Almost 75% of the World population is Brainwashed by the Mainstream Media

Dan Hawk
6 min readJul 29, 2016


Are you the resistance ?

If my study proves correctly. There are only 25% of people that aware of the real happenings in this world.

A truly staggering high majority of people in this world are brainwashed , indoctrinated by the mainstream media where it corrupts their minds. They are the ones who believe in the opposite of actual truth.

As the Internet continues to expand there are certain kinds of information online being censored by the likes of Google , Facebook , Twitter.

Over the last few weeks I have noticed that the 3 online giants have been censoring anything pro-Trump and many articles that are FACT about Donald Trump are censored or hidden away. The ‘Streisand Effect’ has happened , people are waking up where they attempt to hide or remove, or censor certain kinds of information from the public this is an unintended consequence of publicising the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.

After watching a programme on the RT news channel I saw an interview with Ana Kasparian who seems to agree that Trolls are people who are critical to thought and to those who disagree with them. Sorry Ana but that’s not what a troll is. A troll is someone who abusively threatens you from violence or worse things such as death threats. People who happen to disagree with you aren't Trolls.

Here is this video with Ana Kasparian answering to the question that Tyrel Ventura asked her.

The irony is that the left are this , they threaten conservative people with alternative views. Some even have death threats on Twitter and Facebook from the regressive left and yet they don’t do nothing about it ? By them allowing this sort of behaviour they clearly support the idea of silencing views they don’t agree with and not only that but they support the idea of attacking Conservatives for their views.

NBC , CNN , ABC , BBC , FOX as are many others are not to be trusted as your news source.

There is an article I came across not too long ago about Donald Trump where He criticized former president George W. Bush for failing to pass hate-crimes legislation in Texas after Matthew Shepard’s murder, and he called for an end to the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Both of those changes have since happened (LGBT-inclusive hate-crimes law at the federal level, not in Texas).

Trump — “I like the idea of amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include a ban of discrimination based on sexual orientation,”

Trump — “amending the Civil Rights Act would grant the same protection to gay people that we give to other Americans — it’s only fair.

Gay Conservative Libertarian ‘Milo Yiannopoulos’ recently banned from social media site ‘Twitter’

Milo Yiannopoulos who happens to be a homosexual endorses Donald Trump for U.S presidency.

Milo Yiannopoulos — “What’s interesting about Trump is the message that he has against political correctness which has been such a cancer infecting the political left, should be a message that homosexuals are receptive to, after all the best thing about gay culture is the dissidence, the subversion the mischief, and when you couple that with what happened in Orlando recently and the lefts total failure to stick up for gay people and instead its insistence on pandering to radical Islam, you see quite obviously why gay people, who I think are natural libertarians, are graduating towards Trump.

“I’m seeing hundreds of people emailing me and tweeting me and all the rest of it, I have a reasonably good idea of what gay people are thinking about as I now have a big enough audience that I can judge how many people are feeling a particular way and I’m seeing a huge change among gays, and it should be worrying for the left, a huge change among gays who are sort of voting grudgingly for Trump.”

“Donald Trump is probably the most pro gay presidential candidate in history, he’s definitely the most pro gay republican candidate in history, so if you’re someone that believes in a small state and freedom but you've been put off sometimes by the social attitudes of old style republicans, Donald Trump is for you”

“He was defending gay people against the Clinton's twenty years ago. Hillary Clinton will do nothing for gays and the gays who are ‘I’m with her’ kind of homosexuals, are dumb as sticks. They are really stupid people, this is a candidate who has done nothing for blacks, though blacks always vote for her, nothing for gays, although gays always vote for her. These people are dumb and they've been brainwashed by the left.”

Gays for Trump Supporter ‘Nestor Moto, Jr’

The likes of Google , Facebook , Twitter are censoring this information. They are the ones wanting to make Trump out to be the evil guy. They want to bring fear to the public and to the LGBT community over Trump. They feel deeply threatened , mortified even but in reality no one has nothing to fear it’s the left that are causing this fear not Trump.

Leftist media claiming that Trump is a RACIST , FASCIST , HOMOPHOBIC , TRANSPHOBIC ! are all lies. If you are believing this then you have been listening to the mainstream media for too long and the others who tell you this are sheep because of following it. We all have our own minds to use instead of being told. Instead of being told how about looking up credible news sources to seek the truth. The mainstream media are twisting and changing Trumps views around. It has been commonly known in the past for the mainstream media to write the views of people in their own perspective.

The left clearly want to remove the truth , their epistemophobic approach is very dangerous , they are wanting to form a future where all truth is suppressed.

Reverse psychology is exactly what the leftist mainstream media are doing and it’s dangerous , it must be destroyed immediately because this is not truth at all.

Hillary ‘Hitlery’ Clinton

Clinton must never win the election , she will destroy America , she will make the LGBT community less safe , she will make all Americans less safe with her open borders policy.

Just look at the disastrous policy by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Many innocent German citizens have lost their lives due to these extremists coming into Germany and using the refugee system as a loophole to get into Europe who are from uncivilised countries. Angela Merkel is guilty and so are the European Union. She and all of the EU bureaucrats have blood on their hands and they should all hang their heads in shame.

