3 Tips From A Non-Parent To A Real Parent

David S. Smith
5 min readApr 13, 2019
Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels

The moment one becomes a parent, you’d think things begin to become more… apparent. The truth is no one is ready to have children, and half the time it appears to be an impulsive decision. A lot of these parents scare the hell out of me if I’m being honest. They don’t carry morals or values of their own, so how are they supposed to instill them if they don't know themselves? Before someone or a couple has children, they try to brainstorm ideas about how their child’s life will be portrayed and think they are in total control of their behavior and actions. Don’t get ahead of yourself, it’s far more complex than that. I’ve witnessed it before my eyes. Though I don’t have kids of my own, I do have four nieces so I have a genuine idea. However, to avoid losing your sanity trying to control your children, perhaps you can take an alternative route to better assist you with raising your flesh and blood.

Don’t Yell at Your Kids for Every Little Thing

A common mistake we all share is we become easily annoyed by life in general, leading us to grow more annoyed by anyone and anything in sight. With that annoyance comes a change in tone, and often times is misinterpreted for hate. Aside from personal adult matters, your child may be having a hard day and you’re not making it any better so they bust out the infamous “I hate you”…

