The Expanded Cosmic Universe Game Economy — Generational Wealth Through Gaming

Cosmic Universe
7 min readNov 5, 2023


At the peak of the previous bull market when $MAGIC reached $200M market cap, our project had only, up until that point, released a 2D collection of Wizard NFTs and an audaciously bold vision of an MMORPG the likes of which had never been created.

Since then, the bear came out of hibernation and wreaked havoc upon the crypto realm. Yet, we pursued our vision and continued to succeed in our development efforts. We had achieved a massive amount of results and products since then, and continue to work on others on our journey to the grand prize: a full release of a worldbuilder MMORPG.

Let’s first take a look at what we achieved during the bear market:

  • FREE 3D Wizards NFT collection airdrop to existing 2D Wizards holders
  • Cosmic Island Land Sale (Public Sale sold out in 2 minutes)
  • Playable single-player 3D RPG game demo
  • Full migration to Avalanche
  • Complete game redevelopment to upgrade from UE4 to UE5
  • Game-wide custom & unique environmental asset development
  • Native ecosystem marketplace launched
  • 3D Elves NFT collection mint (ongoing)
  • 3D NFT Showroom with animated 3D Elves
  • The MAGIC Bank
  • Wizard Staking Program
  • Dawn of Crypton — Elven Adventures released
  • Addition of Boba-Avax L2 for Dawn of Crypton
  • Migration Back to Avalanche

Now, as the frigid crypto winter begins to turn into a revitalizing spring, we are also reawakening and preparing for the next phases of our journey:

Currently, most of the hard part of the Pre-Alpha is done (multiplayer, on-chain capabilities) while the focus going forward will be on completing the terraforming of Cosmic Island. This has to be done in a way to account for every one of the several-thousand land plots having a balanced proportion of Resources based on the Region said land plot is located in. This is why it requires considerably more planning and time to do than “painting” swaths of trees, etc would for a game that isn’t going for the highest caliber of fine-tuned gameplay for fair game economy that Cosmic Universe is striving for.

Also, quick general timeframe for our next phase:

It will take approximately 2 months of full-time development to complete and release the MMORPG Pre-Alpha.

Dawn of Crypton — Expeditions is nearly complete and with your help of minting our glorious Elves NFTs, will be released very shortly.

Speaking of the Regions, here are the biomes that appear on Cosmic Island, the homeland of Wizards:

  • Temperate Deciduous (Elysian Fields, Enchanted Forest)
  • Magical Whimsical (Forest of Whimsy, Tree of Magic)
  • Coniferous Alpine (Mystic Alpines, Enchanted Forest)
  • Mixed Temperate (Elysian Fields, Enchanted Forest)
  • Savannah (Elysian Fields)
  • Tropical (Elysian Fields)

We will distribute more information on biomes on Aelfaria soon but the map below can give you a general idea:

As you may see, while Elysian Fields are the most common land, they have an additional degree of value if a land plot in this Region is located in certain key locations, such as the southern coast, where there is a narrow Tropical biome located. This enhancement has the potential to lead to new considerations and strategies when it comes to securing land on Cosmic Island and determining what token-gated experiences and resource allocations a player may have.

Speaking of the game economy, it’s time to share more about the…

Expanded Game Economy of Cosmic Universe

Before we get into it, let’s preface by stating that blockchain games have a bit more onboarding than traditional web2 games. Even with account abstraction, etc, you will still need to set up wallets to play with game assets, cash out, trade NFTs, or you’ll have the game be the custodian for you and do as much as it can without you realizing you’re playing a web3 game, both of which have tradeoffs.

However, what web2 games cannot do is create generational wealth. Web3 games can.

A game like we’re developing creates an entire virtual economy where every gamer is also an entrepreneur where they could, theoretically, become more successful working within the virtual game economy than if they were hustling in the fiat mines.

How is Cosmic Universe creating a game economy that gives people an alternative path to freedom while keeping its economy balanced and sustainable?

Rest here traveler and read on…

The Art of Balanced Cryptoeconomics

During the short-lived bull market euphoria of 2021, Play-to-Earn blockchain games became all the rage. After the success of Axie Infinity, everybody and their mother decided to emulate the economics of this game. However, while the allure of ERC-20 token rewards that could be regularly cashed out was highly appealing to many, this is only possible for short periods of time during a hyped bull market. As the bear started awakening, it was clear that P2E game economics was destined for failure.

