Artists, Creatives, Hustlers, and Dreamers — ‘PADAYON’ (Keep Going)

Lei M. Ventures
4 min readOct 27, 2021
Black lettering frame with gold border and “WE SEE YOU” words in black background
Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

Shifting to the “new normal” in a pandemic (although not the best of circumstances) is nothing short of a “vindication” — for remote workers, independent contractors, entrepreneurs, freelancers, artists, and creators,

that we are not just surviving, but thriving.

This, too, is to debunk the myth that working from home is a piece of cake (it definitely is not); that we also mean business and take work seriously. Right on!

Indeed, the challenges of remote work are even more visible now. What used to divide us or made us feel unfit — from what others deem as the norm — is today’s reality. We are living it; experiencing it: these adaptive challenges or the too overwhelming “concept” that. is. the. NEW NORMAL —something we have to live with and soldier on ever since the pandemic happened.

Now, more than ever, we are heard, appreciated, and understood — from our perspective.

And while these truths are something to celebrate and take pride in, there are still people — especially those in the creative industries or the unsung heroes that don’t get the same respect and recognition for a craft they work hard for and do so with so much heart. I see you.

Heck, some won’t even take their hustle for a “real job” and often become subjects of ridicule and comments like: 1) “You dream too little, you have to be out there — outside your comfort zone” or 2) “You don’t have a future, you should find a more stable or decent job.”

Oh Really now!

And these rude (uncalled for) remarks often come from those who think they know you. But don’t.

They don’t know your struggles, hard work, the time and effort you’ve put in drafting proposals, making pitches, creating content, revisions here-and-there, late night extensions, rejections, writers’ or artists’ block, anxiety, and I could go on (honestly).

So please, the next time you feel high and mighty, please check your privileges and think about:

That favorite book or free content you enjoyed reading, retweeting, and sharing online.

Your go-to cappuccino and pastry fix from the café you frequent.

The beautiful painting you've been eyeing for a while now.

Oh! That IG worthy minimalist Korean cake you love.

Or the newest Netflix hit series you’re hyping about on social media.

They, too, were made by underrated, sometimes underpaid, but talented artists or creators trying to make a decent living whilst pursuing their passion or dream.

It’s not all “one hit wonder” or “overnight success.” For some, it’s years of waiting, hard work, sleepless nights, failures, hard earned lessons and experiences.

Others are barely making ends meet or are merely trying to survive the day, and the last thing they need is your prejudice.

Think before being too quick to pass on judgement.

‘PADAYON’ — Keep going.

As a writer myself, things were not handed to me on a silver platter. I also [friggin’] earned it and work as hard as people do in their 9-5s.

It’s not about killing time or sitting in front of a blank screen and Voilà! — there goes your final draft now ready for publication. It doesn’t work that way. Some days are simple — others-[darn] hard and dragging.

Not someone who would take the official route or follow the crowd. I’m content in staying behind the scenes, blend into the background — and (really), just write my heart in.

But this doesn't mean I didn't try enough — work hard enough.

What makes us different or sets us apart from other people’s ‘orbit’ doesn’t make us any less. Or that we are not their equal.

Instead of being awful critics and throwing hate, maybe we should be more encouraging and be happy for other people’s success (as we are of our own).

Instead of judging them by how much they earn or how fancy their lifestyle is, let’s appreciate how much potential, talent, and great their character is.

So yes, here’s to the brave, the night owl, every artist, creative, freelancer, writer, dreamer—everyone who refused to be defined by society or this world’s ideals. I hear you. Be proud of your hustle. Padayon! Keep going!

Everything is possible if you've got enough nerve.

—J. K. Rowling

Cheering you on,



Looking for support? Or want to give some love and appreciation to someone’s Art/Work (including mine),

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Lei M. Ventures

“Do not lose your ‘muchness.’” ✨ Hustler Writer-Frustrated Poetess | Home-baker💥 Of #Grit, #Grind, and #Grace 💯🖤 #Writing #Motivation #LifeLessons #SelfCare