Dumpster Fire Recap: The Bachelor 2/27

3 min readMar 3, 2017

We only get to spend an hour with our boring hero this week. Four ladies remain and Dorf just arrived to have a talk with Nick. Surely the show wouldn’t tease a trivial chat about nothing. Let’s find out!

Dorf is here, but why? They literally have a trivial chat about nothing. It’s like she’s a Russian ambassador or something. One thing is apparent from this chat is that Nick and Dorf have better chemistry together than any of the remaining ladies. They should just get together and end this dumb season. On to the rose ceremony!

Praying for this season to end

Rachel, Vanessa, Corinne, and Raven are battling for three roses, as far as they know. Will skinny Seth Rogen give them all out? That’s what we’re here to see. Corinne and Rachel both dropped the L bomb. Raven and Vanessa have not.

RAVEN gets the first rose.
RACHEL gets the second rose.
VANESSA gets the third rose.

And we finally bid adieu to Corinne. Really think she got played by the producers and kind of feel bad for her, but she’s 12 years younger than him. Guessing she’ll be fine and we’ll see her in a few months in Paradise. Her post break-up limo ride makes me no longer feel bad for her.

Corinne after the break-up

Hope the remaining ladies brought their finest winter gear, because this party is headed to Finland. Thanks to global warming, it’s not quite as cold as it used to be. However, they only get four hours of sunlight each day. Make sure you bring a vitamin D supplement.

Get it? Vitamin D…

Raven gets the first Finland date. It’s a big date. The fantasy suite is in play. The L-bomb could be dropped. Nick will wear his finest turtle neck sweater. After a quick helicopter tour of the arctic wasteland, they head to the local pub for some darts and awkward conversation. Nick mumbles and they have an extended conversation about doing laundry.

What if George do laundry?

A lot goes down when we get to dinner time. None of it good for Raven’s ex boyfriend. We learn that Raven has never dropped the L bomb AND has never had an O bomb. She dated her last boyfriend for TWO YEARS. Has anyone checked on that guy since this episode aired?

We just saw the episode and wanted to check on you…

After some classic Nick mumbling and more awkward conversation, they finally get to the main course. She wastes her first ever L bomb on Nick and they’re off to the fantasy suite to see if Nick can get the job done. Good luck!

to be continued…

#1 Dean Machine (10) — Vanessa, OUT Taylor [+1]
#2 B-Squad (7) — Raven, OUT Liz [+1]
#3 Team #GrownSexy (7) — Rachel, OUT ElizabethW [+1]
#4 Sam Salami Jugglers (9) — OUT Corinne/Alexis
#5 LJ’s Lovelies (10) — OUT DanielleM/Kristina
#6 Dizzle’s Skank Squad (4) — OUT DanielleL/Lacey
#7 Gergg’s Geishas (5) — OUT Whitney/Brittany
#8 The Michaels (8) — OUT Jasmine/Jaime/Hailey/Dominique
#9 Noodle’s Canoodlers (6) — OUT Astrid/Josephine
#10 Cash Money Camilionaires (3) — OUT Sarah/Christen

