New Elves ReAwakening NFT Mint Incentives

Cosmic Universe
14 min readNov 4, 2023


Greetings magical CU fam! With winds on the crypto seas turning favorable and Cosmic Universe seeing MAGICal ascent lately, there is clear momentum in an upward and onward direction.

We have just completed a month-long migration to where all of our game logic, tokenized game assets, and smart contracts are all solely on Avalanche C-Chain. With everyone’s Wizards, Elves, and other assets safely in Red Coin Land, we are ready to embark on the next phase of our journey to Full Release.

Our focus is now on completing Dawn of Crypton’s Expeditions, which will be the bulk and most exciting gameplay our minigame has to offer, as well as the Pre-Alpha of our flagship MMORPG.

Every Elf NFT minted directly contributes to the development and completion of these two near-term games!

We are a 100% independent project and we have full autonomy over the development of all our games! There are no VCs waiting to dump on the community, a practice that happens too often with other projects.

With the help of our dedicated community we’ve been able to come this far and weather the bear market. A sold-out Elves NFT mint will guarantee funding for not only the full-time Dawn of Crypton Expeditions and MMORPG Pre-Alpha, but also the Alpha and beyond! Together we can create a truly Cosmic Universe!

The Uniqueness of Cosmic Universe Character NFTs

Generally-speaking, there are two main kinds of NFT collections today: Profile Picture (PFP) and Tokenized Asset collections. Our Elves are tokenized game assets that give holders direct ownership of the actual 3D video game characters in our MMORPG Cosmic Universe. What’s more is that every single one of the 10,000 unique Elves has been completely modeled, rigged, and animated in Unreal Engine 5.

Hardly any (if any at all) blockchain gaming projects have ever done this due to the complexity, time, and resources involved. We opted to go for the highest quality we can, and have put in a significant amount of time and resources into developing these. We are extremely happy with the results and know you will be as well! We believe Elves will become known throughout the Avalanche ecosystem and beyond.

Also, something that other NFT collections rarely ever do is randomize minting to ensure nobody can cheat the system. We have partnered with Chainlink and are using their Verifiable Random Function (VRF) to ensure minting of Elves is completely random. This means that minting is a two-step process, but it ensures the minting is as fair as it can possibly be.

Rewards & Benefits of Minting Elves NFTs

Besides helping us get our games to completion, there are several other benefits to minting Elves NFTs, with some exciting new incentives thrown in to make it even more valuable than ever to get your hands on some Elves.

When you mint Elves NFTs, you get the following:

  • Mint 3+ Elves and become whitelisted to mint 1 selectable Elf Island land plot during the first 24 hours of the future Elf Island land sale!
  • 1–5% Check-In Bonus in the MMORPG for rare Elves
  • Ability to go on Elven Adventures in Dawn of Crypton
  • Own an NFT of an actual 3D playable character in the Cosmic Universe MMORPG that’s been completely modeled, rigged, and animated in Unreal Engine 5
  • Exclusive access to Dawn of Crypton’s Elven Adventures
  • Rent out Elves to future players at any rate you desire to set
  • Gain access to Elf-specific Structures, Quests, etc in the MMORPG
  • Directly support the development and completion of Dawn of Crypton’s Expeditions and the MMORPG’s Pre-Alpha release
  • View animated Elves in the 3D NFT Showroom (returning soon)
  • Be a part of a high-vibed community
  • Flex!


Rare Elves NFTs = Greater Daily Check-In Rewards!

We have made having rare Elves even more appealing. If you have an Elf NFT with at least one trait that is between 1% and 5%, you will receive a higher daily check-in reward within Cosmic Universe when you have it in play!

Here’s how the boosted rewards system will work:

1% Rarity Trait — 5% extra rewards per daily check-in reward

2% Rarity Trait — 4% extra rewards per daily check-in reward

3% Rarity Trait — 3% extra rewards per daily check-in reward

4% Rarity Trait — 2% extra rewards per daily check-in reward

5% Rarity Trait — 1% extra rewards per daily check-in reward

Daily check-in rewards will accrue over a period of 7 days prior to being able to be withdrawn from your gaming account into your wallet.

