Data Retrieval Possible From Linux Systems

Andrew Bell
2 min readJul 27, 2017


LINUX is a popular operating system that’s easy to operate. This operating system features an option called ‘Undelete’. Using this option, it becomes easy to recover and even restore the accidentally deleted data. The command helps in rewinding the operation and makes it easy enough to recover the data being deleted from a LINUX computing system. However, there are times when the ‘Undelete’ option doesn’t seem to be effective enough for the part (considering the criticality of the situation).

Linux data recovery without the Undelete function can be much critical. It would require expansive knowledge regarding the data retrieval part. There are tons of system files in a LINUX operating system. When carrying out data recovery manually, without the help of Undelete option, there is a need to deal with these system files. A slight mistake or misinterpretation of the files can result in bigger system failure. Henceforth, you must be very careful in handling the process. An expert help would be just the most convincing idea to consider.

When dealing with data recovery and system files, you will notice that there are many files that feature the inbuilt Undelete option for reversal of action. It can help much in the process. But then, such a feature is not available with all the file systems. Also, the Undelete feature also comes with a share of the risk factor. This is what makes scenarios even more critical. When there is an option to retrieve deleted data with a single click, it always promises a chance of data hacking and challenges the data security part. Yes, it is definitely something to consider. Breaching of data privacy can be a dangerous thing for your business or organization.

There are also certain versions of LINUX OS that comes with the option of an interface with a sort of ‘holding area’ concept. What this concept does is the fact that when a folder or file is being deleted, then any information related to these files gets moved into the ‘holding area’ and gets periodically deleted. When you are dealing with Mac and Windows operating systems, the concept is commonly referred to as TRASH. Well, speaking about modern day Linux OS, most of the recent versions still come with the Undelete feature. However, there are some that don’t support this feature and opts for Linux recovery through command prompt, if at all such a scenario is possible. If not, then, professional help is needed. When dealing with Linux system files, you will find certain files like the ex2 that comes with the inbuilt recovery feature known as ‘e2undel’ that can retrieve several recently deleted files from ex2 systems being based on the LINUX devices. And then, there is also the ext3 file systems you will find in Linux. These files on a general note, don’t support the Undelete option. There are also other files like ext4, ReiserFS and some more that don’t come with the Undelete feature option. So, data retrieval becomes manual through the help of professional experts. Anyways, Linux data retrieval experts are available in good numbers in the market.

