Superstitions and beliefs in Gambling

Brenda David
4 min readMar 6, 2023


Superstitions and beliefs in Gambling

Gambling has been a popular pastime for centuries, and with it comes a wide array of superstitions and beliefs. Some people believe that certain actions or items can bring good luck, while others believe in rituals or strategies that can increase their chances of winning. In this article, we will explore some of the most common superstitions and beliefs in gambling.

Lucky Charms

Many gamblers carry lucky charms with them to bring good luck. These can be anything from a rabbit’s foot to a lucky coin or a horseshoe. Some players even wear specific clothing items, such as a lucky shirt or hat, to increase their chances of winning.


Certain numbers are considered lucky in different cultures, and this belief carries over into gambling. For example, the number seven is considered lucky in many Western cultures, while the number eight is considered lucky in China. Some players will only bet on certain numbers or patterns, believing that this will increase their chances of winning.


Gamblers often have specific rituals that they perform before or during a game to bring good luck. This can be something as simple as crossing their fingers or saying a prayer, or something more elaborate like blowing on the dice or spinning the roulette wheel in a certain way.

You won’t regret checking out this amazing blog that I recently discovered! THE PSYCHOLOGY OF GAMBLING SUPERSTITIONS.


Some people believe that their horoscope can predict their luck in gambling. They may consult their horoscope before placing a bet or choose to gamble on certain days of the week or month that are considered lucky for their sign.

The Gambler’s Fallacy

The gambler’s fallacy is the belief that previous events can affect the probability of future events. For example, if a player flips a coin and it lands on heads ten times in a row, they may believe that the next flip is more likely to be tails. In reality, each flip of the coin is an independent event with its own probability.


While not a superstition or belief in the traditional sense, many gamblers believe that certain strategies can increase their chances of winning. For example, some players believe that counting cards in blackjack can give them an edge, while others may use a specific betting system to manage their bankroll.

In conclusion, superstitions and beliefs play a significant role in gambling. While some may be based on tradition or cultural beliefs, others may be based on misconceptions about probability or the effectiveness of certain strategies. Whether or not these beliefs actually improve a player’s chances of winning is up for debate, but for many, they are an integral part of the gambling experience.


Gambling superstitions have been around for centuries, with players believing that certain actions or items can bring them good luck or increase their chances of winning. But where do these superstitions come from? In this article, we will explore some of the sources of gambling superstitions.

Cultural Beliefs

Many gambling superstitions are rooted in cultural beliefs. For example, in Chinese culture, the number eight is considered lucky, while the number four is considered unlucky. This belief carries over into gambling, with some players choosing to bet on specific numbers or patterns based on cultural superstitions.

Historical Events

Some gambling superstitions have their origins in historical events. For example, the superstition of never counting your money at the table may have originated in the Old West when gamblers carried their money in a roll and counting it could reveal how much they had.

Personal Experiences

Gamblers may develop their own superstitions based on personal experiences. For example, if a player wins a big hand while wearing a certain shirt, they may believe that the shirt is lucky and wear it for future games. These personal superstitions may not make sense to others, but they can be powerful beliefs for the individual.

Movies and Pop Culture

Movies and pop culture can also play a role in gambling superstitions. For example, in the movie “The Sting,” the characters use a lucky white handkerchief to help them win at poker. This may have led some viewers to adopt the belief that a white handkerchief can bring them luck in gambling.

Misconceptions About Probability

Many gambling superstitions are based on misconceptions about probability. For example, some players believe that a machine or table is “due” for a win after a long losing streak, even though each event is independent and has its own probability.

Psychological Factors

Finally, some gambling superstitions may be rooted in psychological factors. For example, a player may believe that touching a certain object or performing a certain ritual can give them control over the game, even though this is not based in reality.

In conclusion, gambling superstitions can come from a variety of sources, including cultural beliefs, historical events, personal experiences, movies and pop culture, misconceptions about probability, and psychological factors. While these beliefs may not have any real impact on a player’s chances of winning, they can add to the excitement and mystique of the gambling experience.

