Weekly Wizard: Full Migration to Avalanche, 1 Year Anniversary, GameDev Updates & More

Cosmic Universe
12 min readJun 26, 2022


What an incredibly eventful two weeks it has been! Let’s dive right into it.

Weekly Growth Stats

  • 13.4K Twitter Followers (-100 followers)
  • 6.15K Discord Members (unchanged)
  • 1.9K Telegram Members (-50 members)
  • 1.2K YouTube Subscribers (+25 subscribers)
  • 3.7K MAGIC Holders (-50 holders)
  • 2.25K COSMIC Holders (unchanged)
  • 7068 3D Wizard NFTs Claimed
  • 5079 3D Wizards Being Staked
  • 3.9M MAGIC in Character Staking Rewards Pool
  • 100K MAGIC in Marketplace Sales
  • 1200 MAGIC Wizard NFT Floor Price
  • 2000 MAGIC Elysian Fields Floor Price
  • 2100 MAGIC Enchanted Forest Floor Price
  • 3000 MAGIC Mystic Alpines Floor Price
  • 15000 MAGIC Forest of Whimsy Floor Price

1 Year Anniversary

On June 20th, Cosmic Universe celebrated its one year anniversary! 🥳

We had our famous DJ parties, COSMIC and MAGIC rains and burns, an AMA with our Lead Game dev Drago, Character Staking updates, contests, trivia games, new WIP Structures reveals, and more!

This is a major milestone for any project, and we are really happy with how much we have achieved in this past year. We are an incredibly ambitious blockchain gaming project that envisions being a leading blockchain game once our full release is out. We have already achieved a tremendous deal, being one of the few blockchain games developed using Unreal Engine 5, as well as one of a handful that is going to be a full-fledged MMORPG. We are very excited to see what the next year brings.

Among other things, we are planning to achieve the following:

  • Full Release of Cosmic Universe
  • 3D In-Game DEX
  • 3D In-Game Marketplace
  • Tokenization of Real-World Trees & Coral for Environmental Conservation
  • Real-World Tokenized Tree Planting Initiative
  • In-Game 2 Year Anniversary Festival With World-Renown DJs & Artists

Full Migration to Avalanche

We are migrating to Avalanche!

Be sure to join our AMA on June 27th at 9 PM EST in our Discord server. Here is a link directly to the event.

There are many reasons for migrating, most of which the Harmony community is well aware of at this point (and some they are not), but by far the biggest and most important reason of all is because over 1/3 of the total TVL of Harmony has been stolen via a $100M hack of the Horizon Bridge. Harmony only had 2 signatures needed out of 4 in order for the hack to be possible. This is not even on par with what Harmony requires all grant recipients to have set up, showing a severe and reckless security mindset that is simply too dangerous, in our eyes, to consider our project to be safe on Harmony anymore, especially considering this is not the first security issue or issue in general and how big we expect our project to become. We hope Harmony can restructure its team and get back on course.

We were patient and willing to look past all of the previous mistakes and acts of self-sabotage the Harmony team has done but this one is simply too big to ignore on top of everything else. We were originally planning to do a cross-chain expansion, and even announced that during our 1 Year Anniversary AMA just a few days before the massive Harmony bridge hack. However, in light of the new shocking events that rocked the very foundations of the Harmony ecosystem (and threaten its very survival), we are doing a full-scale migration, and we are almost done doing so.

Avalanche and Ava Labs have been very supportive of our project and are very enthusiastic about our move over to C-Chain first and then our own subnet where MAGIC will be our gas token. We had first been contacted in March by Avalanche and had a few meetings since then that have been very encouraging and productive. We are just beginning this new relationship and will be having further discussions and action steps in more specific terms, especially when it comes to marketing, funding, and CEX listings.

Click on the Avalanche Ecosystem graphic below to see a larger version.

Avalanche Basics

Here are a few basic details to know about Avalanche:

Current Average Transaction Cost: 25 nAVAX ($0.01)
Current Average Transactions Per Second: 4,500
Transaction Finality: 1-3 Seconds
Blockchain Explorers: Avalanche Explorer, SnowTrace, AvaScan
Main DEX: Trader Joe
How to add Avalanche to MetaMask: Go here or let Trader Joe to it automatically for you.

Migration Details

We will provide all of the details everyone will need in order have a smooth and easy migration once we have completed all of the tasks below.

Our migration plans include the following:

Upgradeable MAGIC Contract ✅
Upgradeable COSMIC No-Tax 18-Decimal Contract ✅
Upgradeable 3D Wizards Contract ✅
Upgradeable Cosmic Island Land Contract ✅
Point-to-point one-direction bridge to Avalanche (Egress & Ingress) ✅
OpenZeppelin Config ✅
Character Staking Data Migration (In Progress)
Upgradeable Marketplace contracts with minor cleanup (In Progress)
Updated UI for Avalanche MAGIC farms ✅
Updated MAGIC farms on our website (In Progress)

MAGIC & COSMIC Token Migration

We will have 1:1 transfer from Harmony MAGIC and COSMIC to Avalanche MAGIC and COSMIC. This means that holders of our tokens will simply need to interact with a special bridge contract that will take their Harmony MAGIC and COSMIC and immediately give them Avalanche MAGIC and COSMIC.

