Melissa Ng
Melewi — Product, Business + Design
3 min readNov 24, 2014


So much of why we do what we do has been shaped by our adventures, experiences and insights.

We’ve worked pretty damn hard to build exceptional products for our awesome clients — but we’ve also worked hard to build a life we want. Having the freedom to see the world while designing, connecting with users on the ground while funnelling our experiences into our work has been nothing short of amazing.

While this list is never final and will always be constantly revised, here are the 8 values we live and work by today:

1. We’re tiny, but kickass

Although we’re intentionally small, our thinking is anything but: we’re kickass and bold with ideas. We respond fast, iterate quickly, and collaborate with ease.

2. The grand plan & the nitty-gritty

It’s not just about the pixel-perfect-nitty-gritty. It’s about how everything aligns so your grand plan can come to life.

3. We design for people

The best products don’t have to be understood; they understand. We put your users at the centre of everything we do to delight them with an exceptional experience.

4. We’re about fun — not bullshit

Working with us is like working with friends. It’s an open, frank and fun relationship.

5. Awesome people make a great business

Working with awesome people makes everything else awesome too.

6. Our office is everywhere

We might work remotely, but we think ‘working local’ describes us better. We travel to gain perspective, inspiration, and understanding; so we can build products and businesses grounded in the real world, for real people.

7. Others say why — we say why not?

We’re always learning, aiming higher and striving further. Once we’ve mastered a challenge, we can’t wait to get onto the next.

8. We get it right

Nothing we do is incidental. Great ideas deserve more than something accidentally adequate, so we make sure to get it right.

Melewi is a travelling UX & UI design studio with a global perspective.

Strategy, UX, Web, Mobile.

We live to make users, product and business make sense together. An excellent user experience means thinking hard about how to make your product work so your users don’t have to.

Conference calls with clients located around the world are just another day at the office for us — wherever that may be. We work remotely from San Francisco, Melbourne, Singapore and anywhere a plane can take us.

We believe every brilliant idea deserves to be built — no matter the shape or size. We work with entrepreneurs all across the globe to turn their dreams into real life successes.



Melissa Ng
Melewi — Product, Business + Design

Entrepreneur, product designer, leukaemia survivor and human being who struggles with her mental health — CEO @