Michael Wolff and Jeff Goodby Delve into “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House”

Theda Braddock
2 min readJun 23, 2018

“Once a day, I cast my eyes heavenward, and say, ‘Thank God for Donald Trump”.

Sorry, what?

That’s what Mark Wolff, author of “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” proclaimed in his one-on-one with advertising legend Jeff Goodby on Monday. Wolff’s tell-all book rocketed to the top of the Amazon 100 earlier this year, before it was even published, thanks to an article run by The Guardian several days before it hit shelves. Given that context, you can appreciate his gratitude to the American president.

It might seem odd that Wolff, a former advertising journalist, took the plunge into political journalism. But, he explained, “Fire and Fury” reflects Trump’s presidency at large, which has transitioned politics to entertainment and he doesn’t believe what he did can be considered political journalism, in the true sense of the term. In fact “Great Transition” was the tentative title of his book when he pitched the administration on his idea of writing a fly-on-the-wall narrative, a proposal Trump and his circle readily accepted despite the risks, because, as Wolff puts it, “they’re all a bunch of knuckleheads”.

Indeed, he was open-minded when he began his mission with the idea of writing up a narrative of Trump’s game-changing ways in the world of politics, but, shortly after he started, he came to the realization there was another story. From his vantage point, sitting on a couch in…

