Doug Jones was elected for this moment in history

Carson Jones
4 min readJan 31, 2020


I was struck by something remarkable the other day as I sat in the gallery of the United States Senate while the President’s defense team laid out their case for acquittal. I was struck by the lack of attention from the Senators. The lack of note taking. The lack of engagement with the lawyer’s presentations. Most sat quietly in their chairs with their eyes glazed over and blank expressions on their faces. Some shuffled papers back and forth. Others looked incessantly into their laps, obviously checking the time on their watches or on well-hidden cellphones. Every so often a note was taken, a detail quickly jotted down for later reference. But on the whole, many of the senators sat at empty desks counting down the minutes to cast a predestined vote in favor or against.

Most except for one lone Senator in the far corner of the chamber. He was bent over his desk the entire time showing everyone in the gallery his balding head. I think he only looked up a handful of times, occasionally with a perplexed look or a quick nod of understanding. The entire time his left hand zoomed across page after page after page of notes on the items being discussed. Every single presenter was given the same level of detail and attention. Each note hastily scribbled so not to miss the next one. As the last presenter of the day yielded his time back to the Chief Justice and my father, Senator Doug Jones took a long exhausted breath, I don’t know that I’ve ever been more proud.

Proud not only that he is my father, but that he is representing our state at arguably one of this country’s most important moments in her history.

While he has many accomplishments in his short time in the Senate, his legacy will ultimately be intertwined with the impeachment and either acquittal or removal of President Donald J. Trump. Furthermore, this vote will undoubtedly follow him into his difficult re-election this fall. Will the base be angered enough not to show up and vote for him if he votes to acquit? Will Republicans dismiss his many accomplishments and good deeds for the state if he votes to remove?

Well, fortunately for the state of Alabama, they have one of the only United States Senators who isn’t focused on his own re-election or the politics of the situation. They have one of the only United States Senators actively attempting to understand the facts of the situation and use his legal mind to assess whether the alleged wrongdoings of the president are worthy of the first removal of a president in our 243 year history. The weight of history and this case is not an easy burden to bear.

To be honest, my father isn’t eating well. He isn’t sleeping well. And for the 24 hours he has been able to return home in the midst of this impeachment hearing, I can tell his mind can’t turn“off”. He’s constantly thinking, he’s constantly analyzing the facts, and working to determine the most just way forward. For him, this case does not start when he’s called to the chamber and end when the Chief Justice calls a recess. This case, the reading, and the preparation he has put into it has permeated every moment of his life for the last month.

While my opinion is obviously a bit biased, my father works incredibly hard every single day and twice on Sundays for the people of this state. Regardless of how the other party or the media will portray him, he puts justice and humanity above himself and his party affiliation. While most everyone on Twitter has already decided where they stand on the case at hand, I urge you to trust one of the few people who has listened fervently to every hour of testimony. Who has written hundreds of pages of notes. And who has the legal prowess to come to a fair and just decision.

Undoubtedly, there will be people on one side of the aisle or the other that will be angry at the vote he casts. But for my family, my dad’s dedicated Senate staff, his passionate campaign staff, and his many supporters, we will trust him whichever way he comes down on this vote. We know that no Senator has spent the time on this case that he has. That no Senator has put his personal opinions and politics to the side like he has. And that no Senator understands the gravity of their decision more than he does.

And if this vote costs him his re-election in the fall, I know he will hold his head up high. He won’t regret his vote. He won’t feel sorry for himself. Some call his election to the Senate a fluke, but he’s exactly where he’s supposed to be.

Because Doug Jones was elected for this moment in history and I, my family, and our state couldn’t be more proud.



Carson Jones

Zookeeper. Advocate. Creator. Speaker. Listener. Mover. Shaker. Friend. Son.