

The graphic above shows some things to know about these three vitals that playable characters like Wizards and Elves will need to stay on top of while playing.

You have probably already noticed Stamina while playing the demo. This, along with Energy and Mana, will become much more developed and intricate in Pre-Alpha. More info is coming in 2023 regarding what affects these three vitals, how to replenish them, and how they affect overall XP gains level-ups, and gameplay.

Cosmic Tickets Released

Something released in June that’s still relevant today are Cosmic Tickets. These animated holographic 3D tickets provide the holder with anywhere between 5% and 20% in discounts on minting Cosmic Elves. These tickets are now available on OpenSea here.

Cosmic Ambassador Program Opens

In June we also opened up our Cosmic Ambassador program to give back to community members who went above and beyond when it came to spreading the word about Cosmic Universe.

This program is designed to encourage organic growth of Cosmic Universe to help get the word out across the gaming and crypto communities on social media. We have designed it in a way that will encourage meaningful content and engagement, be rewarding to those who participate, and help CU grow.

You can learn more about becoming a Cosmic Ambassador here.

Cosmic Universe Celebrates Its One Year Anniversary

Happy birthday to us! 🥳

We celebrated our one year anniversary on Summer Solstice (Winter Solstice down under) this year. It’s incredible how time flies, especially considering we’re now heading towards our 2nd birthday in 6 months.

We had a very festive celebration, and also looked ahead on our long-term goals for the project that, beyond the full release of the MMORPG, include the following:

  • 3D In-Game DEX
  • 3D In-Game Marketplace
  • Tokenization of Real-World Trees & Coral for Environmental Conservation
  • Real-World Tokenized Tree Planting Initiative
  • In-Game Festival With World-Renown DJs & Artists
  • 3D NFT 3D Printing
  • City of Enchanteria Branded Buildings

July 2022

Cosmic Universe Fully Migrates to Avalanche

July was the biggest and most dramatic change to the core foundation of our project…it was the month we started a full migration to Avalanche.

Our lead dev Cajun created a custom one-way migration bridge that took native Cosmic Universe assets on Harmony and provided native Cosmic Universe assets on Avalanche. The Harmony assets were burned and a 1:1 amount of assets were given to users on the Avalanche side, into the same wallet address they used on Harmony.

Thanks to his incredible work, we were able to be a leader in the exodus from Harmony after a series of issues that plagued the network becoming too much to ignore. Our migration to Avalanche was a stellar success, and one we are grateful for putting the effort into doing. The combination of using Avalanche as our Layer 1 and Boba Avax as our Layer 2 now provides us with the best of both worlds.

Avalanche Basics

Here are a few basic details to know about Avalanche:

Current Average Transaction Cost: 25 nAVAX ($0.02)
Current Average Transactions Per Second: 4,500
Transaction Finality: 1–3 Seconds
Blockchain Explorers: Avalanche Explorer, SnowTrace, AvaScan
Main DEX: Trader Joe

August 2022

Cosmic Elves NFT Mint Goes Live

At the end of August, something we worked hard on for a few months, our 10K 3D Cosmic Elves NFT collection, began minting! This is the second playable character collection to get released, with the mint still ongoing.

As with our 3D Wizards, every single one of the 10,000 unique Elves has been completed modeled, rigged, and animated in Unreal Engine 5.

Given the timing of the mint and the continuing lagging market conditions, there are still plenty of Elves still mintable. However, even so, when factoring in the $USD brought into the project through existing sales, we are solidly within the top 5 NFT collections on Avalanche released since our Elves mint went live, which is a testament to their perceived value by our community. Additionally, Elves are playable right now in our minigame Dawn of Crypton, which increases their appeal with this immediate utility.

If you’d like to get Elves NFTs, you can mint Elves here.

We’ve got some juicy incentives for Elves minters currently that include the following:

All holders of Cosmic Elves NFTs are eligible for a random drawing of Elf Island (Aelfaria) land NFTs!

  • Elf Mints 1–1000 are eligible for a random drawing for 10 Elf Island land NFTs (1% chance of winning)
  • Elf Mints 1001–5000 are eligible for a random drawing of 5 Elf Island land NFTs (0.1% chance of winning)
  • Elf Mints 5001–10000 are eligible for a random drawing of 3 Elf Island land NFTs (0.06% chance of winning)

Of course, if you mint more than one Elf within one of these three phases, your chances of winning will increase. For example, if you mint 3 Elves, you will see your odds of winning jump from 1% to 3%.

BONUS: Mint 3+ Elves and become whitelisted to mint 1 selectable Elf Island land plot during the first 24 hours of the Elf Island land sale!