If you haven’t gotten a Cosmic Elf NFT with at least 1% rarity trait, you may want to scoop one up! 🧙‍♂️

Also, if you want to resell your Cosmic Wizard NFTs the easy way, put them up for sale on The Marketplace! Once cross-chain NFT functionality comes to Harmony later this month, you will be able to buy and sell Cosmic Wizard NFTs on OpenSea 🎉


Road to 1K Elves Minted Contest

In addition to all of the benefits of minting Elves shared above, we’re running what we’re calling a Road to 1K contest!

From now until we see the 1000th Elf NFT minted, we are running a special contest for the top 3 Elves NFT minters.

1st Place — 10000 MAGIC

2nd Place — 5000 MAGIC

3rd Place — 2500 MAGIC



We’re also holding a giveaway for every 100th NFT mint, starting at Elf #700. These will be a randomized giveaway of either:

  • 3D Wizards
  • 3D Elves
  • Cosmic Island Land

We will take every wallet address that minted between each 100th mint threshold and drop it into a random number generator to obtain a number that will be the position of the minter that wins, making it as fair as possible.

Who knows, you may end up winning a Mystic Alpines land plot or a highly rare Elf or Wizard!



All holders of Cosmic Elves NFTs are eligible for a random drawing of Elf Island (Aelfaria) land NFTs!

  • Elf Mints 1–1000 are eligible for a random drawing for 100 Elf Island land NFTs (10% chance of winning!)
  • Elf Mints 1001–5000 are eligible for a random drawing of 50 Elf Island land NFTs (1% chance of winning)
  • Elf Mints 5001+ are eligible for a random drawing of 5 Elf Island land NFTs (0.1% chance of winning)

Mint Elves NFTs here.

HQ Elves Images Locations:


Google Drive:

View Elves in the Cosmic Universe Gallery:

Elves Smart Contract Address: 0x9a337A6F883De95f49e05CD7D801d475a40a9C70

You can add the Elves smart contract address and put 0 as the number of decimals in your Web3 wallet to see the NFTs in your wallet.

With overwhelming support from the CU community via a governance proposal, if someone mints 3 Elves NFTs, they become eligible to mint up to 1 Elf Island (Aelfaria) Land NFT within the first 24 hours of the future Land sale, prior to everyone else minting. This will allow minters of 3+ Elves to select their preferred land plots, ensuring a higher likelihood of minting rare and highly sought-after land.

To put this another way, minting 3 Elves would get a minter up to 1 plot guaranteed — with a maximum of 3333 minters possible if 3333 people minted 3 Elves or more each, meaning 3333 potential plots reserved out of approximately 13K plots on a 6x6 km land map, leaving approximately 10K plots purchasable by everyone not minting 3+ Elves.

We will log the amount of Elves minted per address. This means that the eligibility is tied to how many you minted, not how many you hold.

Speaking of the Elven homeland…

Wondering what Elf Island (Aelfaria) will look like? Here’s our initial map of the Elven homeland.

Elves Overview

In Cosmic Universe, each race of characters has a magical ability that gives it an advantage over another race of characters. This magical ability is directly tied to the magical crystal shard that its respective Elemental used to create their race. However, no race of characters is better or worse than any other. All have their own unique advantages and disadvantages.

  • Eteru, the Aether Elemental conjured the Wizards
  • Kaze, the Air Elemental created the Elves
  • Tsuchi, the Earth Elemental birthed the Apes
  • Sunda, the Crystal Elemental molded the Felines
  • Iwa, the Stone Elemental fashioned the Trolls
  • Nami, the Water Elemental forged the Yetis
  • Netsu, the Fire Elemental made the Dwarves

Each Elemental used a crystal shard taken from the mystical crystals surrounding the Tree of Magic, located in the center of Cosmic Island, the main and central continent on Crypton. Each shard has its own color, reflecting one of the seven primary colors of the color spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet). Thanks to these magical crystal shards used by the Elementals to create the seven root races, each root race possesses magic within them. Thanks to the Tree of Magic, there is magic throughout Cosmic Island and Crypton.

