‘The Cryptomarket is a Bubble’ — my ass!

The Cryptovorist
6 min readJan 7, 2018


Sorry for the title but it just makes the most sense to start off like that. Since the start of the cryptomarket, BTC, people have been saying it’s a bubble and eventually will die out. Ha! I’m so sorry for the people who said or thought that five years ago. They are literately missing the boat. And this is not the Titanic people, this boat is the biggest we’ve seen yet!

Imagine an ocean filled with huge tankers, cruise ships etc. Here comes this little boat made out of wood, with oars and with just a few people in it. All the people om the huge tankers, cruise ships are looking down onto this little vessel and are all laughing, making jokes and placing bets that this tiny boat won’t survive the first storm coming. However, after the storm they go on the lookout for the wooden boat again and to their surprise, they see that wooden boat has become motorised and has gotten an extension on the back on the sides to make it more stable. It’s still small compared to the other ships though but things did change, and guess what, they survived the first storm. Since the wooden boat has become bigger and there is more room, people see the opportunity to jump into the wooden boat and sail along. It’s a challenge, a risk, but hey, there is more fun and action in a small boat on the big waves, that sailing on a cruise ship!
The people in the boat share their knowledge, skills, and crafts and start building up this wooden boat into a small vessel with much more room to grow, the engine gets upgrades to four more and it’s picking up speed. In no time the boat is making circles around the bigger ships and the people on the boat are having a blast “See! We do keep up with you guys”. And as you can imagine, over the years more and more people join the boat, input their knowledge to make the boat better, faster and more table. After 6–7 years we now have a boat which is not only bigger than most of the boats in the ocean we’re sharing but it’s the fastest one, it’s the biggest one and we are still making circles around all the other boats out there. Hell, we cross the whole ocean in half the time the others can. Sure a boat can sink, but we have the engineers, the investors, the skilled people to fill up the holes and improve the structure of the whole boat. The boat is slowly not mastering the sea, it’s becoming the size of an island. When it ankers down it becomes just that, because it simply can. We (the market) are about to lower our ankers and become that!

At the time I’m writing this article the coinmarketcap has surpassed the 800 billion dollars and stands at 831 billion USD. This is not only incredible, this HUGE! This groundbreaking cause we are heading towards a 1 Trillion marketcap….It takes me a few second to realise how many zeros that actually is, USD. And people, believe me, within the 1 quarter of this year we will reach that amount for sure. And people are still talking about ‘a bubble’…haha, I’m sorry but if you don’t get it yet, you will in the near future because you know you will downloading a thing called a wallet because you have to start paying your ‘Frappuccino Caramel Soy Latte’ at your local cafe with a currency you have never heard of.

Why would this happen? Well there are a lot of reasons for that, simply because we’re taking control (for example in flow of money) of what’s owned by the individual and not some bank or other corporate business.
In this day and age, each individual can pick his own ‘personal’ shampoo, toothpaste, washing detergent, food, brand etc. which ‘fits you’. However, we are still limited by the offerings of corporate business making money of our choice and personality we have. And there is coming an end to this, simply because the need is there. The traditional capitalised market won’t be able to survive because there is a limit to growth in this because the economics of present-day has an impact on our habitat, the world we live in. We try like anything to work on these things but we, as individuals, are still pushed by the government or big corporates how they think it should go on behalf of the capitalised market. And if anything is a bubble, it’s just that.

Happy Campers
We all know there are people out there who have become millionaires due to this growing market. Good for them, they were the true believers anyway and should become rewarded accordingly. Even if they sold out, sure, no problem, they took the boat and rocked it hard to the point to which it stands now.
2017 and 2018 are the years of an incredible gain of new followers in the cryptomarket. Sure some start of with 50 USD or some with 50k USD, it doesn’t matter and it’s not about bashing small or big players. It’s about keeping this revolution of decentralisation going and changing the future.
At this point, there are so many new people coming that Exchanges (Binance, Cryptopia and more) aren’t able to keep up. An overload of new ‘believers’ are getting into the cryptomarket. Jeej! This will resolve itself soon because everyone is taking a piece of the pie here but one thing is sure, the people who got in pre-2017, 2017 or around I’m writing this article, are and can still become Happy Campers.

‘Hold On for Dear Life’, whether it’s a crypto you are backing or believe in, do so. The people who have become millionaires aren’t the ones who jumped into the boat at an early stage were HODL’ing like anything. They took on the worst seas, crap and had the toughest jobs of all. For us at this stage of the ride, the boat is still rocking but far far less than in the wooden rowing boat. I believe the ankers will drop around the 1 trillion USD stage and within a few months or perhaps years (I wish I had a crystal ball) this island will turn into a port, the port where all ships will be dropping off and picking up their goods. Banks, businesses and new developments we can even imagine.
If you believe the same thing as I do and you can relate to this story, then HODL. Really HODL and enjoy the ride, of course change places on the ship now and then, it has a lot to offer and if you are a long runner, like me, we will truly become Happy Campers, changing the world around us, having the ride of our lives on the biggest pioneering ship we’ve ever seen, which eventually will build the biggest rocket ship ever created, called something like the SS Enterprise, and expand our market to and on the moon.

The Cryptovorist

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The Cryptovorist

Cryptocurrency analysis, prospects and opinions in a fast moving market which is revolutionising the world we live in.