2nd BONUS: Mint 3+ Elves and become eligible for Elves Bingo and potentially win an Elf Island (Aelfaria) land plot!. Go here in our Discord for more info.

Play with your Elves NFTs in our new minigame Dawn of Crypton, which you can get here.

Cosmic Elves Smart Contract Address: 0x9a337A6F883De95f49e05CD7D801d475a40a9C70

Why would you want to get more than 1 Elf? If you want to unlock the maximum in-game rewards, then training 3 Elves in one of each of the 3 Profession types would be optimal. For more info on Professions and how they interact with one another to maximize rewards, go here.

You can also look at Professions inter-reliability below:

Even though all 10K Elves aren’t minted yet so we can’t provide specific numbered rankings for Elves at this time, you can get a good sense of how rare your Elves are using this handy rarity traits guide below. Expand to view all of the 200+ traits more closely.

Speaking of traits, here’s a breakdown of them.

We also released some Elven lore you can look over to get acquainted with when it comes to the 5 different Councils Elves hold.

We also released the Elven staff collection as you can see below:

Marketplace Moves to Avalanche

In August we revealed our new and improved marketplace on Avalanche. After a successful migration and 3D Wizards released, there was a lot of activity. We saw $1.5M in NFT sales on our marketplace throughout its existence prior to OpenSea, and this doesn’t include the approximately $2M in NFT sales on NFTKey and other secondary marketplaces that housed Cosmic Universe NFTs.

MAGIC Bank Launched

In August we also launched the MAGIC Bank. As a form of single staking, this was a way for people to store their MAGIC somewhere and let it work for them, in the form of receiving a multiplier of xMAGIC that could be redeemed for MAGIC again at any time because there was no locking mechanism. There are also no deposit or withdrawal fees for the MAGIC Bank.

The extra MAGIC that boosts the multiplier comes from multiple sources, such as a percentage of the MAGIC farms emissions, in-game transactions, and more.

You can go here to find the MAGIC Bank.

Upgrade to a Modular Building System

We also showed off structure customization via an upgrade to a modular building system our team created. Within our MMORPG, players will get to customize their buildable Structures in many different ways. Colors, design features & more will be customizable. Above is a preliminary concept view of Structure Customization.

Advanced Harvesting Mechanics — Woodcutting

In August we also expanded on the harvesting mechanics and used the Woodcutting profession as an example.

We’ve been working on some more advanced resource harvesting spanning three tiers: Low, Mid, and High Level.

Here’s how we’ve been developing the Woodcutting resource harvest to illustrate an example of how resource harvesting for usable timber for Structures in Cosmic Universe will be more than just chopping a tree down and having it magically turn into materials that build a home. There will be things like a sawmill, lumber, and blueprints involved.

Here are some illustrative images and steps to show how we are developing advanced harvesting mechanics, which will exist for all 12 Professions in their own unique way:

Step 1: Find harvestable Wood using a compass that gauges what trees are harvestable (some trees will have Blight while others will not)
Step 2: Chop down the harvestable tree with your trusty axe (various kinds of axes provide faster or slower harvesting)
Step 3 (Low Level): Chop it up into smaller pieces (a Low Level Woodcutting Profession will have to chop Wood up to transport it to a Sawmill)
Step 3 (Mid Level): Pull the entire log with special ropes to a Sawmill (Mid Level Woodcutting)
Step 3 (High Level): Pull the log to a road to be placed onto a Whimsical Wagon and taken to a Sawmill (High Level Woodcutting)

Note: Advanced harvesting mechanics are still in development and subject to change

September 2022

3D Elves NFT Showroom

In what may be an NFT first in the crypto space, we developed and release a 3D NFT showroom!

This special showroom provides an immersive experience that enables you to see all of your minted Elves, as well as all other Elves minted so far, allowing you to rotate them 360 degrees, zoom in and out, and view all of their traits. We’ve even got a couple of animations to give you a taste of in-game animations and emotes we’ll have in the MMORPG!

What’s more is that if you look at other minted Elves and find one you like, you can click on a link on its showroom page to be taken directly to it on our Marketplace, and see if it’s for sale or not and if not to potentially make an offer.

Our NFT showroom is accessible via our website through the downloadable game demo client on our homepage

Here’s a video we put out that shows off the showroom:

Profession Tools Revealed

Our artists and modelers have been hard at work also designing all 12 Profession tools that will be usable in both Dawn of Crypton and the main MMORPG. You can see all 12 tools here.

More Environment Improvements

Now that we were well into using Unreal Engine 5 to develop the MMORPG, we continued to adjust fog levels, shadows, sun positioning, and additional processing to ensure the environment possesses a whimsical and charming magic vibe.

We continued to do so in the final months of the year, tweaking and refining beyond what you see above, and will continue to do so until it’s perfect.

October 2022

Cosmic Island’s Continued Improvement

Keeping with the theme of further improving the environment of Cosmic Island, we added more “pop” to everything and now the island is looking really nice according to the feedback we received from the community.

Here are a few previews of how things are looking on the level design side of things.

We also shared a most glorious view across Cosmic Island at nighttime that provides a glimpse into a dynamic day/night cycle we believe will be one of the highlights of playing the Pre-Alpha in the coming months.

Enchanted Forest Design Timelapse

In October we also put together a quick timelapse of some level design in Enchanted Forest on Cosmic Island our level designer did to give you a behind-the-scenes look.

Phase 1 of Wizard Staking Ends & Phase 2 Begins

Chests containing valuable rewards (NFTs and tokens) have been airdropped directly into eligible Avalanche wallets in October, with Wizards having received the corresponding chest(s) being marked accordingly.

Chests have since then become unlockable within our Dawn of Crypton minigame. If you haven’t yet, you can claim your Chests on our website and then unlock those chests within DoC.

Note: During Phase 2 it is still possible to pay the MAGIC upgrade fees and upgrade the Profession Skill Levels of your Wizards, even though technically Wizards will be in Deep Meditation. If you reach a Skill Level of 20 for one or two Professions for a Wizard, or buy a Wizard on OpenSea without a claimed Chest, you will get to claim and unlock one starting early November. More info on Phase 2 rewards can be found here.

Native Marketplace Replaced With OpenSea

October marked the moment when we finally got to use OpenSean as our marketplace.

OpenSea had suddenly and unexpectedly announced in October that it has added Avalanche to its marketplace, which means that all NFT collections on Avalanche would now be automatically populated and tradable on the world’s largest and foremost NFT marketplace.

As most of you know if you have been following our project since 2021, last December Harmony was promising this would happen but it never did. Given this empty promise, we went on to develop our own NFT marketplace for all of our game assets as an interim solution. Fast-forward to now and our OpenSea dream finally became a reality.

There are several benefits to our NFTs being on OS:

  • We open up our project and NFTs to potentially millions of people
  • We harness the power of a 30+ person developer team that can deliver the best user experience
  • All our NFT attributes, including Profession Skill Level, etc, are easily visible

Note: If you are buying a Wizard on OpenSea and hoping to get a claimable Chest, make sure to refresh the NFT metadata first, as soon in the attached image. You will notice under each Wizard, in the Properties section, there is a “Chests Claimed” attribute that will tell you if the previous owner of the Wizard claimed any of the 2 Chests. Refreshing (the refresh button on the NFT page, not the browser refresh button) will give you the most up-to-date status of that attribute.

Also, you won’t see Chests as yours on OpenSea when you still have your Wizards staked.

Additionally, if you don’t see your Chests on OpenSea, go into your profile and then click on the More dropdown menu next to Activity and then click on Hidden…and remember, reaching a Skill Level of 20 for the 1st profession on a Wizard gets you a Rare Chest while reaching lvl 20 on the 2nd profession gets you a Mythical Chest.

Cosmic Universe x Flame Partnership

We also partnered with Flame in October, which is going to be a big deal for us in 2023. Flame is basically Steam for Web3. In fact, Rick Ellis, the founder of Steam, is also the founder of Flame, so they know how to create a successful game launch platform, and one that Cosmic Universe will proudly be featured and playable on!

With Flame, players will barely need to know anything about cryptocurrency or blockchain in order to get started, providing a frictionless entrance into Web3 gaming.

Step 1: Easy on-boarding to multichain wallet (create new or connect existing)

Step 2: Download and launch game

Step 3: Trade, buy, or sell NFTs or tokens earned in the game We look forward to sharing more about this partnership soon!

November 2022

Cosmic Universe x Boba Network Partnership

Keeping with the theme of mutually beneficial and aligned partnerships, November was the month we did the big reveal of our official partnership with Boba Network, the official Layer 2 solution for Avalanche!

Boba’s scaling solution and Hybrid Compute platform offers lightning fast transactions and fees up to 2000x less than Ethereum (at current tx cost of $2) and up to 30x less than Avalanche (at current tx cost of $0.03).

How Does Cosmic Universe Benefit?