For example, if you have 1,000 MAGIC and 10,000 COSMIC on Harmony, you will receive 1,000 MAGIC and 10,000 COSMIC on Avalanche. From there, you will be able to simply hold it in your MetaMask Wallet after switching your network to Avalanche in MM or add it in our upcoming MAGIC and COSMIC liquidity pools on Trader Joe.

We will provide easy-to-follow instructions that will make this a breeze given our blockchain guru Cajun has already started working on it and knows exactly what to do for this migration to be a seamless user experience.

Additionally, we will have our farming contract that can be interacted with directly on the farms section of our website, with liquidity on Trader Joe, the largest DEX on Avalanche. Our NFT marketplace, Character Staking, and all NFTs will still stay on Harmony for a little bit longer but will also be migrated, but with priority given to our tokens being migrated. The most important first step is ensuring the value of everyone’s MAGIC and COSMIC stays steady. NFTs do not succumb to the same volatility as project tokens do. We will have more details shortly.

There is no need to leave our current liquidity pools on Harmony until we have everything set up on Avalanche, unless you want to minimize the risk of ONE going to the downside between now and our new LPs being up on Trader Joe.

Also, this migration opportunity allows us to have upgradable contracts, which open up an entire new world of possibilities not possible with our current contracts when it comes to blockchain gaming.

We have temporarily paused the ability to continue training will be temporarily while we set up the Character Staking contract on Avalanche. You will be able to pick up upgrading your Skill Level where you left off once it’s unpaused. No Skill Levels will be lost. Additionally, our NFT naming and Cosmic Tickets are also currently paused until we start them up again on Avalanche. MAGIC will still be our marketplace token, except it will be our new Avalanche MAGIC token. Additionally, we will also be launching the MAGIC Bank once our Avalanche migration is complete.

Nothing is stopping us from becoming one of the leading blockchain games in all of crypto ⭐️

GameDev Updates

Amid all of the focus on migrating to Avalanche, we have also been continuing with development of our blockchain MMORPG. It’s mostly been technical improvements but we also updated the game demo a few times. There is now a boulder that needs to be broken apart in order to get in to snatch the Rune of Translocation.

There have also been some other additions, like a timer for our Fastest Demo Completion contest, which is still going on, so many sure you enter if you would like to win a Mystic Alpines land plot!

When it comes to looking ahead, here’s what we are working on when it comes to gamedev throughout Q3:

  • 3D Elves NFT collection mint and Elven integration into the game
  • Begin migrating to multiplayer and integrating multiplayer functionality
  • Expand gameplay including additional harvesting mechanics, adding building mechanics, and adding more quests
  • Connect the game made in Unreal Engine 5 with the Avalanche blockchain
  • Complete the environment of Cosmic Island and open up the entire land map to players
  • Establish modular buildings mechanics for full customization

We’re continuing to create buildable Structures like these work-in-progress ones below. Some of these are more developed than others, but here’s a little sneak peek at what’s to come! Keep in mind some of these are very raw and in their early stages.

Simple Whimsical Home

Regular Whimsical Home

Advanced Whimsical Home

Regular Whimsical Tower

Emerald Crystals

Rename Your Land & Character NFTs

To add some personality to your Character and Land NFTs, you can now customize the name of your Wizards and Land!

*Note* Naming NFTs is momentarily paused while we migrate all of our contracts to Avalanche.

Setting a name costs 125 MAGIC

To set a name, you must be in possession of your NFT (not on sale or staked), go to the details page for your NFT on our marketplace, and click the edit button below the name. The first time will also ask for MAGIC approval for the contract. Then, refresh the page and you’ll see your newly-named Wizard or Land! That’s all it takes!

Names are completely unique, which means there can only be one person with the same name. Removing a name is free but renaming will require paying the naming fee.

Wizards can be unstaked, named, and then restaked at no additional staking cost or loss of level, as long as your Wizard is not in the middle of a training session. Wait until Training for a level is done first. We also have a naughty names filter so please keep it PG

The MAGIC raised is being set aside to be used to supply the MAGIC Bank we will launch on Avalanche.

Feel free to share your names Wizards and Land on social media and Happy Naming!

Character Staking Update

In late September, currently expected to be at the end of September (likely moved towards the end of September — true date TBA after our Avalanche migration is complete), Character Staking will transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2.

