The Creative Fund Launches to Back Every Single Project on Kickstarter

The Creative Fund
2 min readJul 11, 2018


A Universal Basic Pledge for Creators

Creativity is an essential part of what makes the internet an amazing place. For over a decade, Kickstarter has been a place for independent creators to bring their passions to life. But, if you’ve ever ran you own campaign, you know how difficult it can be to start out. The sad truth is, 41% of launched projects don’t reach their funding goal. We want to change that!

We decided to experiment a little and give $1 to every Kickstarter project. While $1 doesn’t seem like a lot, we received an overwhelming amount of appreciation from thousands of creators for just believing in them. We remember that exact feeling of being really excited about the first dollar we raised when we ran a crowdfunding campaign, and we want to pay it forward.

This is why The Creative Fund exists — we wanted to create a “Universal Basic Pledge” to support and encourage independent creators from every corner of the world. We believe everyone deserves a chance. We invite those who share our excitement to help nurture this creative economy together.

It Takes a Village

Every day, The Creative Fund automatically pledges to every single Kickstarter project once it launches. We are currently starting with pledging a dollar to every newly launched Kickstarter project, but we want to see that amount grow.

That’s where you come in — we are now opening the fund to the community! If you want to see more awesome things in the world and show your support to independent creators, please consider contributing to the fund. 100% of this fund goes toward independent creators all around the world.

Join the Community!

Whether you’re an independent creator, avid Kickstarter backer, or a newcomer looking to support creativity, we invite you to leave your mark! We want YOU to help shape The Creative Fund and think of more ways we can help more creators.

The Creative Fund is a community project and we’re excited to have you involved! Please email us with your ideas, feedback and questions at hi {at} thecreative {dot} fund.

Thank you for supporting independent creators and strengthening the creative economy with us!

Rosanna Yau & Maxwell Salzberg
The Creative Fund



The Creative Fund

We are pledging to every single crowdfunding project everyday to support up-and-coming independent creators. Let’s celebrate creators together!