Weekly Wizard: 3D Wizards & 3D Elves, Land Staking Details & More

Cosmic Universe
6 min readApr 6, 2022


This has been a week busy with development so things have been a bit more quiet, but rest assured we’re delivering the goods this month! Here’s an update on what’s going on in Cosmic Universe land.

Weekly Growth Stats

  • 13.2K Twitter Followers (unchanged)
  • 6.50K Discord Members (unchanged)
  • 2.1K Telegram Members (unchanged)
  • 3.6K MAGIC Holders (unchanged)
  • 2.2K COSMIC Holders (unchanged)
  • 2493 Cosmic Wizards NFT Holders
  • 3.93 Wizards Per Wallet
  • Largest Holder: 306 Wizards
  • 1242 Cosmic Island Land NFT Holders
  • 5.52 Land Plots Per Wallet
  • Largest Holder: 159 Land Plots

NOTE: The Cosmic Universe Marketplace holds around 200 NFTs, which will lead to the totals above in regards to how many holders there are to be lower than the true totals.

Marketplace NFTs Now Loading via CDN

The marketplace has been receiving updates and improvements and during the last week the data has been migrated to our incredibly fast CDN! This makes it is much quicker to use now, thanks to NFTs loading through it, and will improve user experience a lot. As we add more and more NFTs to Cosmic Universe, and the marketplace sees more use, this will help immensely.

This past week we say 106 sales, 427 listings, and $36K in MAGIC volume.

More updates to come!

3D Wizards Update

We have been hard at work in the background this week finalizing the images of the actual playable 3D Wizards, getting them ready to be distributed to the community via a free airdrop to all current holders of the original 2D Wizards.

We are just going through the final QA and tweaks right now and then getting them up on IPFS and getting the Claiming function live on our website. There will be a specific page on our website where you can trade in your current 2D Wizard for the 3D version of it, plus you will also receive a framed version of the 2D Wizard which will be an item NFT in game. You will be able to display this NFT in your house or other buildings within the game, such as the Expo Center, art galleries, and more! No other race will have this item, only Wizards.

We want to thank everyone for their patience with us and we are excited to be so close to the release of the first playable 3D NFTs for Cosmic Universe!

GameDev Update

Work on the Cosmic Island environment also continues as well with secret additions to the map like an oasis, streams, hemp fields, rock formations, etc. We are continuing to have custom assets developed, along with custom textures, and are continuing with overall game development as well, including UI, game mechanics, and gameplay design. In just a few weeks, our awaited gameplay demo will finally be out! After it is released, be prepared to see some big moves being made by our project. We’ve been intentionally waiting holding off on several action steps until both OneFi Exchange is live and our gameplay demo is out. The time is coming!

Land Staking Details Revealed

This week we released some preliminary information on land staking how it will work and what you can expect to earn. Please remember these are preliminary numbers only and are subject to balancing changes. You can find the information here.

It’s quite thorough and may seem a bit complex so we suggest reading it intentionally to absorb the information. Even more details are coming, including info on the XP system and what actions in the game lead to what sorts of XP gains.

New Lore

We have added a bit more of our official lore to our Encyclopedia as well, including a small sample of the types of quests that will be available in-game. We will be releasing more and more lore as time goes on so to keep updated on the happenings in the Cosmic Universe, be sure to check out the Encyclopedia from time to time!

We also want to hold another trivia night soon, so keep an eye out for an announcement regarding that.

3D Elves

Note: the above base character is a placeholder

While some of our development team are finalizing the 3D Wizards, work has also begun on the 3D Elves last week. Over the past few weeks, we had our 2D concept artist design the Elves and all of their attributes, and now the modeling work can begin on the 3D versions that will be available for sale in a few weeks. In the sneak peek above, you can see an example of what some female Elves will be wearing. This is from the early stages but we wanted to show off how progress is going on the next race to appear in Cosmic Universe.

Wen OneFi?

We know everyone has been anticipating the launch of OneFi for a while now, as have we! While OneFi has been slightly delayed due to needing to improve the code but everything looks good now so we’re conducting some final tests on services that will be deployed and added to the frontend. We’ll provide additional details, most likely within the next update, regarding the OneFi crowdsale, so be on the lookout for that! You won’t want to miss it.

Alpha Gaming DAO Partnership

This week we announced that in an effort to strengthen our long-term metaverse goals within the crypto-gaming ecosystem, we have started making aligned partnerships with other gaming based projects within the blockchain gaming industry, and have found a few that will help us grow together. Besides partners like Hermes DeFi, OneFi Exchange, Cerebral Gaming, and others we will announce soon, a new partner is Alpha Gaming DAO. In fact, we held an AMA with Alpha Gaming during the week and the replay to whichcan be found here:

Fun Art Competition

We had a fun competition during the week as well where the entries were Wizard themed and using your non-dominant hand to draw with. Some of the entries were really fun and surprisingly good! You can see all of the drawings in our fun-art-comp channel in our Discord. The winner of this competition was Marisol who drew the following piece. Congratulations Marisol!

That’s it for this week. We’re expecting a lot of things to come to completion over the next week so make sure to check back for the upcoming updates!

