October 21st: Day of parking action in Moseley and Kings Heath

Claire Spencer
2 min readOct 8, 2017


Our parking issues in Moseley, Kings Heath and beyond stem from having more cars than there is space for cars. And while I think we all understand that public transport needs to improve for this to happen, there is no solution to these issues that does not involve people giving up (some of) their cars.

However, streets without driveways near to the centres of both Moseley and Kings Heath are finding it harder to park anywhere near their homes, and I understand (living as I do on Addison Road) the frustration that that brings. People are increasingly telling me that they would like residents parking, and I would like to make a case to Birmingham City Council’s Highways Department that they should start to work out how that could work.

So, on Saturday October 21st, I would like people to volunteer to collect signatures from their street to make the case for a residents parking scheme in Moseley, and another in Kings Heath.

We started this on Newport Road in September — I helped Nicola (pictured) and a couple of other residents to do the whole street in under two hours. With enough people, we could get a lot done in just a few hours:

It will work like this:

  1. Email me on claire.spencer@birmingham.gov.uk to let me know which street (or part of a street) you plan to do, and with whom;
  2. I will let you know if anyone else has already signed up to do that street so that you can work together in such a case, and direct you to the petition sheets;
  3. On Saturday October 21st, you take your sheets and gather as many signatures as possible;
  4. Make arrangements to return them to me — either by dropping them at my house or at Moseley Exchange;
  5. I will present the petitions to Full Council in November, for the attention of the Cabinet Member and the Highways Department.

This way, we can show the Council that there is real citizen support for this work, and have a better chance of getting it started. Residents parking schemes use a lot of resources to design and consult on, and I understand why our Highways Engineers are cautious in undertaking them.

If you are in Kings Heath, you can find your petition sheets here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwBQKk7uJaXQT1pMNUxQSGRwODg

…and if you are in Moseley, your petition sheets are here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwBQKk7uJaXQLUgzWHhuTWhVdjQ

Looking forward to hearing from you, and to joining you on Saturday 21st.



Claire Spencer

Building an #InclusiveWM | Trustee @WTBBC | Devolutionary | Agathist | Lab and Co-op | Speaking to connect, not on behalf of others | Just get the bus, FFS