Zelantus Project —Tokenize Yourself And Grow Your Value!

The CryptoSmurf
2 min readSep 13, 2020


We live in a competitive world, and everyone is trying to overcome themselves nowadays “Work hard in silence, let your success be the noise…” I am sure you heard this before, and never knew how to implement it. Today, this quote is more meaningful than ever.

The Zelantus Project created a way in which you can easily tokenize and market yourself to the large public. While a company can offer the possibility to buy stocks/shares from it, and so investing in its potential, today you can easily do that with a regular person.

Your worth is not conditioned only by those who pay your salary anymore. You can now create your own token and empower the market to dictate your worth.

If you are a great influencer, developer, or even a good gamer, you can now allow anyone to hold a part of what you represent in the simplest way ever, this way you can grow your worth and those who invest in your potential can grow with you at the same time.

Create your own token with Zelantus and let the market do the rest! With only a few clicks your token is ready and then you can only focus on being better every day, so your market value will grow at the same rate with your personal growth.

This new concept is a promising innovation that could prove to be a key factor for the financial freedom that many are working for. The power of a free market could raise one’s value more than he could ever think, and so it could unlock a huge potential for personal growth and visibility.

Imagine being recognized for your genuine work by millions of people, and then overcome any barrier to your personal evolution. This could also help to speed up the process of evolution on a global scale, once certain barriers are gone!

Even though this trend is new, it could certainly take over the market if it will prove its worth to the people.

If your success could speak to you, it would probably say $Zelantus!

Read the Zelantus Whitepaper

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*Cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and while it can provide high gains it can also come with high losses. This article is strictly informative and does not represent financial advice whatsoever. Always do your research before investing in any project.*

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