☄️ The F.A.S.T Method for Building Your Next Product

A quick guided approach to rapid development and delivery.

Cherlock Code
5 min readMar 30, 2024

One of the great things about learning to code is that the more you learn and start building things the better you get.

There’s no greater feeling than seeing your ideas come to life 🤩

The better you get at building things, the more you start to see patterns and better ways of working.

You might find that you encounter fewer bugs, or your project set-up process becomes more efficient or you can write code and solve problems faster.

Now let’s say you want to take all these skills you’ve built up to the next level and actually start shipping your personal projects as SaaS or other products to users.

How do you manage that process in a structured way that allows you to rapidly develop and deliver high-quality products?

This is where implementing a standardised methodology can make all the difference.

In this article, I’ll introduce the F.A.S.T. framework — an approach I’ve developed for quickly going from idea to launch 🚀.

A laptop with a meteor blasting into it
AI generated image created using DALL·E 3

By following the F.A.S.T methodology, you can build momentum during each phase of product development — from building the foundations all…



Cherlock Code

An ever-growing dev | Passionate about coding & self-improvement 🌱 I share tips for powering up your programming productivity 🚀 evergrowingdev.substack.com