For starters, transactions in Dawn of Crypton and our upcoming MMORPG will be faster and cheaper than on Avalanche! And since Boba is on Avalanche, transferring NFTs seamlessly between Boba and Avalanche is virtually a seamless experience. Additionally, our partnership with Boba provides us with more marketing opportunities and direct assistance from the Boba team. This is a partnership that will be rewarding for both parties for a long time to come.

Is Everything Moving to Boba?

Not exactly. Our liquidity pools for $MAGIC will stay on the Avalanche C-Chain. The contracts to be deployed on Boba are for our various NFT collections, game storage, and a whole lot more. Basically, the in-game transactions will use Boba Avax while Avax C-Chain will be for everything else, and assets can easily be moved back and forth between each network.

How Will I Directly Benefit?

You will directly experience much cheaper gas fees and fast tx speeds. Also, with the power of atomic external calls, we can request randomness upon minting, which essentially eliminates the common two step reveal process!

The Cosmic Guild Opens

In November we opened the Cosmic Guild on that gives special Discord roles to people who have attained a certain level within Cosmic Universe, such as having a Wizard, a certain amount of MAGIC, etc. The most sought-after role is the Legendary Cryptonian, which gives you access to a private channel in our Discord where alpha gets dropped, exclusive giveaways are provided, and even Pre-Alpha access passes are distributed!

Join the Cosmic Guild here.

December 2022

Dawn of Crypton Minigame Released

At long last, December is when our minigame and prequel to our MMORPG, Dawn of Crypton, was released!

Here’s our complete guide for how to get started playing.

We’re currently on v1.04, which includes updates such as upgrading to Unreal Engine 5.1, wallet creation directly in the game, and other tweaks to continually improve the game. Our upcoming releases of DoC will include the Trader update, Wizard and Elf Expeditions update, and the Microgames update.

Cosmic Universe Galxe Campaign via Boba Voyage

In partnership with Boba and Galxe, we launched a task-oriented campaign that comes with a $10K NFT giveaway!

We’re giving away:

  • 50 Wizard NFTs
  • 15 Land NFTs
  • 10 Elf NFTs

Every participant also gets an exclusive 3D animated NFT gamified within our MMORPG, meaning if you fulfill the tasks in our Galxe campaign, you receive the 3D NFT and automatically get entered into our epic giveaway

Join our Galxe campaign here.

To get $BOBA for the transaction to claim your exclusive NFT, you can use the Emergency Swap feature under the Boba Avalanche Mainnet Wallet tab here:

EOY Migration Stats

Most Cosmic Universe NFTs have been migrated from Harmony to Avalanche by now. Our migration bridge closes down at the end of 2022, so anyone who has yet to migrate over the past half year can still get their NFTs on the Avalanche side but will have to contact our support to for help in getting them.

2022 Harmony to Avalanche Migration Stats

Here are the final migration stats at the end of 2022:

  • 2D Framed Wizards: 5496 out of 10000 migrated
  • 3D Cosmic Wizards: 6358 out of 10000 migrated
  • Cosmic Island Land: 5668 out of 7060 migrated

Also, virtually all MAGIC from Harmony has been migrated to Avalanche.

Currently, there are 1.1K MAGIC holders on Avalanche, which is an all-time high MAGIC on Avalanche! We look forward to surpassing our old ATH number of holders on Harmony in 2023 as the market winds change course.

All Cosmic Universe NFTs

We’ve been incredibly busy building all year, and it’s likely been difficult to keep up if you haven’t been glued to our Discord server, so hopefully this massive year-in-review helped catch you up to speed. Additionally, we’ve compiled a list of all of our NFTs on OpenSea below:

Additionally, high-quality images of Wizards and Elves are available via the following links:

  • Cosmic Wizards HQ NFTs are here.
  • Cosmic Elves HQ NFTs are here.

Looking Forward to a Bright 2023

From a development standpoint, the work we were able to do in 2022 even though the market conditions were some of the worst, if not the worst, in crypto history, highlights our commitment to continuing on developing until the full release of our MMORPG is completed. We believe 2023 will be a turning point and lead to brighter days within the blockchain space.

At Cosmic Universe, we aspire to develop a leading blockchain game that places emphasis on truly enjoyable MMORPG gameplay, with blockchain integration providing additional benefits this novel technology has to offer the gaming industry. Simply put, we want to develop a blockchain game that is actually fun to play even if it didn’t have GameFi elements. That is why we are committed to doing everything we can to deliver big in 2023.

These are challenging times for everyone, so remember to take some time every day to step away from the charts and enjoy the simpler things in life. It is always darkest before the dawn. ☀️

Happy New Year!