There will be 3 Phases in total for the Character Staking Program. What this means is that starting at the end of September, MAGIC rewards will be replaced by several other rewards that we will list below. This ensures the program can stay perpetually sustainable, while still providing valuable rewards.

Here’s what will happen:

A process called Deep Meditation will commence on September 25th. During Deep Meditation, MAGIC rewards cease being distributed and are replaced with Treasure Chests, similar to the ones that will be received in-game, except with some rare and unique items that will not be found within in-game Treasure Chests.

Upgrading Skill Level is still possible once the Deep Meditation progress in Phase 2 begins. This means if you have not reached Skill Level 20 within a Profession, you can continue upgrading in order to get the Treasure Chests and gain a competitive advantage with newer players by getting up to a Skill Level of 20 within 2 Professions before the game is fully released. These chests are distributed once a player reached a Skill Level of 20 within a maxed out Profession.

You will receive 1 Standard Chest for level 20, and then 1 Epic Chest for level 40. This means 1 Standard Chest and 1 Epic Chest per character for getting to Skill Level 40.

This means that even if you started upgrading Wizards late, you can still achieve Skill Level 20 in two Professions! Chests will begin to be distributed during Phase 2 for everyone who has gotten to a Skill Level of 20, even if you already got to that level now.

Treasure Chest Rewards

Rewards during Phase 2 found within Treasure Chests include:

  • Guaranteed VIP Pass that provides access to the VIP Lounge by maxing out 2 Professions and a chance of finding a VIP Pass in a chest after maxing out one Profession.
  • Profession Tools (Pickaxe & Axe with at least one in each chest, with 1 in a Standard Chest and 2 in Epic Chest in 4 categories of rarity (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Mythical which all have varying degrees of strength and durability)
  • Resources (3 from each Profession. For example: Pine, Birch, Willow for Woodcutting, Iron, Granite, Gold for Mining, Amethyst, Tourmaline, Labradorite for Crystal Extraction, etc.
  • Variable amount of COSMIC with more COSMIC found in an Epic Chest
  • Access to Exclusive Quests only playable via the VIP Lounge
  • Capybara pet that follows your player around CU, and can be dismissed and then summoned again upon your request
  • Rune of Translocation (1% chance of it being in a Standard Chest and 5% chance of it being in an Epic Chest)

Note: Players can still upgrade their Skill Level for 90 MAGIC like now per level, all the way up to 20 during Deep Meditation in both Professions, but instead of MAGIC rewards there will be a transition to all of the rewards described above, which will be placed in special Treasure Chests.

Phase 3 begins upon the release of the game, either the full release or Beta. This means that players will be able to, through skilled gameplay, upgrade their Skill Level up to 200 per Profession, within 3 Professions.

In-game rewards are incomprehensibly vast and will require an entire Encyclopedia entry for them, which will come within the next couple of months. Note that Skill Level is separate from a player’s overall Level.

Skill Level: 1–200
Character Level: 1–13
Land Level: 1–7

We have designed Phase 2 rewards to be very valuable, with tradable NFTs being placed within Treasure Chests that can be then traded on our marketplace. If you have any questions on Phase 2 or Character Staking, feel free to ask anyone on our Community Team! And of course, Character Staking is paused until we complete our Avalanche migration.

Character Staking Management Dashboard Update

Check out our new-and-improved Character Staking Management stats!

Check out how many Wizards are staked, the highest level achieved by a player, and how many players reached Skill Level 20 and beyond.

Cosmic Island Land Giveaway

There’s a few more days to enter our Cosmic Island Land Giveaway!

Just 7 days left in our Land Giveaway! Enter here: https://giv.gg/n5is0U

The more actions you take in the giveaway, the higher your odds of winning.

We are giving away the following:

1st Place: Mystic Alpines Land Plot ($300 Current Value)
2nd Place: Enchanted Forest Land Plot ($150 Current Value)
3rd Place: Elysian Fields Land Plot ($125 Current Value)
4th Place: 800 MAGIC
5th Place: 10000 COSMIC

Complete as many actions as possible in order to receive the maximum number of points you can get to increase your chances of winning.

Alternate Game Trailer

Here’s our alternate gameplay demo trailer that’s unlisted since we already released a demo teaser trailer but we felt like sharing because we really like it, so enjoy!

Final Thoughts

It’s been exactly one year since we have started Cosmic Universe, which started with just Wizard Blizzard at first and now consists of nearly 25 team members. Our first year was one of exceptional growth and learning experiences, as well as an ambitious and ever-expanding endeavor to deliver something truly novel and game-changing to the crypto space, and more specifically blockchain gaming.

We are thankful for Harmony and especially its warm community over the past year, as well as our amazing team, and now look ahead to our future on Avalanche and seeing our MMORPG emerge as one of the leading blockchain games in the entire crypto space.

This is only the beginning for Cosmic Universe! ✨