All seven races lived in relative harmony and wielded magic and their unique skills to build increasingly-advanced settlements that helped Cosmic Island grow and evolve. There was prosperity, wisdom, and merriment within the realm, where its development was on a path to becoming one of the most advanced in the entire universe.

As much as they loved Crypton, they all looked to the stars and aspired to explore the universe and settle on other planets as well, along with meeting and trading with other races on those planets to see what they could collectively create. Perhaps, they thought, they would become creators of realms themselves. Climbing the Ascension Ladder to become Etherea Lumina would become their highest pursuit.

As far as Elves go, they are wise and elegant. They are ancient and noble, maintaining a close connection with Wizards, as well as all life. They have expert control over magic streaming from the Tree of Magic. They have the ability to both create and revive all forms of life, quickly regenerate their own energy, and wield magical artifacts in the optimal manner. They are a sophisticated race that is second to Wizards when it comes to casting spells and using potions.

Mint Elves NFTs here.

HQ Elves Images Locations:


Google Drive:

View Elves in the Cosmic Universe Gallery:

Elves Smart Contract Address: 0x9a337A6F883De95f49e05CD7D801d475a40a9C70

You can add the Elves smart contract address and put 0 as the number of decimals in your Web3 wallet to see the NFTs in your wallet.

Elves Rarity Table

Once all 10K Elves NFTs are minted, each one will have its own rarity ranking. Until then, you can use this handy chart of 200+ Elven Traits to find the rarity (and subsequent de facto value) of your Elves:

Spirit Elk — The Elven Companion

Every Elf will also possess the ability to summon a pet/companion like Wizards will be able to. While Wizards will have the ability to summon a pet dragon, Elves will have the unique ability to summon a Spirit Elk. Each pet will provide an in-game advantage, such as accelerating movement from A to B on a given land map.

The Elves have always had a strong connection with nature and the ethereal so it only made sense for them to form bonds with both through the mystical form of a Spirit Elk. In order to gain their companion, an Elf must commune with nature in a specific ritual Quest. with a representative from each of the five councils present. This is done in Moonlight Grove, a central plaza atop the highest hill of Aerovale. Once the ritual is complete, the Elk will appear and be bound to the subject of the ritual for its entire life. The Elk appears ghostly in nature, with wise eyes, and will bow to greet a friend.

Elves Staves

Like Wizards, Elves have staves they possess that will help them conjure and use magic spells within Cosmic Universe. Here are the default staves that you will find your Elves holding:

Elven Lore

Born of the Air Shard from the Tree of Life on Elf Island by Kaze, the Air Elemental, the Elves are both wise and elegant creatures. Ancient beings with a deep knowledge of nature and all life, they maintain a close connection with Wizards as expert manipulators of magic. Elf Island is a nature-lover’s dream. The island is full of forests, creatures of all shapes and sizes and sprawling lands ripe for development. The central city of Aerovale is a beautifully crafted paradise that is built alongside Arael Lake. Creatures in the Elven lands are so attuned to their spirits that they sometimes appear in an ethereal form.

Elves have the ability to live in small communities as Wizards do, however there are quite a number that prefer a life of solitude. Apart from in their own land, these Elves often live in the lands of Cosmic Island within the Enchanted Forest. Some even make their way to the west of the island where the Mystic Alpines dominate the skyline. These solitary Elves are often utilized by travelers and adventurers as guides because the paths of Cosmic Island are known to be confusing to newcomers.

Infused with the magic of the Air Shard, all Elves have great control to revive all forms of life and are even able to recover their own energy quickly. Their knowledge also gives them power to wield magical artifacts as they were intended. Graceful in their movements, almost all Elves are lovers of dance and song.

Given their wise and patient nature, most Elves are accepting of all folk from Crypton. It is quite common to see a variety of folk sharing in stories and celebrations by an Elvish fire under the stars. Members of the Council of Song often teach their music and dance to those who share in their hospitality. It is considered ill manners to refuse an Elf a dance if they so ask.

