The Dieringer Research Group, Inc. (The DRG)
The Dieringer Research Group, Inc. (The DRG)

We are marketing research consultants ready to help you change the world by focusing on what matters most to your brand, your customers, and your employees. We see it as a partnership built on so much more than the data. Yes, data is a gold mine. And we know how to use it to find what’s truly valuable. That’s where we shine. We do the digging and analysis to find what’s meaningful – to reveal the story in the data. So now you can move forward with confidence, ensuring your next chapter is even better than the last.

Our firm’s size informs our approach. We know your name, every project is personal, and your success is the foundation upon which we build an ongoing, thriving business relationship.

The Dieringer Research Group, Inc. (The DRG)

The Dieringer Research Group, Inc. (The DRG)

Specializing in CX, BX, and EX research/consulting — we bring the human component to marketing research. WBENC-certified. Visit our site: