Complete Venom Network Tasks to Earn NFTs

2 min readSep 22, 2023


Venom Network is a blockchain platform that is currently in testnet phase. The team is inviting users to participate in a variety of tasks to help test the network and earn exclusive NFTs.

Venom Network Tasks: Venom Blockchain Testnet Campaign

One way to earn NFTs on Venom Network is to complete the testnet tasks. These tasks are designed to help users learn about the network and its features. Some of the tasks include:

  • Creating a Venom Wallet
  • Sending and receiving VENOM tokens
  • Swapping tokens on VenomSwap
  • Providing liquidity to a VenomSwap pool
  • Interacting with other dApps on the Venom Network

Once users have completed at least three tasks, they can claim an exclusive NFT badge. These badges are unique to each user and cannot be traded or sold.

In addition to the testnet tasks, Venom Network also hosts regular events and challenges where users can earn NFTs. For example, the team recently hosted a Twitter contest where users could earn NFTs by creating tweets about Venom Network.

Venom Network is also partnering with a variety of dApps and projects to offer exclusive NFT rewards to its users. For example, the team recently announced a partnership with Snipa Finance, a DeFi portfolio tracker. Users who complete certain tasks related to Snipa Finance can earn exclusive NFTs.

To earn NFTs on Venom Network, users will need to have a Venom Wallet. Venom Wallets can be created for free on the Venom Network website. Once users have created a Venom Wallet, they can start completing tasks and participating in events to earn NFTs.

Here are some tips for earning NFTs on Venom Network:

  • Follow Venom Network on social media to stay up-to-date on the latest tasks and events.
  • Join the Venom Network Discord server to connect with other users and ask questions.
  • Participate in the Venom Network community. The more involved you are, the more likely you are to hear about new opportunities to earn NFTs.

Earning NFTs on Venom Network is a great way to learn about the network and its features, and it’s also a fun way to collect unique digital assets. With so many different ways to earn NFTs, there’s something for everyone.




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