Cosmic Universe has taken time during the bear market to optimize its game economy in a way that provides enticing rewards for skilled gameplay and entrepreneurial innovation while ensuring the game’s economy can be perpetually sustainable.

Let’s take a look at what this means in more detail.

Tokenized Game Asset-Derived Rewards System

The days of games being able to dish out their governance or utility token to players without it wrecking their fragile game economies is over. Most games that do this will unfortunately fail. Some ERC-20 token rewards are practical to integrate, such as winnings during a tournament, competition, or similar event, but by and large the undue selling pressure due to bots, people in impoverished nations being employed by a modern-day sweat shop owner to hustle and grind in a blockchain game, etc. result in an economic collapse.

There is another way to reward players and keep a game’s economy going, and it’s quite simple: leverage tokenized game assets.

We have already been developing and releasing elements that will be a part of our sustainable and rewarding game economy since the end of last year.

Dawn of Crypton provided an avenue for players who want to get a head start on training their characters’ Profession and Skill Level, as well as be a way for players with Wizards and Elves alike to unlock novel tokenized game assets like:

-Raw Resources
-Refined Resources
-Raw Resources

All of these game assets are tokenized as ERC-721 and ERC-1155 tokens and are tradable right now on marketplaces like OpenSea and escrow platforms like Tradescrow.

How to Create Generational Wealth in Cosmic Universe

We envision Cosmic Universe’s economy to be the kind where those players who dived into entrepreneurial esoterica like Reality Transurfing and defining exoteric guides of our time like The Four Hour Workweek end up producing generational wealth.

Yes, we believe it’s possible.

How, you may ask? Let’s take a look at just some of the entrepreneurial opportunities that will exist in the MMORPG:

  • Level-up their Wizards and Elves by training them in one or more Professions
  • Flip NFTs, either by getting low-value ones and upgrading & customizing them or working the market for maximum capitalization
  • Play the main worldbuilding Quest and secondary sidequests to level up Characters
  • Buy or rent Land to increase its Land Level to become more valuable
  • Build increasingly-advanced Structures on Land to increase its value
  • Create token-gated experiences on Land requiring specific ERC-20, ERC-721, or ERC-1155s to gain access to resorts, galleries, nightclubs, etc.
  • Rent out your Land for billboards or rent our billboard on your land to the highest bidder
  • Unlock rare Skins for Profession Tools to trade on NFT marketplaces
  • Gather up Raw Resources and converting them into more valuable Refined Resources
  • Amass a collection of Pets like Capybaras that will be customizable via Skins
  • Beautify and Customize Land plots and the Structures contained therein
  • Go Questing to uncover and recover rare and valuable Items like Artifacts including the Enchanter Spirit Stone, Emerald Tablets, Glowing Rune, and others and become a merchant in Enchanteria via an in-game marketplace
  • Become a Potions trader and capitalize on a niche selling Potions like the Portal Opener, Mystifier, and Acceleration Ambrosia

This is just a small selection of entrepreneurial opportunities players can get involved in to become magical moguls within the Cosmic Universe economy. We’re sure you will be able to come up with more once you start seeing the possibilities in the Pre-Alpha and Alpha (especially when it comes to token-gated experiences).

The central and defining characteristic of a game economy centered around tokenized game assets is that everything not bolted down (figuratively-speaking) in the game will be tokenized and tradable on NFT marketplaces. We all know how popular flipping Profile Picture (PFP) NFTs was in the previous bull market. In the coming one, we will likely see NFTs with actual value like game assets being traded more than any other NFTs, resulting in potential game NFT millionaires who understand what assets to sell to others and how to make them both appealing and profitable.

We call all entrepreneurial-minded people who would love to immerse themselves within a mystical fantasy realm where they can become master money alchemists and unlock profound wealth while also having A LOT of fun doing so.

If you have any suggestions for additions to our game economy to make it even better, feel free to drop your suggestions into our Discord community server and we’d be happy to review them!


The key to a successful blockchain game is a sustainable game economy no matter the economic conditions. We’ve taken time during the bear market to optimize and refine our game’s economy where the utility token can stay strong while supporting the ability for players to enjoy an immersive fantasy worldbuilding game while also having the potential to be very profitable doing so. We look forward to sharing more over the coming weeks and months. A well-designed game economy that provides a canvas for a free market of possibilities and opportunities for players to define their success strategy is the key we are using to unlock the treasure trove of generational wealth that will be possible within Cosmic Universe.

We’re going to show why it’s worth a little bit of effort to learn how to play a blockchain MMORPG 🧙‍♂️

