🧑‍🎨 It’s Time to Stop Consuming and Start Creating

A quick guide for when to study and when to build.

Cherlock Code
6 min readFeb 22, 2024

We’re all consumers.

Consumers of products, consumers of services, and probably most of all — consumers of content.

Content is everywhere, we can’t avoid it nowadays. Every time you pick up your smartphone or laptop or tablet, you’re getting ready to consume content.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as good content can be really valuable. However, when you add learning how to code to the mix of the content you’re consuming, it can be easy to get stuck in an endless loop of tutorials, courses, blogs, and videos.

You start to think that maybe just one more Udemy course or YouTube tutorial will finally make you employable and ready to build real-world applications.

But the truth is, no amount of passive consumption will ever prepare you to be a job-ready developer.

At some point, you have to make the transition from endlessly consuming coding content to actively creating with what you’ve learned.

A young dev building a computer
AI generated image created using Midjourney

That’s when you truly cement your knowledge, build a portfolio, and gain the confidence to take on more complex programming work.



Cherlock Code

An ever-growing dev | Passionate about coding & self-improvement 🌱 I share tips for powering up your programming productivity 🚀 evergrowingdev.substack.com