A Story Of Regret

Before you`ll start reading this you need to understand one thing. This story has no plan at the moment of writing it. It’s something that I need to spit out.

Dawid Pacholczyk
3 min readNov 20, 2019
Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash

It’s a short story of how I understood that I regret things in my life, and haw I learned that “regret” can be actually something good. It’s a story about what matters and how everybody can improve.

The most boring phrase I ever heard is

I regret nothing cause every decision made me who am I today

For years I forced myself to believe in that. I wanted to think in the exact same way. Now I’m over my 30`s and I’ve understood that it’s a lie.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that people who believe in that are wrong. I’m happy with them. If they truly don’t regret anything then they are both lucky and happy. It must be an awesome feeling. I’m saying that I regret a lot of things and I believe that those “better” decisions that I could make in the past, would make me who am I today much faster. There is even a chance that thanks to different decisions I would be a better person than now.

I’m not an unhappy person. I have a loving family (wife and two sons), two dogs. I live in a nice place, I’m able to go on a cool vacation with…



Dawid Pacholczyk

Manager, lecturer, researcher. I turn knowledge and experience into words to help others.