How to Make Your Slow Mac Faster? — Tips You Should Try

Andrew Bell
3 min readFeb 3, 2017


The Mac is one of the most advanced computing devices which we absolutely love. However, the Mac, beloved as it might be, is an electronic gadget nonetheless and like all electronic gadgets they wear and tear as time passes. Therefore, with the passage of time, the Mac grows slower. It continues on that path, until one day it becomes so slow that it becomes hard for us to do any work on it. Now, it isn’t affordable and neither is it practical idea to buy a new Mac every time. But, we cannot work normally with such a slow machine now, can we? So, what can we do? Well, there are a few things that you can do to make your Mac a lot faster than ever. These things are not really complicated and you don’t need to put in a lot of effort to make your Mac faster. You just need to be a little smart. In the following post, we would be taking a look at some of the things that you must do to make your Mac faster.

Now, before you make any hardware upgrades to your Mac, you must take a look at the Mac itself. Modern Macs are sealed in tight just like the iPad. Making changes to the hardware of these computers are tougher as opening the device and making hardware upgrades can void your guaranty. So, you should better check these things before you make any changes to the device.

So, let us now take a look at the things that you need to take to make the slow Mac a lot faster.

  1. Update and Reinstall Your MacOS

One of the most of the simple yet effective things that you can do is to make suitable changes to the system by updating the MacOS. You can also try out to reinstall the OS as that would also increase the speed of your Mac.

2. Upgrade Your SSD

Most modern Mac computers have a Solid State Drive as the memory storage system. You might also have a Mac with older mechanical drive systems. You can make changes to the memory system. More memory means more muscle for the computer and the computer could carry on its task with a greater ease. This would only make the computer faster. So, upgrading your hardware would be another great option to consider.

3. Clean Up Your System

Almost every task that the computer does generates a certain amount of data. Now, we don’t have much use for the data but still the data gets stored in our system. This often slows down the system. In such cases, you would need to clean up your system and make the necessary changes to the system.

If you lose some of your valuable data in the process, then you can always take the help of the leading names in Mac data recovery. If you are in UK, you can always take the help of the leading names in the field of Data Recovery UK, as they possess a great deal of expertise as they help you get the best services at the best prices. So, take the help of the experts and get the best help that you need.

