Twitter’s Double Standards & The Banning of its Conservative users

Dan Hawk
2 min readNov 16, 2016


Jack Dorsey : CEO of Twitter Inc.

The popular social networking site is cracking down on it’s users they dont agree with. Conservatives are seeing their accounts closed down.

Earlier this year Milo Yiannopoulos was banned by the social media giant. Milo was accused of maliciously racist memes and messages. Twitter attributed the source of this vitriol to Milo, accusing him of violating their rules.

Twitter is violating a right to free speech and this is totally unacceptable for them to ban someone because of their views and opinions. Twitter is only cool with liberals with their free speech because they happen to agree with it ? I mean a few days ago I saw an awful hashtag trending #RapeMelania and by Twitter allowing that to trend means they agree with it !

Twitter is riddled with double standard hypocrisy because I see many twitter users tweeting for the assassination of Trump . This is completely unacceptable. What if Hillary Clinton actually won the election last week and someone called for the assassination of Hillary Clinton? I guarantee that Twitter would ban you in a heartbeat and not to mention the police would be arresting you within’ hours after posting it.

It’s time for Twitter to be punished. They clearly do not respect democracy nor do they respect the president elect Donald Trump to allow such tweets from users to incite violence and dangerous threat.

I urge all conservatives to ditch Twitter and sign up to GAB , Gab is a brand new Twitter rival that welcomes Freedom of speech. It has a built in self censorship feature to prevent yourself from seeing things you disagree with. I for one welcome this feature.