Elven Councils

The following are the chief Elven Councils in Cosmic Universe:

Council of Life

All Elves have an affinity with nature and life magic. However, members of the Council of Life are especially attuned to the magic of the Air Shard. Part of the requirements to be accepted as a member of the council is a pilgrimage around Crypton aiding the communities that live there. As such, many members of this council are well known and respected by all of Crypton. Many are affectionately known as Guardians or Wardens and often have particularly spectacular gardens that travelers enjoy visiting. The members of this council adorn themselves with twigs and leaves to show their kinship with their natural surroundings.

Council of Artifacts

The Council of Artifacts have built a reputation as having the largest collection of magical artifacts on Crypton. Working closely with the Wizard School of Inscription, council members hunt ancient artifacts across every corner of Crypton. These seekers often work alone. However, they also enlist the help of adventurers from time to time, offering rewards for information leading to the whereabouts of an artifact. Their interest in artifacts is not selfish; it is to help the council further understand how Crypton and all life in the universe came to be. When a seeker becomes too frail to travel, they spend their days inspecting collected artifacts and reading scrolls to try and decipher these secrets. These Elves are among the wisest of all the Elves and have little regard for their appearance. They often wear dreary-colored clothing, but always don a smile when meeting someone.

Council of Dreams

Visionaries, idealists, and romantics are the most common types of Elves to flock to the Council of Dreams. However, most folk know them as Seers, Prophets, or Dreamers. The Elves that form part of this council seldom leave the Elven City of Aerovale. In contrast to the other councils, the members of the Council of Dreams all live together in the Dream House. The house is filled with meditation rooms, and the smell of incense burning wafts down the streets in all directions at all hours of the day. Everyone is welcome in the house and are invited to have their dreams interpreted by one of the members. This hospitality has become well known around the lands. These Elves are not averse to smoking a pipe, eating some mushrooms, and chilling out to some dank beats.

Council of Tongues

Expert linguists in every language on Crypton, the Elves of this council act as diplomats, envoys, and interpreters. Highly intelligent individuals, they see themselves as superior to the other councils and look down upon the more merry and carefree councils, such as the Council of Song and the Council of Dreams. As such, among the Elven community, the members of this council are often met with cold politeness, if not shunned entirely in social situations. The pompousness of these council members is shown in the way they walk, their stoic expressions, and the sharp, crisp style of clothing they wear. It is said that it is as lucky to see a member of the Council of Tongues smile as it is to see a shooting star during an eclipse — a very rare sight indeed.

Council of Song

The loudest and most boisterous Elves find their way into this council. Most of the Elven community enjoy music and a little dance here and there, but members of this council are known to sing and dance for days on end. Wooden flutes, drums, and lutes are the weapons of choice for this council and they wield them expertly. As the Elves are expert manipulators of magic, it is told that they weave this magic into song. Their grace and elegance enhance their dancing to ensnare the senses of anyone who watches. These Elves are often dressed provocatively, by Elven standards, and behave in a very sensual manner towards travelers. Take care if you visit their singing hall as you may end up staying for days at a time such is the power of the glamor.

Playing With Elves

Elves can be leveled-up currently through our Dawn of Crypton minigame, and more importantly will be leveling up by participating in our MMORPG’s Main Quest of exploring, harvesting/gathering/mining, building increasingly-advanced structures, and beautifying their land, as well as participating in numerous PVP and PVE sidequests.

Rewards and prizes will be received and won when Elves are being played in the game, as will be the case with Wizards. These will be primarily focused on tradable tokenized game assets such as Potions, Raw Resources, Refined Resources, Components, Pets, and others. Occasionally, $MAGIC rewards will also be received, especially in tournaments and similar larger competitions.

Essential Links

Mint Elves NFTs here.

HQ Elves Images Locations:


Google Drive:

View Elves in the Cosmic Universe Gallery:

Elves Smart Contract Address: 0x9a337A6F883De95f49e05CD7D801d475a40a9C70

You can add the Elves smart contract address and put 0 as the number of decimals in your Web3 wallet to see the NFTs in your wallet.

