Cosmic Wizards — The Debut NFT Collection for Cosmic Universe

Cosmic Universe
6 min readOct 9, 2021


11/2 UPDATE: Go here for minting instructions.

It’s time for the big reveal! Our first NFT collection, Cosmic Wizards, will be released November 2nd at 10 AM EST (New York)! Presales will last for 24 hours and each person who is on the whitelist is guaranteed to be able to get up to 10 NFTs, as long as you mint anytime within that first 24 hrs, with each person on the whitelist guaranteed at least 1 NFT. This collection of 10,000 generative and unique wizards will feature both male and female wizards within 7 categories and approximately 150 traits using the HRC-721 token standard. Our exclusive minting site will be released very soon.

A Little About Cosmic Universe

Cosmic Universe is an upcoming open-world adventure MMORPG that will have 7 root races starting out on Cosmic Island on the planet Crypton.

Each one of the races will have its own NFT collection, where every individual NFT can act as a 2D gamified avatar representing a 3D playable root race character within the game. Players can add as many NFT characters to their account as they wish, leveling each one of them up separately and have the advantages and disadvantages of playing a character from one root race over another, as well as leveling them up to resell as even more valuable characters later on.

Cosmic Island is the first land map to be released and playable within the Cosmic Universe metaverse and will be the homeland of the Wizard race.

The planet Crypton will be the first planet in Cosmic Universe (more planets to come down the road!) that has Cosmic Island as the central land map, with 6 smaller islands, one for each root race, surrounding the main island. Cosmic Wizards will be highly sought-after considering they are the genesis race, calling the primary land map their home that all newcomers to the game start out in, and they also possess the most magic. Every race will have its strengths and weaknesses but Wizards will definitely wield magic like nobody else!

The 7 Root Races

Altogether, there will be 7 root races, with an extraordinary NFT collection for each one, spread out over time. This will ensure Cosmic Universe can scale for the number of players we anticipate in 2022 and beyond.

Each race of characters has a magical ability that gives it an advantage over another race of characters. This magical ability is directly tied to the magical crystal shard its respective Elemental used to create their race. However, no race of characters is better or worse than any other. All have their own unique advantages and disadvantages.

  • Wizards — Aether Shard
  • Apes — Earth Shard
  • Elves — Air Shard
  • Dwarves — Fire Shard
  • Felines — Crystal Shard
  • Trolls — Stone Shard
  • Yetis— Water Shard

Each playable character will be based on an NFT version of the character, in one of the 7 root races. This character will have the name of its race followed by a number (example: Wizard #777). We will also have pets and mounts, the first being dragons for wizards.

Beyond these, once the game has thousands of players, we will expand the metaverse to include other planets that will each have just 1 land map each and 1 root race. These land maps and NFT collections will be significantly smaller.

Cosmic Universe Lore

The planet Crypton was forged by The Prism, a collective of seven beings with the power to create worlds. Working together, the created many planets within the Cosmic Universe, including the planet Crypton. The Prism assigned a class of beings called the Elementals to create all life on all of the planets they create.

On Crypton, the Elementals were assigned to create seven root races. Each Elemental would go on to place their essence into the blueprint of each race.

The Earth Elemental birthed the Apes.

The Air Elemental created the Elves.

The Fire Elemental made the Dwarves.

The Crystal Elemental molded the Felines.

The Aether Elemental conjured the Wizards.

The Stone Elemental forged the Trolls.

The Water Elemental fashioned the Yetis.

Each Elemental used a crystal shard taken from the mystical crystals surrounding the Tree of Magic, located in the center of Cosmic Island, the main and central continent on Crypton. Each shard has its own color, reflecting one of the seven primary colors of the color spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet). Thanks to these magical crystal shards used by the Elementals to create the seven root races, each root race possesses magic within them. Thanks to the Tree of Magic, there is magic throughout Cosmic Island and Crypton.

All seven races lived in relative harmony and wielded magic and their unique skills to build increasingly-advanced settlements that helped Cosmic Island grow and evolve. There was prosperity, wisdom, and merriment within the realm, where its development was on a path to becoming one of the most advanced in the entire universe.

As much as they loved Crypton, they all looked to the stars and aspired to explore the universe and settle on other planets as well, along with meeting and trading with other races on those planets to see what they could collectively create. Perhaps, they thought, they would become creators of realms themselves. Climbing the Ascension Ladder to become Etherea Lumina would become their highest pursuit.

Cosmic Wizards

Wizards were the first root race to be created, out of the Aether shard. This imbued them with the most magic out of all of the races on Crypton, and also gave them the important responsibility of protecting the Tree of Magic and ensuring magic was used for good.

There are male and female wizards, all wise, noble, and virtuous. What they lack in physical strength they make up for in the expert use of spells, artifacts, and potions. Female Wizards are 3x as rare as male Wizards.

Cosmic Wizards will have their own unique minting site that will use ONE for minting. The minting price won’t be set in terms of how much ONE it will be until right before launching to ensure everyone gets a fair deal on them given how ONE has been skyrocketing recently. The price for a Wizard in the general sale will be around $75-$100 while the presale discount will be around $10-$15 less.

There will be a discount for presales, which will occur for the first 24 hours or until there are none left. There will be 200 people on the whitelist who can each get up to 5 Wizards each. Leveling-up in the Discord server to level 5 by being active will ensure you get a spot on the whitelist until we reach the 200-person cap. Once the general sale opens up the next day, you will get to mint 1, 3, 5, or 10 Wizards at a time, and get however many you’d like!

We’re regularly providing updates on our Twitter, Discord, and Telegram channels and you also get a chance to win NFT giveaways for Cosmic Wizards you can receive once minting begins.

We’re expecting the 10K Cosmic Wizards to sell out, so make sure you get them while you can before the price floor shoots up on the secondary markets! Buy Cosmic Wizards NFTs here!

