Back to Basics

The Dancing Biochemist
2 min readJul 28, 2019

Hey there Dance Fam,

This is a long overdue post. I was to post something last month but needless to say, adulting caught up with me. But I am here so let’s get right to it. In today’s post, I am delving deep into a new project I have been working on for a few months dubbed, ‘Back to Basics.’

In this project, I have decided to get back to my classical dance training both in ballet and jazz dance and really work on improving my technique. The goal is to perfect, or at the very least get as close to perfection as possible, on the basic skills of each style of dance. Once I have achieved this, I will then focus on learning new skills and build my repertoire from there.

For those of you who do not know me or have not been with me since the beginning of my dance journey, my forte in dance is Hip Hop. I, therefore, have to be intentional when it comes to other styles of dance most especially the classical styles of ballet and jazz dance as they do not come to me as naturally.

I have also implemented a new workout routine that is focused on strengthening my core and legs which are quintessential in classical dance. The Nike Training App has been my go-to for this and needless to say, it really is A1. I have managed to curate a routine (for both workouts and dance) that seamlessly fits in with my other life obligations. I have found that this has made it that much more enjoyable and I am able to be consistent with the program.

My back to basics project was inspired by my desire to keep growing in all aspects of my life. And we all know that to grow, to progress, to achieve greatness, we must keep working at improving. So why not begin from the basics and ensure that your building blocks are a strong enough foundation to add onto?

To anyone reading this and is wishing to start a new venture, or maybe you are experiencing a creative block or you simply want to remind yourself of the joy your craft brings you, I encourage you, to get back to the basics. You surely won’t regret it.

As Always,

Love & Light,

The Dancing Biochemist.



The Dancing Biochemist

Professional Dancer || Ballet, Jazz Dance, HipHop || RAD & ISTD Certified || Founder #TLTD Movement || #TouchingLivesThroughDance || Medical Biochemist